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Summary of questionnaire results from the 2007 Spring Conference held in Larnaca, Cyprus. Insights on office responsibilities, internal organization, decision-making, studies, education, investigations, and cooperation.
Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities 2007 10 – 11 May 2007, Larnaca - Cyprus SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE (referring to year 2006) Maria Michaelidou Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection CYPRUS
General information Are the responsibilities of your Office the same in respect of public and private sector data controllers? • Yes: in 29 countries • No: Austria, Germany, Monaco and Switzerland
Internal organization The number of full-time positions • Increase: 25 countries • Decrease: 4 countries • Others: no change/ no answer
Planning and activities Does your Office make an annual program for different sorts of activities? • Yes: 28 countries • No: 6 countries
Decisions Does your Office give decisions? • Yes: 31 countries • No: 3 countries Can these decisions be appealed? • Yes: 29 countries • No: 3 countries To whom? Administrative court, Supreme court, State Council, National courts In (at least) 8 countries, at first stage, there are internal procedures for appeals.
Studies and guidelines Does your Office undertake studies or do research? • Yes: 22 countries • No: 12 countries Does your Office develop guidelines or recommendations? To data subjects • Yes: 28 countries To data controllers • Yes: 29 countries
Education and Awareness What activities does your Office undertake to inform the public of data protection legislation and your work? • Website • Press releases • Brochures/ leaflets • Magazines/ newsletters • Seminars • Presentations • Competitions in schools
Education and Awareness How often do the media contact you? • Daily: 18 countries • Once a week: 10 countries • Once a month: 4 countries • Less: 2 countries How often do you contact the media? • Daily: 11 countries • Once a week: 7 countries • Once a month: 9 countries • Less: 7 countries
Education and Awareness Do you in any way measure the public opinion on data protection? • Yes: 21 countries • No: 13 countries Do you in any way measure the effectiveness of your work? • Yes: 23 countries • No: 11 countries
Investigations Does your Office undertake data protection investigations? • Yes: 33 countries • No: 1 country Grounds for starting un investigation • Complaints: most of the countries • Priorities of the office • Legal obligation Mode of investigation • In writing: 50% • On-site inspections: 50%
Cooperation & Self-regulation Has your Office handled any national codes of conduct? • Yes: 17 countries • No: 12 countries Does your national legislation allow for privacy officers? • Yes: 14 countries • No: 20 countries Cooperation with data protection colleagues: • In EU countries • More personal contact • Cases together