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Section 5 Muscles of the Lower Limb. A. Muscles of the Hip (pelvic girdle) ( 髋肌 ) B. Muscles of the Thigh ( 大腿肌 ) C. Muscles of the Leg ( 小腿肌 ) D. Muscles of the Foot ( 足肌 ) E. Fasciae of the Lower Limb ( 下肢筋膜 ) F. Regional Anatomy ( 局部解剖学 ). A. Muscles of the Hip.
Section 5 Muscles of the Lower Limb • A. Muscles of the Hip (pelvic girdle) (髋肌) • B. Muscles of the Thigh • (大腿肌) • C. Muscles of the Leg • (小腿肌) • D. Muscles of the Foot (足肌) • E. Fasciae of the Lower Limb (下肢筋膜) • F. Regional Anatomy • (局部解剖学)
A. Muscles of the Hip • 1.★ Anterior group • 1) iliopsoas(髂腰肌): • Origin: • psoas major(腰大肌)transverse processes, bodies, and discs of T12 – L5 • iliacus(髂肌)iliac fossa • Insertion: lessor trochanter of femur • Action: flexes and lateral rotates thigh
A. Muscles of the Hip 2) psoas minor(腰小肌): 50.4% 3) tensor fasciae latae (阔筋膜张肌): Origin: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine. Insertion: iliotibial tract(髂胫束) Action: flexes, abducts, medial rotates thigh Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. Muscles of the Hip • 2. Posterior group • 1) ★gluteus maximus (臀大肌) • Origin:ilium, sacrum, coccyx • Insertion:gluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibial tract • Action: extends, lateral rotates thigh • 2) gluteus medius (臀中肌) • 3) gluteus minimus (臀小肌) • 4) piriformis (梨状肌) • 5) obturator internus (闭孔内肌) • 6) quadratus femoris (股方肌)
B. Muscles of the Thigh • 1. Anterior group • 1) ★ sartorius (缝匠肌) • Origin:anterior superior iliac spine • Insertion:medial aspect of proximal tibia • Action: flexes & lateral rotates thigh; flexes leg
B. Muscles of the Thigh 2) ★quadriceps femoris (股四头肌) Origin: i. rectus femoris (股直肌) anterior inferior iliac spine ii. vastus lateralis (股外侧肌) greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, linea aspera Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. Muscles of the Thigh iii. vastus medialis (股内侧肌) linea aspera, intertrochanteric line iv. vastus intermedius (股中间肌) proximal femur shaft Insertion:patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action: extends leg and flexes thigh Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. Muscles of the Thigh • 2.★Posterior group • (hamstring muscles 腘绳肌) • 1) biceps femoris(股二头肌) • Origin: • a. long head - ischial tuberosity • b. short head - linea aspera • Insertion:fibular head, lateral condyle of tibia • Action: extends thigh, flexes leg, lateral rotates leg
B. Muscles of the Thigh 2) semitendinosus(半腱肌) Origin:ischial tuberosity Insertion:medial aspect of upper tibia shaft Action: extends thigh; flexes knee, medial rotates leg 3) semimembranosus(半膜肌) Origin:ischial tuberosity Insertion:medial condyle of tibia Action: ibid. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. Muscles of the Thigh • 3.★Medial group • 1) pectineus (耻骨肌) • 2) gracilis (股薄肌) • 3) adductor longus (长收肌) • 4) adductor brevis (短收肌) • 5) adductor magnus (大收肌) • Origin:pubic bone • 大收肌: ischial tuberosity • Insertion:various levels on femur • Action: adducts & lateral rotates thigh [scissors gait 剪刀步态]
B. Muscles of the Thigh Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. Muscles of the Leg • 1.★Anterior group • 1) tibialis anterior(胫骨前肌) • Origin:lateral condyle & upper 2/3 of tibia • Insertion:medial cuneiform, • 1st metatarsal bone • Action: dorsiflexes & inverts foot • 2) extensor digitorum longus • (趾长伸肌) • 3) extensor hallucis longus • (拇长伸肌) • [steppage gait 跨阈步态]
C. Muscles of the Leg • 2. Posterior group • Superficial layer • 1) ★ triceps surae (小腿三头肌): • Origin: • gastrocnemius (腓肠肌) – medial & lateral condyles of femur • soleus (比目鱼肌) – tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane • Insertion:calcaneus via • tendo calcaneus(跟腱) • Action: plantar flexes & inverts foot • 2) plantaris (跖肌) • 3) popliteus ( 腘肌)
C. Muscles of the Leg • Deep layer • 1) flexor digitorum longus (趾长屈肌) • 2) tibialis posterior (胫骨后肌) • 3) flexor hallucis longus (拇长屈肌) • Origin (above all):tibia, fibula, & interosseous membrane • Insertion:胫骨后肌tarsal bones & 2nd – 4th metatarsal bones • Action: plantar flexes & inverts foot
C. Muscles of the Leg 3. ★ Lateral group 1) peroneus longus (腓骨长肌) Origin:upper fibula Insertion:1stmetatarsal bones, medial cuneiform 2) peroneus brevis (腓骨短肌) Origin:lower fibula Insertion:5thmetatarsal bones Action (above all):plantar flexes & everts foot Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. Muscles of the Leg Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. Muscles of the Foot • 1. Dorsal muscles of foot • 1) extensor hallucis brevis • (拇短伸肌) • 2) extensor digitorum brevis • (趾短伸肌)
D. Muscles of the Foot 2. Plantar muscles of foot 1) Medial group a. abductor hallucis (拇展肌) b. flexor hallucis brevis (拇短屈肌) c. adductor hallucis ( 拇收肌) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. Muscles of the Foot 2) Lateral group a. abductor digiti minimi (小趾展肌) b. flexor digiti minimi brevis (小趾短屈肌) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. Muscles of the Foot • 3) Intermedial group • First layer • plantar aponeurosis (跖腱膜) • Second layer • flexor digitorum brevis (趾短屈肌)
D. Muscles of the Foot Third layer quadratus plantae (足底方肌) 1st - 4th lumbricales (第1 – 4 足蚓状肌) Fourth layer Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. Muscles of the Foot plantar interossei (骨间足底肌) 3 dorsal interossei (骨间背侧肌) 4 Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
E. The Fasciae of the Lower Limb (下肢筋膜) • 1. Fascia lata (阔筋膜) • 2. Intermuscular septum (肌间隔) • 3. Cribriform fascia (筛筋膜) • 4. Fossa ovalis (saphenous hiatus) (卵圆窝) • 5. Femoral sheath (股鞘) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
E. The Fasciae of the Lower Limb (下肢筋膜) 6. Superior & inferior extensor retinaculum (伸肌上和下支持带) 7. Superior & inferior peroneal retinaculum (腓骨肌上和下支持带) 8. Flexor retinaculum (屈肌支持带) (tarsal tunnel) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
F. Regional Anatomy • 1. Suprapiriform foramen (梨状肌上孔) • 2. Infrapiriform foramen • (梨状肌下孔) • 3. Femoral triangle (股三角) • 4. Adductor canal (收肌管) • 5. Popliteal fossa (腘窝) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Muscles that move the thigh (femur) Iliopsoas major Flexes and rotates thigh laterally; flexes vertebral column. Gluteus maximus Extends and rotates thigh laterally. Gluteus medius Abducts and rotates thigh medially. Gluteus minimus Abducts and rotates thigh medially. Tensor fasciae latae Flexes and abducts thigh. Piriformis Rotates thigh laterally and abducts it. Obturator internus Rotates thigh laterally and abducts it. Obturator externus Rotates thigh laterally. Quadratus femoris Laterally rotates and adducts thigh. Adductor longus Adducts, medially rotates, and flexes thigh. Adductor brevis Adducts, medially rotates, and flexes thigh. Adductor magnus Adducts and medially rotates thigh (anterior part flexes; posterior part extends). Pectineus Flexes and adducts thigh. Gracilis Adducts thigh and flexes leg. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Muscles that act on the leg (tibia and fibula) Quadriceps femoris Extends leg; rectus portion alone also flexes thigh. Sartorius Flexes leg; flexes thigh and rotates it laterally, thus crossing leg. Biceps femoris Flexes leg and extends thigh. Semitendinosus Flexes leg and extend thigh. Semimembranosus Flexes leg and extend thigh. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Muscles that move the foot and toes Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexes and inverts foot. Extensor hallucis longus Dorsiflexes and inverts foot and extends great toe. Extensor digitorum longus Dorsiflexes and inverts foot and extends toes. Peroneus longus Plantar flexes and everts foot. Peroneus brevis Plantar flexes and everts foot. Gastrocnemius Plantar flexes foot and flexes leg. Soleus Plantar flexes foot. Plantaris Plantar flexes foot. Popliteus Flexes and medially rotates leg. Flexor hallucis longus Plantar flexes and inverts foot and flexes great toe. Flexor digitorum longus Plantar flexes and inverts foot and flexes toes. Tibialis posterior Plantar flexes and inverts foot. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Muscles that move the foot Extensor digitorum brevis Extends first through fourth toes. Abductor hallucis Abducts great toe and flexes metatarsophalangeal joint. Flexor digitorum brevis Flexes second through fifth toes. Abductor digiti minimi Abducts and flexes small toe. Quadratus plantae Flexes second through fifth toes. Lumbricals Extend interphalangeal joints and flex metatarsophalangeal joints of second through fifth toes. Flexor hallucis brevis Flexes great toe. Adductor hallucis Adducts and flexes great toe. Flexor digiti minimi Flexes small toe. Dorsal interossei Abduct toes and flex proximal phalanges. Plantar interossei Adduct third, fourth, and fifth toes and flex proximal phalanges. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University