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Applications. How can we support them? What infrastructure do they need? Guru P., Mema R., Debby W., David K., David A., Matt W., Bill W. Doug T., Carla E., Andrew M. Example Applications (Reminder). Health monitoring (beyond the home environment)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Applications How can we support them? What infrastructure do they need? Guru P., Mema R., Debby W., David K., David A., Matt W., Bill W. Doug T., Carla E., Andrew M.

  2. Example Applications (Reminder) • Health monitoring (beyond the home environment) • Disaster recovery – communications and stored information • Understanding and affecting the planet in real-time • Digital life • Managing vast personal data • Controlled sharing, long-term, finding • Managing the auto commute • Medical accidents = 0

  3. What did we discuss? • What “supporting services” does the community need to provide so that these applications can be possible? • Not an exhaustive list • Things the community could reasonably provide • May already exist, but need standardization/hardening/becoming real. • What infrastructure do we need to support these applications? • Output: • Equipment / real stuff • Needed “a bit of research, and a chunk of engineering” items • Likely year 3 (+-) services that become infrastructure

  4. Needed Services • Distributed storage infrastructure • Distributed authentication infrastructure • Computational infrastructure • Communication infrastructure • “Edge” infrastructure • Wireless • Sensor • Access • Core • Overlays • NLR, etc.

  5. Storage • Required equipment: Lots of disk • Requirements: • API and infrastructure to use disk on a single machine • Directory services to locate disks, properties • Access control, quotas, etc. • For virtualization and isolation, not necessarily for end-users • Eventual infrastructure services (research + hardening): • Global filesystem • DHT-like functionality

  6. Authentication • Needed for infrastructure development • Needed as an application support service • The auth service itself, management, libraries, application integration support, …

  7. Computation • Required equipment: Lots of nodes • Some in clusters • Some distributed all over the network • Requirements: • Shared access / virtualization • Directory services • Access control • Provisioning • Resource isolation and sharing

  8. Application-Specific Testbeds • Need to narrow this list down • Vehicular networks • Environment / habitat monitoring • Home networks • Human telemetry data monitoring • Digital life

  9. Support • Tools for developing distributed systems • Languages, compilers, analysis tools, verification, validation • Measurement and Analysis • Infrastructures for data collection, storage, and analysis • Directory and lookup services • DNS, geographic, etc.

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