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State of Municipal Education in Mumbai December 2015

Gain insights into municipal education in Mumbai from 2010-2015, including dropout rates, infrastructure compliance, budget allocations, and suggestions for improvement.

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State of Municipal Education in Mumbai December 2015

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  1. State of Municipal Education in Mumbai December 2015

  2. Data from RTI

  3. Total Students in Mumbai’s Municipal Schools 2010 - 2015 • 40,778 students have left municipal school system in five years (9%) • In 2014-15 English medium Mumbai Public Schools (MPS) added 2,613 students in Jr. KG. and 4,280 in Sr. KG (a total of 6893 students). • *In 2014-15 data presented does not include dropout from 49 secondary schools of 14 wards, as medium wise data was not provided by the respective Public Information Officers.

  4. Dropouts* in Mumbai’s Municipal Schools 2010 - 2015 13 out of 100 students dropped out in 2014-15, compared to four out of 100 students in 2010-11 *In 2014-15 data presented does not include dropout from 49 secondary schools of 14 wards, as medium wise data was not provided by the respective Public Information Officers.

  5. Percentage Change in Class I Enrolments 2008-09 to 2014-15 If 100 students enrolled in Class I in 2008-09, in comparison only 62 students enrolled in Class I in 2014-15. *Estimated using time-series regression.

  6. Retention Rate in Municipal Schools Class 1 to Class 7 * Estimated using time-series regression.

  7. Compliance with Infrastructure and other norms under RTE

  8. Teacher Inspection Reports

  9. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school-based assessment of students that covers all aspects of students' development introduced under Right to Education Act. E2 grade is given by MCGM to students who are continuously absent i.e. dropouts as earlier maintained. Note: Above data has been compiled from two datasets, data on CCE reports and continuous absent students.

  10. Comparison between Students of MCGM and Other Schools (Academic Year 2014-15) *Other Schools- Private aided, Private Unaided and Unrecognised Schools

  11. Annual Municipal Budgets 2010-2016 Between 2010-11 and 2015-16, MCGM budget for Education has more than doubled.

  12. Per-child allocation (In Rs.Crore) Per-child Allocation under the Municipal Budget has increased to Rs.59,774, as per Budget Estimates 2015-16.

  13. Data from Household Survey Praja Foundation had commissioned a household survey to Hansa Research. The survey was conducted in March-April 2015 across the city of Mumbai with a total sample size of 22,850 households. Of these, 4,889 households had children going to school. Hence, the education questionnaire was administered further with those (4,889) households only.

  14. Reasons for not being happy with Municipal School (%)

  15. Respondent taking private tuitions/coaching classes: Details on source of Tuitions:

  16. Deliberation by Councillors on Education (Financial Year 2014-15) • 149 questions were asked on issues related to Education in 2014-15, as compared to 133 questions in the previous year. • 58 questions were asked by Education Committee members in 2014-15, as compared to 55 questions in 2013-14. • 166 (of 227) councillors have not asked a single question on Education this year. • 32 councillors have asked only one question on education. • Only five councillors have asked more than four questions. • Only three questions have been asked on Drop out rates.

  17. Deliberation by Mumbai MLA’s on Education(Winter’14, Budget’15 Sessions) • Out of the total 213 questions asked by MLA’s on Education only 34 questions were asked related to Education in Mumbai • Four MLAs (out of 31 excluding 4 ministers) have not asked a single question on education Note: TruptiSawant elected on April, 2015 from seat vacated by Prakash (Bala) Sawant is not considered in the report

  18. Education allowance to children of Municipal Employees • As per the sixth pay commission, per child annual allowance of Rs. 6000 (maximum upto to children i.e. Rs. 12000) for reimbursement of school fees, etc. • Rs. 1.68 crores utilised in 2014-15 under this scheme • MCGM runs 1252 schools • Why don’t children of municipal employees attend municipal schools and save tax payers money on such a scheme?

  19. What Needs to be Done • Accountability in Education Department. • Appoint independent, third party, to monitor and evaluate learning outcomes of students. • Empower and Strengthen School Management Committees (SMCs) to improve accountability at the school level. • Focus on teacher trainings, SMC trainings and capacity building; free teachers from unnecessary administrative duties • Rigorous filling out of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) reports and Inspection reports. Link reports with performance appraisal of respective teachers. • Strengthen Data management systems especially the Research Officer’s wing, for better planning and implementation. • Providing quality education is the duty of the Corporation. Quality of education should be the only paramount focus of the Corporation.

  20. THANK YOU.

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