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KIS Islanders Read

KIS Islanders Read. Wednesdays from 1:40-3:00 p.m. What is KIS Islanders Read? . A class held once a week Middle School only A class intended to support each student’s reading and help each student continue to improve his/her reading skills

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KIS Islanders Read

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  1. KIS Islanders Read • Wednesdays from 1:40-3:00 p.m.

  2. What is KIS Islanders Read? • A class held once a week • Middle School only • A class intended to support each student’s reading and help each student continue to improve his/her reading skills • A way to help students grow in their love of reading and in the diversity of materials they read • A chance for students to evaluate their own reading skills and set goals for improvement

  3. KIS Islanders Read Standards • Students will build reading fluency through the process of reading • Develop a greater appreciation and love of reading both for pleasure and for information • Choose reading as an activity outside of class and class assignments • Advance in ability to read at higher levels • Choose texts in a variety of genres to read for pleasure • Improve reading fluency by participating actively with the Accelerated Reader (AR) program

  4. Enduring Understandings of KIS Islanders Read • Reading is an active process that involves the reader interacting with the text. • There are a variety of purposes for reading and a variety of genres and organizational patterns for reading material. • Reading a wide variety of texts by different authors, from a variety of time periods, cultures and genres allows readers to build a broader and deeper understanding of the “human experience.” • I can improve my reading fluency through reading texts I can understand.

  5. Accelertated Reader’s Role • Help you determine your reading level accurately, quickly, and continually • Empower you to choose books that aren’t too easy or too hard (lexile levels) • Help you determine your comprehension levels of texts (AR quizzes) • Provide KIS Islanders Read teachers with data on your reading strengths and areas for improvement

  6. What will our KIS Islanders Read class look like? • Individual Activities: • 20 minutes of Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) at the beginning of each KIS Islanders Read class, perhaps followed by a journal activity • Work on book talks • Take AR quizzes • Check out books from the library • Student/Teacher Individual Conferences • Student goal setting and completing reading reflections

  7. Group Activities • SSR Focus Discussions • Small group or whole class mini-lesson • Small group or whole class reading and discussion of a text in common • Student presentations (book talks)

  8. What will our KIS Islanders Read class NOT look like? • Our class will NOT be: • a study hall • a place for you to do homework for your classes • playtime • a place where there is no teacher/student interaction • a place where there is no student/student interaction

  9. KIS Islanders Read Expectations • You should set goals quarterly and review them regularly. • At the end of the quarter, you will reflect on and evaluate your progress in achieving your goals. • You and I will conference together often. • Each class will begin with at least 20 minutes of SSR.

  10. What might you do during KIS Islanders Read? • Read! Usually alone, but occasionally with a partner or small group (and sometimes we will read a selection as a whole class). • Take AR quizzes • Check out reading material • Plan book talks • Set/Reflect on goals • Share with partners, in small groups, or with the class • Conference with peers or the teacher

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