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How We Can Change and Stop Polluting the Earth.
My project is on how we can change the ways that we use the Earth so we can minimize or reduce the pollution we create. As well, how can we use technology to help us reach our goal of pollution reduction. For example, during the Industrial Revolution, the Earth was polluted a lot. It still affects us today. It has taken a long time for major industries to reduce their pollution output. Scientific technology is helping to slow down and reverse the damage that we have done to the Earth.
Question:How can people change today so that we don’t pollute the Earth as much as we have already?
Hypothesizing and Prediction I think that today most people do know about pollution but that they don’t think that the changes that they make will make enough of a difference. So, therefore, they don’t really do anything about it.I think that it’s going to be hard for people to change their lifestyle and the way that people live in general.
Planning and Conduction:I asked people the same question. The question was “What would you do or already do to slow down the pollution of the Earth?”
Recording and Analyzing I asked 50 people this question and I got pretty much the same answer from every person. Most people said that they don’t really think about pollution and that they weren’t contributing to damaging the Earth and that it didn’t have to do with them. 100% of the people that I asked all said that ‘they didn’t think it mattered and that they don’t need to care’.
Evaluating and Synthesizing I think that the answers that I got were reasonable. I didn’t really think much about pollution until I started doing my project. I plan to use this information to try to get people to not pollute the earth as much and try to be more green myself. If everyone makes only one small change to the way they live, it will make a big difference.
Pollution relates to the Industrial Revolution because in that time people didn’t care about pollution and about the world in the future. That affected us greatly and now we all have to make big changes. We need to use technology so help us to try to reverse or at least slow down the effects of pollution because our world is slowly dying and sooner or later we will all either die or we will make a big discovery in technology and that’s what we are really depending on. But really it affects all of us because we all live on Earth and we all pollute the Earth too. We all throw stuff out and we all damage the Earth by throwing garbage away. During the Industrial Revolution the Earth was polluted to great extents. It took many decades to realize the damage that was being done. We need to make up for lost time. Pollution is still affecting us today. We have to change the way that we live so that future generations will have a better life. We need to make changes now because our ozone layer is going to deteriorate and all of the oxygen is going to go into the atmosphere and we won’t be able to breathe.
Quote My brother once said something that I just thought about when I started this project. He asked my family “ Why couldn’t China harvest energy from hydro damns?” His asker was “Because they is to much pollution in they’re water for the damn to create energy.” They spent millions of dollars making this damn and now it wont work because there is too much pollution in they’re water.
Air Pollution Lately, I have been wondering what we can do so as to reduce the amount of pollution we produce as individuals? Well what I thought was that we all use gas, which isn’t very good for the environment and also we all heat and cool our houses and buildings. If we continue on like this everybody might, at some point in time, have to start wearing gas masks.
But if we change even little things in our lives today then we can slow down the effects of pollution and help save our world. We could all start putting on a jacket or a blanket instead of turning up the temperature in our houses. We could all start driving hybrid cars. Electric cars have better fuel efficiency. Also we could walk, ride bikes or take the bus or sky train. Also we could use geothermal energy to heat our houses. We need to stop thinking and saying that we don’t pollute the Earth and that it doesn’t apply to us. It really does. It applies to all of us. If we don’t start taking actions soon, it may be too late to reverse the effects on the environment. When everybody starts asking why didn’t people act earlier and blame other people when really it is all of our faults pretty much we all live on Earth we all are contributing to polluting the Earth. We really aren’t going to get a second chance. Maybe, if in the Industrial Revolution if they didn’t pollute the Earth as much, we might not be in this situation but we are. We have to start to act now or we are all going to have all odds against us and we will most likely not make it. What would you do? Change some small thing and maybe a few big things in your life to help save the Earth that we live on today or not do anything but continue living your life how you do today?
You can find my site at blog44.ca/jamesh/. Check it out and see all of my project and all of my other post about me and what we do in D.I.
Bibliography • http://home.howstuffworks.com/home-improvement/household-safety/tips/indoor-air-pollution.htm • http://www.flickr.com/photos/chuwa/4783102802/ • http://images.google.com/imgres?q=thinking&hl=en&biw=1041&bih=673&tbs=sur:fmc&tbm=isch&tbnid=F-XsgmIEsn0qHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fotopedia.com/items/flickr-2166009504&docid=6Jq2nCK0WLklCM&imgurl=http://images.cdn.fotopedia.com/flickr-2166009504-hd.jpg&w=1705&h=1080&ei=FoTVTtaXEezXiALf_IjRDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=75&vpy=268&dur=797&hovh=179&hovw=282&tx=141&ty=104&sig=100209671510660746822&page=4&tbnh=126&tbnw=156&start=49&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:49 • Quote: My brother said it many years ago.