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HINDUISM. FACTS nothing but FACTS TRUTH nothing but TRUTH Fact NEVER heard before!!!. HINDUISM FACTS nothing but FACTS. DID U KNOW This presentation will take you through series of ‘Did you Know’ questions.
HINDUISM FACTS nothing but FACTS TRUTH nothing but TRUTH Fact NEVER heard before!!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS DID U KNOW • This presentation will take you through series of ‘Did you Know’ questions. • Follow these 'do u know' questions and read description, it will change your understanding about Hinduism • It is time for Hindus to wake up and Arise and Awake !!! Change our Hinduism once for all
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTSThis will change your LIFE!! Do you want to know: dark side of our Hinduism which was never told? Do you want to know: Intellectual slavery of Hinduism? And which Hindu tribe had 100% educational reservation in our history. Do you want know that there was no Lord Rama, Krishna, Siva before Mohenjo-Daro Harappa times? Do you want to know we as Hindus practiced not only Ashwamedha but also “PurushaMedhayagna”(human sacrifice)? Do you want to know how intellectuals from lower caste are Brahmanized and Goddified? Do you want to know that there was no Temples in Vedic period and Temples were constructed in and around post Buddha period-------- then please proceed.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • J. Robert Oppenheimer, • American nuclear physicist • (1904-1967): • "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst into the sky, that would be like the splendour of the Mighty One. . . . Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.“ • Oppenheimer "the father of the atomic bomb" quoting from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita upon witnessing the mushroom cloud resulting from the detonation of the world’s first atomic bomb in New Mexico, U.S.A., on July 16, 1945. • “Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. “
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS EVERY PROBLEM HAS ITS PAST (There is Problem with our HINDUISM) • Any problem we may have first thing we ask is • what happened? We answer the question by telling them about past events of that problem? Right! • A doctor, will tell you how important is to know past history of a patient to diagnose and treat a disease and plan future management. Same is true of knowing our Hinduism PAST • Old Vedic period, there was no Intellectual slavery and Untouchability. Any one with dedication would have become Hindu intellect…..THIS IS OUR PAST ….WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT….. READ ON • People who started discrimination and used 'Intellectual slavery and Untouchability' to the extreme and paralyzed Hinduism..
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • We as Hindus know very well that most of the GODS like Lord Rama, and they were inducted Goddified taken away from innocent castes where they originally belonged.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • Many modern Hindus are realizing that a Historical Crime committed on our HINDUS BY HINDUS using two weapons called “Intellectual slavery” and “Knowledge monopoly” • They are feeling guilty of the same fact.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS “ Experience is the ability to make the same mistake repeatedly with increasing confidence”
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know in our history we practiced “Purusha Medha Yagna” (sacrificing people) in the name of GOD but we don't talk about it. • sacrificing Humans in the name of God !! • We never mentioned anywhere in our stories !!!! • We edited so much to our advantage and only good things are mentioned why!! • We need FACTS and nothing but TRUTH!!!! • LETS go for it • It has been censored from books as it degrades our standards now?? This is an example of History manipulation!!!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • That there was no Temples in Vedic period and Temples were constructed in and around post Buddha period. • We copied Temples structures from Buddhist temples. • Buddha probably wanted to eliminate castism and Vedic rituals and so he created his own religion. • when Buddha died, we said, that Buddha is incarnation of Lord Vishnu and thus goddified Buddha so that he will become part of our Gods--- Did we do this?? • Did you know there was no mention of Lord Rama, Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu in Mohinjdaro Harrapan Civilization????
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • If you go to History Lectures in College you hear them saying that Tirupati Lord Venkateswara and Panduranga in Padharpur statues are Buddha statues? but we changed them into Hindu gods?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know ? • I am not sure why Vedas is not translated in any other Indian languages? • Is this because 90% of Vedic poems are about rituals and meat eating methods and Soma juice (alcohol) and they are meaningless, only 10% is knowledge based Vedic slokas.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, we were all, significant part of our diet was Meat eating in Vedic period, and Vegetarianism came very recently, and again history tells me that it is out of competition with Buddhism/Jainism and Brahmanism?
Annie Wood Besant, British Theosophical Society, (1847-1933): “After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophical and none so spiritual than the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is the soil in to which India's roots are stuck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither as a tree torn out from its place. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism - who shall save it? If India's own children do not cling to her faith • who shall guard it? • India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one.”
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, Ancient cooks were the care takers of Fire (yagna is nothing but celebration of fire and food, but we gave different meaning to it and Goddified to the extreme and alienated our Hindus from it?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, it is all in the ‘Meaning’ that we give to a story or history that makes reality? • And so all our history in the past has been changed by giving different meaning by some castocratic people to their advantage?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • FACT vs Belief/ Faith • In our daily lives, we come across many faith-based solutions to the problems. Beliefs and by tradition or by practice we think they are FACTS. Many times we blur our consciousness between facts, believes and faith. One has to be very careful in doing so, because it may cost ones life sometimes. • We are used to convert Believes into Fact; Our castocratic people accustomed to telling that Faith as solid FACTS of life. But beliefs are beliefs by definition and Faith are Faith based by definition. We have to be aware of this and search for TRUTH and FACTS!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness” (some castocratic people actively indulged in excessive destructive selfishness) ------ Rig Veda
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Did you know that: • Abolition of Intellectual Slavery which was achieved after our Independence lead to prosperity by creating Equality and we are making real progress, that is not seen for centuries in the past?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Castrocratic people is the one who invented this Intellectual slavery. • Intellectual slavery is worst invention human being has ever invented ! • Most of our hindus have surrendered their intellegencia to the higher caste people in the name of God and they were not allowed to read or write or think!!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS I was surprised to see in TV recently that : Ekalavya tribe still exists in India who are so scared of using their thumbs(even now !!) and they have shown people using other fingers during their archery ??. Some Historians say Ekalavya Syndrome is compelling evidence of Emotional Abuse and Intellectual Slavery> This century old Emotional Rapism still existing in India !! and one can imagine impact in the lives of our hindus of other Psychological Trauma and its long term consequences.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee, British Historian (1889-1975): "It is already becoming clear that a chapter which had a Western beginning will have to have an Indian ending, if it is not to end in the self-destruction of the human race. At this supremely dangerous moment in human history, the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian way."
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, our Self Destructive cycle of Hinduism: Castism was invented by few sects of hindus and made everyone to follow strictly so that they can dominate? • Do u know, Castism is worse than Racism (castism Hindu hates Hindu, racism white hates black)?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, Eklavya Syndrome --- some Hindus continue to suffer even now in some remote villages in India (they can't use thumb for bow and arrow?(Just like Ekalavya) • Again there was good meaning given to these atrocities at that time!!!!!!!!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • We know very well that certain castrocratic tribes in our history had “100% Educational reservation” for Centuries? • Educational Reservation which started few decades ago may not be enough, as castrocratic tribes enjoyed educational monopoly for centuries!!!!!!!!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know many modern Hindus say Lord Parasurama may be considered as mass killer in our history and killed his own mother and Innocent Kshatriyas, but he was made God by some sects? • Good meanings were given to Lord Parasurama’s actions by some tribes to their advantage? • Historians consider Lord Parasurama as he who killed his own mother and kept on killing Kshatriyas as a kind of Genocidal Barbarism
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, SOMA juice mentioned in Vedic period is the most addictive ‘alcohol’ like drink ,used extensively in Vedic period. • Do u know, “gotras” are based on Owner ship of cattle in Vedic period?
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS Albert Einstein (1879 -1955): “When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.” "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.“
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Do u know, • Majority of modern Hindus consider: “Reservation in education we have right now is a “pay back” time for our ancestors abuses? Castrocratic tribes had more than 100% educational reservation in the past?”
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS IF u don't know these facts read on to get profound Knowledge It will change your LIFE for EVER!!
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • If we were great in the past then we should have created 'Equality' and be most prosperous and Developed Country without any Poverty by now and more rich than USA or any western country. • we should have been most educated and most healthy and most Literate? but we are not??? This is the mismatch.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • castism, poverty, illiteracy, is the result of our past. • Past is the foundation. • Altered past doesn't create Reality we face now. • Our current stories about our 'Past' is not true, because it doesn't fit into our reality of Hinduism.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS Will Durant, American historian, (1885-1981): "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages; she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all". “Perhaps in return for conquest, arrogance and spoliation, India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of the mature mind, the quiet content of the unacquisitive soul, the calm of the understanding spirit, and a unifying, a pacifying love for all living things.”
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • If 'Present' is the result of 'Past' then why mismatch? It is the manipulation of few Tribes over other tribes, that created this mismatch. Lets get to the TRUTH. • We have given ultimate punishment and no wonder they are poor, illiterate, uneducated, dispirited-- and unable to use benefits given to them. If we blame their poverty, illiteracy, uneducation--- we are blaming ourselves
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Greatest blunder of our Hinduism is neglecting our own Hindus by telling that it is all Maya and one suffers because of their past sins and if you are suffering now means you are paying your sins now. • Is this a down fall of Hinduism in our past? • Lets recover from this. • Lets take action
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Meat eating Vedic Period: Brahmin tribe and all other Tribes were part of it!!! • Book IV of Rig-Veda and scroll down to Hymn XVIII and look for 13 stanza. • http://www.sacred- texts.com/ hin/index. htm#vedas • Rig-Veda: Book IV: Hymn: XVIII: 13: " in deep distress I cooked a dog's Intestines. Among the Gods I found not one to comfort. • Rig Veda : Book IV: Hymn: XXII: 8: " he finds in lair the buffalo and wild ox when the wise lead him on to vigorous exploit. Indra obtains these two animals either for himself assacrificial flesh or for his worshippers, who would not object to eat the flesh of wild oxen"
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Like any problem our Hinduism problem has 'start and end'. • Past is very important to know and diagnose exactly and to come up with plan of action for solution. • The better one understands our past problems, the easier it is to solve. • Some times just making aware of the problem brings solution , as simple as that.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • In the past people depended entirely on the trustworthiness of the source of our scriptures that is passed on to us by people who manipulated scriptures and altered meanings. Majority of Hindus meet the knowledge of our Hinduism through the prejudiced eyes of the person who is Teaching.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • We as Hindus suffer from a unique syndrome called “MAIL Syndrome”: • The word ‘MAIL’ is an abbreviation for meaning/association/interpretation/links: • Even though, we have great people who are not GODS were great Saints, they were inducted into higher castrocracy and pulled from their respective Caste by changing meaning /interpretation /association and linking them by saying that they are “Incarnation of GODS” and thus part of higher caste.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS Henry David Thoreau, American Philosopher (1817-1862): “…In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmological philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial." “…Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me. In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch of the sectarianism. It is of ages, climes, and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge. When I am at it, I feel that I am under the spangled heavens of a summer night.“
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • It is 'Interpretation' we were given by some castocratic people to any incident or story of Hindu gods, • It is 'Associations' we were told to make in our Hindu god stories, • It is 'Meanings' we are given to accept. • It is 'Links' that were established in our Epic stories and repeated ritually with firmness : that they become our Belief system and over Centuries they become, our Faith. • ‘MAIL Syndrome’ • ‘M’letter stands for, Meaning, • ‘A’ letter in mail stands for Associations, • ‘I’ letter stands for Interpretations, • finally letter ‘L’ in word ‘mail’ stands for ‘links’ that we make to decorate a lie in our History/ Religion that destroyed Hindus by castrocratic Hindus.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • you can give wrong interpretation to any fact and keep repeating it until it becomes a Truth???. • That what happened to Hinduism my friends. • Wake Up . • Stand up. • Open Eyes Widely. • See both sides of Coin for the first time. • False statement repeated with strong faith and fear of punishment if not followed, will eventually leads to established Belief and reality but can never be FACT. Can never be TRUTH.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Saints like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna as Gods and induct them by saying that they are avatars of God, infact all these Gods don't belong to higher castrocracy tribe. • we are very good at giving changed, altered, well decorated meanings to our history and religion facts so that it looks and feels good to listen to and read too.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • We Buried the facts for centuries, We smashed the TRUTH • We lost the TRUTH. • We are living in Altered TRUTH • We are Not who we ARE • We cheated ourselves • We deceived ourselves; • it is ultimate SIN one can commit • We have to feel REAL • We have to strip this Pseudoism • ONCE for all we have to liberate • Respect our ancestors who were genuine • Stop altering our History • Stop altering our PAST History • Stop manipulating our Hinduism • Stop Monopolizing our Hinduism
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Imagine : you select a nasty thing that happened and you want write and document but if u state as it is with true meaning then you lose your entire group domination and Ego and so all the facts of that story are there but it is given completely different interpretation and meaning and linked to God and associated to Heaven and Hell there is punishment and reward for accepting that story. • So by using “mail” syndrome they were able to change the history and its direction. It is nicely wrapped in time and protected by those people who manufactured that story.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • Lets feel real Hinduism • Lets bring our Hindus together • Lets respect our Hindus • Lets give them equality Psychologically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically • Lets stop emotional abuse • Lets feel Like Real Hindus • Lets look into Mirror and feel good about it
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • History says that historically some tribes were Cooks in the Vedic times. • Udipi and Woodlands hotels are examples. • The origin of these as cooks can be understood only in the context of the Yagna being looked upon as a ritualization of the cooking function.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • The Yagna is a term we popularly understand as a fire sacrifice involving the offering of grains, clarified butter, sandalwood etc, to a fire . • This fire is ignited in a special fireplace called the Kund, which literally means a "Pot".
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • These tribes were now not only renderers of the fireplace, but had come to acquire the status of representatives of Gods on earth. • At times records show that we secured our share in the surplus by propagating beliefs that those who looked upon their own needs without a thought of the these tribes were eaters of sin.
HINDUISMFACTS nothing but FACTS • All the great historical people • 1. Maharshi VALMIKI - Fisherman (initially a highway robber)Composer of Ramayana, Lot of Hindus from Pakistan belong to the so called backward "Balmik' caste. • 2. Maharshi VED VYAS - Son of a fisher woman Matsya • 3. Gandha, Composer of Mahabharata which also contains Gita. • 4. Maharshi MATANGA - A matang (harijan caste) • 5. Guru of Shabari, Shabari - A Bhil (adivasi tribe), • 6. VIDUR- Son of a dasi, Devotee of Krishna, Chief Minister of Hastinapur, • 7. Chandragupta Maurya and the Maurya Dynasty – Maurya originates from Muria, a tribe which used to collect Peacock (Mor) feathers, also goat herders,