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Definition. unrestricted notion of hash function h(x)compression (e.g., h(x) fixed bit length)ease of computationkeyed and unkeyed. Classification. MDC (manipulation detection codes) or MIC (message integrity codes), unkeyedOne-Way Hash Functions (OWHFs)Collision Resistant Hash Functions (CRHF
1. Chapter 9: hash function Slides by
Daniele Mazzocchi
2. Definition unrestricted notion of hash function h(x)
compression (e.g., h(x) fixed bit length)
ease of computation
keyed and unkeyed
3. Classification MDC (manipulation detection codes) or MIC (message integrity codes), unkeyed
One-Way Hash Functions (OWHFs)
Collision Resistant Hash Functions (CRHFs)
MAC (message authentication codes)
both authentication and integrity
requires no additional mechanism
4. Properties Preimage resistance: given y it’s computationally infeasible to find a value x s.t. h(x)=y
2-nd preimage resistance: given x and y=h(x) it’s computationally infeasible to find a value x’?x s.t. h(x’)=h(x)
collision resistance: it’s computationally infeasible to find any two distinct values x’,x s.t. h(x’)=h(x)
5. Classification
6. Properties of MAC MAC is a family of functions hk (parameterized by the secret key k)
ease of computation (if k is known !!)
compression, x is of arbitrary length, hk(x) has fixed length
computation resistance, given some pairs (xi,hk(xi)) is infeasible to compute a new pair (x, hk(x)) for any new x? xi
7. Attacks against MDC
OWHF: given y find x s.t. h(x)=y; or given (x,h(x)) find x’ ?x s.t. h(x’)=h(x)
CHRF: find any two inputs x’ ?x s.t. h(x’)=h(x) (birthday attack)
against MAC
without knowing k compute (x, hk(x)) given (xi,hk(xi)) with xi ?x
known-text attack, chosen text-attack, adaptive chosen text-attack
selective and existential forgery
8. Hash properties in application
9. Relations between properties collision resistance?2nd preimage resistance
collision resistance does not guarantee preimage resistance
let hk a MAC. Then hk against chosen-text attack is both:
2nd preimage and collision resistant
preimage resistant
10. General model for iterated hash functions
11. Detailed view
12. Merkle’s meta-method any collision resistant compression function f can be extended to a CRHF
Merkle’s meta-method provides an efficient way to construct CRHF from f
n bit ouput, r bit chain variable
collision for h would imply collision for f for some stage i
with inclusion of the length no encoded input is a prefix of another encoded input
Merkle-Damgard strengthening
13. Padding Ambiguous Padding: Append to the message as few 0-bits as necessary to obtain a string to make its length a multiple of block-size
Unambiguous Padding
Append a 1 to the message
Do Ambiguous Padding
14. Security objectives
15. Basic attack basic hash attack (repeated attempts)
a n-bit unkeyed hash function has ideal security if satisfy the upper bounds for OWHF and CHRF
MAC key exhaustive key search (known-text attack),requires 2t operations
MAC guessing must require requires 2n operations
16. Basic attack (ctd.) precomputation of hash values (memory-time tradeoff)
parallelization of 2nd-preimage
long message attack for 2nd-preimage. If h is iterated and no MD strengthening. 2nd-preimage can be found in time (2n/s)+s, space n(s+log s) bits, for 1?s?min(t, 2n/2 )
birthday attack on intermediate results
17. Bitsize required OWHF n>=80
CHRF n>=160 (birthday attack)
MAC n>=64 with key of at least 64 bits
off-line attacks possible given text-MAC pairs, but properties derive from secrecy of the key (so t is important)
try to limit the number of queries for on-line attacks
18. Hash function derived from block ciphers block cipher are already available (not starting from scratch)
single-length (n bit) or double-length (2n bit)
single for OWHF construction
double for CHRF construction (usually n=64, so for collision resistance you need 128 bit)
19. Single length MDCs
20. Double length MDC MDC-2 and MDC-4 require respectively 2 and 4 block cipher operation per block of input
21. MD4 designed from scratch specifically for software implementation on 32-bit machines
define f,g,h auxiliary function
starting point for MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD
128 bit output
broken construction as a CRHF, Dobbertin found collision for meaningful messages
22. MD4 details pad the messages adding the encoding of the length. m block of 512 bit =16m 32 bit words x0,x1,...x16m-1
23. MD5 additional 4th round of 16 step, and another function k
change round 2 function
modification of access order
modification of shift amounts
no collision for the iterated construction, collision for the compression function
24. SHA-1 160 bits, five 32-bit variable used
four rounds, f,g,h the same as in MD4 every round has 20 steps
expansion: each 16-word message block is expanded to an 80-word block
modification in rotation
stronger than MD5
25. RIPEMD-160 compression function maps 21-words input (5-word chaining variable, 16-word message block, 32 bit words) to 5 words output
more rounds than MD-4
security comparable with SHA-1
26. Keyed-hash functions (MAC) birthday attack on MACs. Let h a MAC based on an iterated compression function which has a n bits chaining variable. Forgery is possible using O(2n/2) known text-MAC pairs plus a number v of chosen text MAC-pairs 1?v? 2n-m
28. Security of CBC-MAC the optional step prevents chosen-text existential forgery without impacting intermediate stages
existential forgery: the basic CBC-MAC is secure only for messages of a fixed number of blocks. Having (x1,H1) and (x2,H2) and requesting ((x1 ||z),M) it’s possible to construct a new message s.t. (x2 ||(H1?z? H2),M) is valid. MD strengthening doesn’t help
29. MAC derived from MDC the most widely used construction (e.g., IPSec, SSL)
three different strategies
secret prefix method
secret suffix method
enveloping method
30. Secret prefix method MDC h with compression function f: H0=IV, Hi=f(Hi-1, xi), h(x)= Ht H0=IV
construction: simple prepending secret key k and MAC is M=h(k||x)
it’s possible to forge the scheme appending y and deducing h(k||x||y) form h(k||x) without knowing k !!
even MD-strengthening doesn’t help (it’s possible to take into account x size)
insecure also the approach of using k as H0
31. Secret suffix method the MAC on x is M=h(x||k)
possible a birthday attack, an adversary that can choose x can construct x’ for which h(x)=h(x’) in O(2n/2)
the adversary can construct the pair (x’,M)
the method essentially calculates hash and encrypt it in the final stage
not a good method
32. Enveloping method with padding hk(x)=h(k||p||x||k)
p is a string used to pad k to length of one block: at least two iterations
better than the other two but not the best one
STATE OF THE ART: hash-based MAC HMAC(x)=h(k||p1||h(k|| p2||x)) p1 and p2 are padding string. Quit efficient, the outer hash operates on an input of two blocks
33. Integrity and authentication Data integrity=data has not been altered since creation time
Data origin authentication=a party is corroborated as the source of specified data (includes data integrity)
message authentication= analogous to data origin authentication
MAC doesn’t provide non-repudiation
for guarantees about timeliness and uniqueness additional techniques are needed
34. Methods for data integrity
35. Transaction Authentication Message Authentication does not provide Transaction authentication.
eg. Replay Attack
Use of TVPs
RNs in challenge-response protocols
Sequence Numbers
Time stamps
36. Does encryption alone guarantee data integrity ? if the message has enough redundancy integrity will derive directly from correct decryption (need of knowing the key)
ECB re-ordering
encryption of random data
bit manipulation in additive stream cipher (especially known-plaintext)
bit manipulation in DES ciphertext blocks
37. MDC & encryption C=Ek(x||h(x))
security is strictly related with that of the encryption algorithm regardless od the strength of MDC
never use with additive stream-cipher if known-plaintext are possible
(x, Ek(h(x)). h must be CRHF
38. MAC & encryption use a MAC instead of MDC
even if someone breaks the encryption the MAC still provides integrity
main drawback: two key to manage
precludes exhaustive attacks on MAC key
care in choosing the combination of MAC and encryption algorithm
bad choice: MAC-CBC with CBC encryption
39. Advanced attacks Birthday attacks
Pseudo-collisions and compression function attacks
Chaining attacks
Attacks based on properties of the underlying cipher
40. Birthday attack based on birthday paradox
running time O(2n/2)
usable against all the unkeyed hash function
41. Yuval’s birthday attack INPUT: legitimate message x1, fraudulent message x2, m-bit hash function h
OUTPUT; x1’ and x2’ s.t. h(x1’)=h(x2’)
generate t=2m/2 minor modifications x1’ of x1
hash each x1’ and store hash values h(x1’)
generate minor modifications x2’ of x2, calculate h(x2’) and compare it with values h(x1’), until a match is found
the collision are “real” and of direct practical consequences if meaningful messages are constructed
42. Memoryless variation deterministic mapping used to approximate random walk (Floyd’s algorithm)
let g(x1,H)= x1’ a function that expresses the way in which modification are obtained. If x1 is fixed g x1(H)= x1’
we define
collision search is then applied to r
if h behaves as a random mapping the parity of H and H’ will differ when collision is found
in this case h(g x1(H))=h(g x2(H’))
the colliding pair of variations is x1’ = g x1(H) and x2’ = g x2(H’)
43. Pseudo-collisions collisions allowing different IVs for the different message inputs
theoretical and not pratical notion
trivial collision for random IVs
h(IV,x1x2)=f(f(IV, x1), x2)
IV’=f(IV, x1 ) h(IV’, x2)= h(IV,x1x2) (collision !!)
MD strengthening avoid it
44. Attacks on compression function f chaining variable act as IV, f as h and a single input block xi in place of message x
attacks on compression function can be extended to similar attack on the iterated hash function (same complexity)
45. Chaining attacks correcting-block
similar to Yuval attack but seek collision on intermediate result
necessary to invert the compression function
fixed point
a pair (Hi-1,xi) s.t. f(Hi-1, xi)= Hi-1
insertion of arbitrary number of identical block xi at this chain point
use MD strengthening
differential chaining attacks
46. Attacks based on underlyng cipher y=Ek(x)?y’=Ek’(x’)
f(Hi-1, xi)=E Hi-1?xi(xi)? xi produce same output for xi and xi’
Ek(Ek(x))=x for all x
two-step fixed point
Ek(x)= Ek’(x)