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From Darkness to Eternal Day. Let's take a journey through the Old Testament Session 1. GENESIS. The Bible is a story about. a Person. a Person. Father. Triune God. Holy Spirit. Son. a Plan. a Plan. To have a people of His own, made in His image and likeness,
From Darkness to Eternal Day Let's take a journey through the Old Testament Session 1 GENESIS
The Bible is a story about
a Person Father Triune God Holy Spirit Son
a Plan To have a people of His own, made in His image and likeness, to dwell with and display Himself to for His glory and their good forever
a Problem sin GOD separation Man
a Promise Genesis 3:15 Seed of the woman Reconciliation serpent
FOUR SINLESS CHAPTERS • Genesis 1,2 Revelation 21, 22 • Genesis 3 – Revelation 20 is the story of the Person who solved the Problem, fulfilled the Promise and accomplished the Plan
KEY PROMISE • First Gospel • First Good News after the First Bad News • Proeuangellium GENESIS 3:15
Creation Fall Promise Flood Initiation Redemption Possession Dispossession Repossession Incarnation Death & Resurrection Great Commission Revelation Execution Consummation Genesis 1-12; 15; 22; 49; Exodus 12; 20; 25; Deut 17; 18; 28; 30; 1 Sam 15; 2 Sam 7; 2 Kgs 17; 25; Isa 7; 9; 11; 53; Jere 25; Daniel 9; Ezra 1-6; Matt 1; 28; John 19; Acts 1; 10; 13; 1 Thes 4; Rev 1; 6-19, 20; 21-22
CreationUniverse, Angels, Mankind GOD: Only Creator Made all things by Himself Made all thing for Himself Holy Judge Perfect, righteous, just Clear commands ANGELS: Spirit beings, Moral, Accountable, Choice Servants of God MAN: Spiritual Image of God, walking with God Enduring Everlasting conscious existence Accountable Choice – Garden Clear commands by God Clear warning of consequences UNIVERSE: Originally perfect, tranquil, no death World given to man to direct & keep Genesis 1-2 Romans 11:36 Psalm 8
FallAdam, Eve, Satan & Angels GOD: Only Creator, Holy Judge ANGELS: Satan’s Choice, fall, and plan MAN: Spiritual Image of God, Enduring Everlasting conscious existence Accountable Sin, Rebellion, Wrong Choice Guilty Fear, shame, religion Condemned Death: physical, spiritual, eternal Eternal Separation UNIVERSE:Curse on the world Genesis 3 Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 Romans 8 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Ephesians 2:1-12 Isaiah 53:6; 59:2; 64:6
PromiseMankind, Satan, Universe Seed Promised Of woman – Savior will be born of a woman Enmity between the seeds – enduring spiritual battle Serpent’s crushed head – ultimate destruction of Satan Seed’s crushed heel – death of woman’s Seed Skins Provided – man-made coverings insufficient Sacrifice Instituted – skins, then Abel’s example Faith Extended - changing woman’s name Separation Resulted –way to God’s presence closed Genesis 3:15; (3:1-24) Isaiah 53 Psalm 22 Matthew 1; Luke 3
Flood Mankind, Noah, Sons, World God is grieved over man’s wickedness Angels, man and creation all affected Universal accountability of mankind Sin results in certain, universal death Ample Warning, Limited time to respond Promise of escape received by faith Faith demonstrated by patient obedience Genesis 6-9
Initiation Abraham … all families Abrahamic Covenant Eden’s Seed Promise continued through Abraham Seed, Land & Blessing All Nations to be Blessed through Abraham Justification by Faith… the ultimate blessing Covenant continues through Isaac, Jacob, Judah Genesis 12, 15, 17, 22
Redemption Moses Israel becomes a Covenant Nation, Exodus 12 LAW - Sin revealed, Holy Place separated Exodus 20 TABERNACLE – Sacrifices, Priesthood Exodus 25-40 SEED is predicted “That Prophet” Deut 1 PossessionJoshua - Solomon Joshua through Kings Nation becomes Kingdom – Samuel, Saul, David Kingdom divided - Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam DispossessionHoshea, Zedekiah Israel 931-722bc – Assyria Judah 931-586bc - Babylon Kingdom deported – Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel RepossessionEzra, Nehemiah People return – Esther, Haggai, Zechariah People prepared for “Seed’s” arrival - Malachi
Incarnation Christ Comes Birth Sinless Life Servant ministry Prophecies fulfilled Seed of Woman is born to die Virgin birth, Born in Bethlehem, Line of Judah, Family of David Perfect life, Teaching, Healing Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 35:4-6; 42:1-9; 61:1-2 Genesis 49:10 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 2 Samuel 7:14-16
Death & Resurrection Christ fulfills the prophecies Death as perfect, sinless sacrifice Burial for three days Resurrection to eternal life Seed God keeps His promise Lamb God is Holy & Just Sacrifice Substitute for sinners Crimes punished God’s Law satisfied Debt paid God’s Righteousness upheld Alienation reconciled God’s Purpose fulfilled Judge of the living and the dead God’s Son exalted Genesis 3:15 Exodus 12 Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; 53 Psalm 16; 22; 69; 110
Great Commission Peter, Paul, Church Proclamation: The Gospel Mark 16:15 Gen. 12:1-3 Go into all the world… all families of the earth All families of the earth blessed through faith in Christ Invitation: Turn, trust, surrender Luke 24:47-48 Mission: Make disciples, make disciple-makers, plant churches, church planting movements, missions movements CPM2 + M2 = G2 Matthew 28:18-20 Acts 1:8 From the beginning it has been………. All families of the earth All peoples All the world Every tribe & language The uttermost parts of the earth
Revelation Rapture, Tribulation, Return, Kingdom Raptureof the ChurchI Thess 4:13-18 Tribulation Rev 6-19; 2 Thess 2 Preparation of Israelfor Christ’s Return Returnof Christ to earthRev 19:11-21; 2 Thess 2 (Satan bound) Millennial KingdomRev 20, Isa. 11 fulfills Abrahamic covenant completely
Execution Judgment of Angels, Mankind & Universe Final Rebellionof Satan, Angels and Men Rev 20:1-20 Final Destructionof present universe Rev 20:1-20; 2 Peter 3 Final Judgment of all sin Evil Men and Evil Angels in Lake of Fire Rev 20:1-20
Consummation Plan completed – Eternity Begins New Heavens, New Earth, New Jerusalem God’s eternal city God dwellswith redeemed men and holy angels forever Revelation 21-22 Isaiah 66
Creation Fall Promise Flood Dispossession Repossession Initiation Redemption Possession Incarnation Death & Resurrection Great Commission Revelation Execution Consummation
TABLE OF CONTENTS • OLD TESTAMENT 39 Books • NEW TESTAMENT 27 Books • ENGLISH ORDER Law, History, Poetry, Prophecy History, Doctrine, Prophecy
Law History Poetry Prophecy
5 12 5 5 12 OLD TESTAMENT Law History Poetry Prophecy
5 21 1 NEW TESTAMENT History Doctrine Prophecy
God’s Love for All NationsGen 3:15 Gen 12:3 Ps 117 Isa 11, 42, 55, 60, 65, 66 • Church (Centrifugal) • GO • To be the light of the • world, to go to all • nations with the • knowledge of the • True God, that they • find salvation in Him • Israel (Centripetal) STAY • To be the light for all nations to come, for the knowledge of the True God and to find salvation in Him
Genesis – BeginningsGod asCreator, Judge, RedeemerCreation, Fall, Redemption BEGINNINGS OF…… • World created, cursed, subjected • Man created, accountable, cursed, loved • Sin crime, debt, alienation • Death physical, spiritual, eternal
Genesis Book of Beginnings Creation Choices & Consequences Sin, Death, Judgment & Promise Sacrifice & Offerings Languages Jewish Nation
Geneologies show the Promise being fulfilled Genesis 3:15 Seed of the woman Reconciliation serpent
Adam...Seth...Noah...Shem.. Abraham...Isaac...Jacob... Judah...David...Solomon/Nathan Joseph/Mary Jesus
Key People in Genesis Adam Seth Noah Shem Abraham Isaac Jacob-Israel 12 Sons/Joseph
Key Places in Genesis Eden Ararat Babel Ur Haran Canaan Egypt
From Darkness to Eternal Day Let's take a walk through the Old Testament Session 2 Exodus - Deuteronomy
The Bible is a story about
a Person Father Triune God Holy Spirit Son
a Plan To have a people of His own, made in His image and likeness, to dwell with and display Himself to for His glory and their good forever
a Problem sin GOD separation Man
a Promise Genesis 3:15 Seed of the woman Reconciliation serpent