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Facts and figures 2012

Facts and figures 2012. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Operational concept. SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources.

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Facts and figures 2012

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  1. Facts and figures 2012 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  2. Operational concept SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. This is achieved by research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment, in collaboration with the surrounding community. Vision: SLU is a world-class university in the fields of life and environmental sciences.

  3. SLU nationwide SLU has a nationwide presence, its largest campuses being at Alnarp, Skara, Umeå and Uppsala. SLU has a focused profile, unique in Sweden in areas of strategic importance to society, nationally and globally. Staff and laboratories were transferred from the National Board of Fisheries in 2011. SLU is now Sweden's main centre of expertise in both soil biology and aquatic biology.

  4. Organisation Ministry for Rural Affairs University Board Internal Auditing SLU Holding AB Administration Vice-Chancellor University Animal Hospital Library Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Faculty of Forest Sciences Departments and Units

  5. Our strengths are… “The combination of basic research, education and societal activities makes up SLU's unique strength.” SLU’s strategy 2013–2016 • Agriculture and horticulture • Landscape planning • Food production • Nature conservation • Forestry and wood processing • Fisheries and aquaculture • Veterinary medicine and livestock husbandry

  6. Four research platforms To address complex issues holistically, SLU has gathered its strengths to create four inter-faculty and interdisciplinary research platforms: • Future Forests • Future Agriculture • Future Urban Sustainable Environment • Future Animal Health and Welfare

  7. Breakdown of income • Total turnover SEK 3,059 million Financial>0% Fees18% Direct government funding51% External grants 30% Source: SLU's Annual Report2012

  8. Breakdown of expenditure Environmental monitoring and assessment13% Research and Third-cycle education 67% First and second-cycleeducation20% Source: SLU's Annual Report 2012

  9. Turnover by faculty SEK 355million SEK 541million LTJ VH SEK 1,320million S NL SEK 632million Source: SLU's Annual Report2012

  10. Main funding sources in addition to direct government funding (SEK 1000s) Source: SLU's Annual Report 2011

  11. Scientific publication Number of SLU articles (diagram) and joint publications (table) Source: SLU's Annual Report2012

  12. Postgraduate (third-cycle) education Government target: 415 degrees 2009 – 2012 Government target Source: SLU's Annual Report 2011

  13. Education programmes 2013 24 first-cycle programmes 15 second-cycle programmes, mostly in English Over 300 courses 3,935 full-time students (2012) 3.6 students per teacher Good exchange agreements and international collaboration

  14. 24 first-cycle programmes Bachelor's/vocational programmes Agricultural and rural management Biology and environmental science Biotechnology Domestic animal science Economics Equine science Ethology and animal welfare Forest management Horticultural management – cultivation Horticultural management – design Landscape management, design and construction Veterinary nursing Longer vocational programmes Agricultural science – economics Agricultural science – domestic animals Agricultural science – rural development Agricultural science – food Agricultural science – soil/plant Energy systems engineering Environment and water engineering Forestry Horticultural science Landscape architecture – Alnarp Landscape architecture – Ultuna Veterinary medicine

  15. Environmental monitoringand assessment Environmental and sustainability analyses Conducted in the form of 10 programmes Governed by goals and long-term

  16. Environmental monitoringand assessment • Forest • Agricultural landscape • Lakes, rivers and streams • Coasts and seas • Built environment • Climate • Biodiversity • Eutrophication • Acidification • Non-toxic environment

  17. Gender equality – SLU's goal • Teachers on the veterinary, agricultural science and landscape architecture programmes learn gender-aware teaching methods • Students and teachers on the forestry programme reflect on genus issues Percentage of womenper category Source: SLU's Annual Report 2011

  18. SLU in figures Source: SLU's Annual Report2012

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