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Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, K IIc , for two grades of graphite

Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, K IIc , for two grades of graphite. Tim Burchell Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, K IIc , for two grades of graphite

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  1. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Tim Burchell Oak Ridge National Laboratory ASTM Symposium on Graphite Testing for Nuclear Applications: The Significance of Test Specimen Volume and Geometry and the Statistical Significance of Test Specimen Population

  2. Acknowledgments This work is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC.

  3. Overview of Presentation Objectives of study Introduction Specimen geometries Experimental Results & Discussion (DEN Compression Specimens) Conclusions

  4. Objectives of Study To model graphite biaxial failure data we need a failure criteria The Shetty mixed mode fracture mechanics criteria when combined with a Microstructural fracture model can describe the biaxial data, but require knowledge of KIIc Thus we need to define KIIc for the graphite grades of interest Preferably measure KIIc by two techniques (verification) Determine if KIIc is subject to influence from texture and specimen volume

  5. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Introduction

  6. Shetty Mixed Mode Fracture Mechanics Shetty mixed mode fracture criteria and Burchell fracture model for graphite are combined to predict bi-axial failure envelope and failure probabilities D. K. Shetty, Trans ASME 109 (1987) 282-289 KI is the mode I stress-intensity factor, KII is the mode II stress-intensity factor, and KIc is the mode I critical stress-intensity factor (or mode I fracture toughness) and C is an empirical constant (the Shetty shear-sensitivity coefficient)

  7. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Mode I or crack opening mode, KIc: Mode II, plane shear mode, KIIc: Mode III, Anti-plane shear, KIIIc

  8. Biaxial Test Facility

  9. Specimen and Grip Alignment


  11. First and Fourth Stress Quadrant Biaxial Strength Data for NBG-18 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS PREDICTION & MODEL FIT

  12. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite What experimental methods and specimen geometries exist for the determination of critical shear stress intensity factor, KIIc, or shear fracture toughness?

  13. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite • Mode II Testing Configurations • Shear stress along a crack • Iosipescu specimen • Push-off specimen • Punch-through specimen • Four notch cylinder • Mixed – mode device according to Richard • Mixed – mode device according to Arcan • Mixed-mode disc loading (cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc) • Off center notched beam Otto Graff Journal, Vol. 16, 2005

  14. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Specimen Geometries

  15. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Two promising specimen geometries were selected Cracked Chevron Notched Brazilian Disc (CCNBD) Specimen Similar to centrally slotted disc which has been used in the past for graphite, hence some literature data – central notch is cut from both sides with slitting saw to form chevron, thus difficult to vary specimen volume & geometry. Mixed mode thus can measure KIc or KIIc Double Edge Notched Compression (DENC) Specimen Relatively simple slotted rectangular geometry, thus easy to vary specimen volume & geometry. Has been used to test concrete, but NO graphite literature.

  16. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite CCNBD Specimen The notch is cut with a circular slitting saw from both sides of the specimen, thus the solid ligament has a “chevron” shape on either end of the central slot. Same geometry gives mixed fracture modes or pure KIc or KIIc depending on the test angle φ.

  17. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite 96 specimens being machined 2 graphite grades KIc and KIIC 4 notch variants, disc diameter 75 or 100 mm 6 replicates specimens Testing to commence in Dec/Jan timeframe

  18. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  19. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite The specimen volume varies over two orders of magnitude!

  20. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  21. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Experimental

  22. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite • MTS servo-hydraulic 4-post 110 kip load frame • 100 kip load cell • Crosshead speed 0.001 in/sec or 25 μm/sec • Hemispherical compression platens • Upper platen “floats’ to self level • Specimen compressed between two square steel plates • Lab-view control software

  23. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  24. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite MATERAILS: Nuclear grade NBG-18 graphite. Manufactured by SGL Carbon, vibrationally molded, filler particle size 1.6 mm (max) Nuclear grade PCEA graphite. Manufactured by GrafTech International (GTI), extruded, filler particle size 0.8 mm (max). AREVA NGNP reference grade SPECIMENS Four DEN Compression specimen geometries, 2w=20, 50, 100 & 130 mm 48 specimens, 26 tested.

  25. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  26. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Results & Discussion

  27. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 1 specimens, 2w = 20 mm, compressive failure

  28. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 2 specimens, 2w = 50 mm, compressive failure

  29. Compression behavior of concrete, samples, showing load discontinuity or critical shear load, i,e., load at which the shear failure occurs BEHAVIOR OF CONCRETE

  30. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  31. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, shear failure

  32. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  33. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, shear failure

  34. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  35. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, shear failure

  36. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  37. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, shear failure

  38. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  39. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, shear failure

  40. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 3 specimen, 2w = 100 mm, partial shear failure

  41. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 4 specimen, 2w = 130 mm, compressive failure

  42. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  43. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite Type 4 specimens, 2w = 130 mm, shear failure

  44. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  45. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite From the concrete literature KIIc ≈ 2KIc (Xu & Reinhardt) For nuclear graphite KIc ≈ 0.8 to 2.5 MPa√m Hence KIIc ≈ 1.6 to 5.0 MPa√m

  46. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  47. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

  48. Conclusions

  49. Determining the Shear Fracture Toughness, KIIc, for two grades of graphite

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