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Action Management Process

Action Management Process. Scott Moses Assistant Professor School of Industrial Engineering. Requested to do more than you will have time to do “I’m Swamped, I Am Working 18 Hour Days and Still Couldn’t Get It Done”…

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Action Management Process

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  1. Action Management Process Scott Moses Assistant ProfessorSchool of Industrial Engineering

  2. Requested to do more than you will have time to do “I’m Swamped, I Am Working 18 Hour Days and Still Couldn’t Get It Done”… Responsibility continues to grow – the gap between “requests” and “completions” actually increases. The result? Voice mails and e-mails don’t necessarily get responses People fail to meet commitments Meetings are canceled when people don't show up Effective management requires prioritization, delegation, and tracking of tasks “I Don’t Have Adequate Staffing to Do That”… Individuals and teams need to control WIP (Lead time proportional to WIP) To control the output of a factory running at full capacity, you must selectively control starts and manage WIP. High levels of WIP will increase Cycle Time and result in Poor Quality Output. Your Career

  3. Successful people keep their commitments … by choosing their commitments “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’” -- Jesus (Matthew 5:37) Commitments

  4. Action Management Process • A -- Active Action • Actions that are currently being worked on • B -- Action in Backlog • Actions that are going to be done but are not currently being worked on • C -- Action Under Consideration • Actions identified as potential good ideas but not yet sanctioned • D -- Action Delegated • Actions delegated to another person or group • E -- Action Ended Before Finished • Actions terminated for whatever reason • F -- Action Finished • Actions completed with deliverables achieved

  5. B A F Backlog Actions Active Actions Finished Actions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 C D E Ended Actions Considered Actions Delegated Actions 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Action Management Process

  6. Process All Active Actions Relative Priority? Should Any Be Ended? Process All Finished Actions Were The Deliverables Achieved? What Feedback and/or Learnings Do We Need to Process? Process All Delegated Actions Who Owns These? Are They On Schedule? Should Any Be Ended? Process All Backlog Items Are They Still Valid? Should Any Move To Active or Ended Status? Process All Considered Actions Move Any to Backlog? Any New Ones to Add? Should Any Be Deleted? The Basic Process WEEKLY PERIODICALLY

  7. My Implementation: Tool • Word Document • MS Word Outline View • Heading • Item • Notes • XX:XX Appointment • Notes • Item • Notes • Heading • Heading • Assign Keyboard commands to easily Promote, Demote, Move Up, Move Down

  8. My Implementation: Documents • Active.doc: Active This Week • Calendar.doc: Calendar • Scheduled events and appointments for next week and beyond • Weekly.doc: Weekly Template • Regular meetings (class) • Weekly-repeating Items • Monthly.doc: Monthly Template • Yearly.doc: Yearly Template • Birthdays, Car registration

  9. My Implementation: Process • Progress • Each Item that is Ended or Finished: Move from current location in Active to the Ended or Finished list for this week • Each week: Save the list of Ended and Finished Items as YYMMDDfinished.doc • Weekly Planning • Copy the Weekly Template into the Active list. • Add Items from Calendar for this week. • Select Items to be done this week from the Backlog and Consider lists. A E F W A Cal A B A C

  10. My Implementation: Process • Delegate (Also if asked for response or bought something) • Put on Delegated list: “MM.DD Description” • Each week: Review the Delegated list and make follow up calls • Monthly Planning • Plan to do the Items on the Monthly Template • Annual Planning • Copy the Items from the Yearly Template into the Calendar A D Mon Year Cal

  11. Other Notes • Why keep lists of Ended and Finished Items? • These can come in handy • Retrieve notes on Ended Items that get resurrected • Retrieve notes on Finished Items that are needed later – you will have a good idea of roughly what week you made that phone call etc and can retrieve your notes • You may want to have subcategories in the Backlog and Consider lists for different categories of work.

  12. ACTIVE THIS WEEK Items to do this week THURSDAY Appointments and Items to do on a certain day FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY ACTIVE (Continued) NEXT WEEK Items that must be done next week that you become aware of this week DELEGATED 04.01Description ENDED Item and description FINISHED Item and description My Implementation: Example

  13. CALENDAR MARCH Undated item Undated item MM.DD Item description MM.DD Item description MM.DD Item description APRIL MAY … WEEKLY THIS WEEK MONDAY HH:MM Regular appointment TUESDAY … SUNDAY NEXT WEEK ENDED FINISHED My Implementation: Example

  14. YEARLY JANUARY FEBRUARY … DECEMBER My Implementation: Example

  15. To view this presentation, go towww.ecn.ou.edu/moses/www/teaching.htmand click on the link for “Action Management Process”

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