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CPCP 2014–2015 NPQH 2014 – 2015

CPCP 2014–2015 NPQH 2014 – 2015. Cyflwyniad Mae prifathrawiaeth yn bwysig Rhaglen asesu cenedlaethol Yn cael ei gyflwyno’n rhanbarthol Introduction Headship is important National assessment programme Regionally delivered. Safonau arweinyddiaeth

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CPCP 2014–2015 NPQH 2014 – 2015

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  1. CPCP 2014–2015 NPQH 2014–2015

  2. Cyflwyniad • Mae prifathrawiaethynbwysig • Rhaglenasesucenedlaethol • Yncaeleigyflwyno’nrhanbarthol • Introduction • Headship is important • National assessment programme • Regionally delivered

  3. Safonauarweinyddiaeth • DiwygiwydSafonauCenedlaetholargyferPenaethiaidyngNghymruymmisMedi 2011 • Disodlwydgan y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth • Ynofynnolargyferpenaethiaid, ynddatblygolargyferymarferwyreraill • Leadership Standards • National Standards for Headteachers in Wales were revised in September 2011 • Replaced by Leadership Standards • Requirement for headteachers, developmental for other practitioners

  4. Beth yw’r CPCP? • Sicrhauansawddpenaethiaid y dyfodolyngNghymru • Asesiadtrylwyrynerbyn y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth • Ynffocysuardystiolaethuymarferproffesiynol • What is the NPQH? • Ensures the quality of future headteachers in Wales • Rigorous assessment against the Leadership Standards • Focus on evidencing professional practice

  5. Nidyw’r CPCP yn • Gwrshyfforddiant • Ddullcyffredinol • Hawdd • The NPQH is not • A course of training • A ‘one size fits all’ approach • Easy

  6. A ddylafrhoicais am y CPCP? • Prifathrawiaethyw cam nesaffyngyrfa • Rwyfeisiau bod ynbennaeth o fewn y tairblynneddnesaf • Rwyfyncwrddâ’rSafonau Arweinyddiaeth nawr • Should I apply for the NPQH? • Headship is my next career step • I want to be a headteacher within the next three years • I meet the Leadership Standards now

  7. A wyfynbarod am brifathrawiaeth? • Gwerthuswcheichymarferproffesiynolynerbyn y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth drwyddefnyddio’rAdolygiad Arweinyddiaeth Unigol (AAU) • Trafodwcheich AAU gorffenediggydacydweithwyr • Am I ready for headship? • Evaluate your professional practice against the Leadership Standards using the Individual Leadership Review (ILR) • Discuss your completed ILR with colleagues

  8. Cofiwch • Mae’r broses ddetholynhynodgystadleuol • Ailgyflwynocais? A ydychwedigweithreduareichadborth? • Remember • The selection process is highly competitive • Repeat applicants, have you acted on your feedback?

  9. Beth yw proses y CPCP? • Cyflwynocais • Dethol • Cefnogaeth • Asesiad • What is the NPQH process? • Application • Selection • Support • Assessment

  10. Cyflwynocais • Trafodcyflwynocaisgyda’chpennaetha’chswyddogardystio • Llenwiffurflengaisganddarllen y canllawiau • Cyflwyno’rcaiscyn y dyddiadcau • Applying • Discuss applying with your headteacher and endorsing officer • Complete the application form having read the guidance • Submit the application before the deadline

  11. Dethol • Creffirar y ceisiadauganbâr o banelwyrdanoruchwyliaethcadeirydd • Caiff 100 o ymgeiswyreudethol • Detholrhanbarthol a chymedrolicenedlaethol • Selection • Applications scrutinised by a pair of panel members under the direction of a chair • 100 candidates will be selected • Regional selection and national moderation

  12. Cefnogaeth • Y rôlcefnogi • Gweithdai • Rhwydweithio • Support • The support role • Workshops • Networking

  13. Asesiad • Cyflwynotystiolaetho’chymarferproffesiynol • Canolfanasesurhanbarthol • Cymedrolicenedlaethol • Assessment • Present evidence of your professional practice • Regional assessment centre • National moderation

  14. Camaucyntafcyncyflwynocais • Cwblhau’r AAU • Tystiolaethgrefynerbynpobmaesallweddolneu… • nifer o fylchauneudystiolaeth wan? • First steps before applying • Complete an ILR • Strong evidence against each key area or… • A number of gaps or weak evidence?

  15. Camaunesaf • Trafodwcheich AAU a’chbwriadiymgeisiogyda’chpennaethyn y llecyntaf • Pwysigrwyddsgwrsgonest • Os dal am ymgeisio, cysylltwcha’chswyddogardystiolleolidrefnucyfarfod • Next steps • Discuss your ILR and your intention to apply with your headteacher in the first instance • Importance of an honest conversation • If still intending to apply then contact your local endorsing officer to arrange a meeting

  16. Rhoi’rcais at eigilydd • Darllenwch y canllawiau • Detholwcheichtystiolaethargyferyrwythelfen • Adnabod data perthnasolsy’nategu’rdystiolaeth • Terfyngeiriaullym • Composing your application • Read the guidance • Select your evidence for the eight elements • Identify relevant data to support your evidence • Strict word count

  17. Cyflwyno’chcais • Pwysigrwyddcynllunio o flaenllaw • Rhowcheichffurflenorffenedigi’chswyddogardystiomewn da bryd • Cyflwyno’rcaisynelectronigerbyn y dyddiadcau • Submitting your application • Importance of prior planning • Provide your completed application to your endorsing officer in good time • Submit the application electronically by the deadline

  18. Sutgaifffynghaiseiasesu? • Anonymeiddio a gwirio’rllofnodion • Y safonofynnol • Sgorio’rceisiadau • Camliwio • How will my application be assessed? • Redaction and verification of signatures • Minimum requirement • Scoring applications • Misrepresentations

  19. Dethol y 100 ymgeisydd • Cwotarhanbarthol • Ugainllecenedlaethol • Llythyrcanlyniad • Selecting the 100 candidates • Regional quota • Twenty national places • Outcome letter

  20. Amserlen ceisiadauApplicationTimescale

  21. Amserlen CPCPNPQH Timetable

  22. Atgoffa • Cyflwyno’rffurflenynelectronig • Rhaid bod wedieilofnodi ac yncynnwys y ddauardystiad • Cyflwynoerbyn 13:00 ar y 17 Medi 2014 • Reminder • Submit the form electronically • Must be signed and include the two endorsements • Submit by 13:00 on 17 September 2014

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