Head Start and School ReadinessEstablishing and using school readiness goals are central to providing high-quality services to children and families, and the high quality implementation of activities to meet this requirement will be the focus of training, technical assistance and on-going oversight by federal staff. (Performance Standard 1307)
Head Start and School Readiness • Since 1965, Head Start programs have served millions of children and families across the country. Now, with new leadership and fresh tools provided by the Head Start reauthorization, The Department of Health and Human Services is implementing a quality initiative to promote positive, sustained child outcomes for children. • This roadmap lays out a set of specific actions that HHS is taking to improve school readiness outcomes among Head Start children and to promote their long-term success. These actions will improve the extent to which classroom activities – book reading, dramatic play, number games, music, and more – are not just fun and engaging, but also promote increased vocabulary, early math skills, problem solving abilities, and social skills so that children start kindergarten ready, and continue to learn. And, the actions will promote changes that integrate Head Start into a continuum of high-quality early care and education spanning from birth to age eight. This integration will foster cooperation between Head Start programs and elementary schools so that Head Start programs prepare children for what they will need to succeed in elementary school and so that schools are ready to take these children and help them build on what happened in Head Start.
Head Start Approach to School Readiness • The Head Start Approach to School Readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children. Historically, Head Start often has led the early childhood field with strong, clear, and comprehensive focus on all aspects of healthy development, including physical, cognitive, social and emotional development, all of which are essential to children getting ready for school. • We are required to establish school readiness goals which are defined as “the expectations of children's status and progress across domains of language and literacy development, cognition and general knowledge, approaches to learning, physical health and well-being and motor development, and social and emotional development that will improve readiness for kindergarten goals” and that “appropriately reflect the ages of children, birth to five, participating in our program” • Head Start views school readiness as children possessing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in school and for later learning and life. • The Head Start Approach to School Readiness encompasses three major frameworks that promote an understanding of school readiness for parents and families, infants/toddlers, and preschoolers. - Parent, Family and Community Engagement Framework -REVISED Framework for Programs serving Infants and Toddlers and Their Families -The Head start Child Development and Early Learning Framework for children 3-5 years old
How do Infant/Toddler Programs Support School Readiness? The Framework provides a guide for programs to develop and implement supports for the healthy growth and development of expectant families, babies, and toddlers. Strong management systems provide the foundation for implementing comprehensive child development and family support servics that lead to positive outcomes for very young children and their families. The Four Action Steps to set and achieve appropriate school readiness goals: • Establish goals for improving school readiness across the five essential domains: language and literacy , cognition and general knowledge, approaches to learning, physical development and health, and social and emotional development; • Create and implement an action plan for achieving the established school readiness goals; • Assess child progress on an ongoing basis and aggregate and analyze data at multiple times throughout the year and; • Examine data for patterns of progress for groups of children in order to revise, or develop and implement, plans for program improvement. Improving school readiness for infants and toddlers means providing a secure foundation for child development and early learning across domains that ensures children enter preschool, and eventually school, ready to succeed. The large body of research on brain development and how babies learn clearly demonstrates the importance of secure attachments with adults ads critical to babies overall development.
How Does Preschool Programs Support School Readiness The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework represents the foundation of the Head Start Approach to School Readiness. The framework can be used to guide curriculum, implementation, and assessment to plan teaching and learning experiences that align to school readiness goals and track children's progress across developmental domains. In order to help prepare children to be successful when they enter school, as a Head Start program we implement core strategies • An integrated curriculum that addresses the essential domains of school readiness in the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework. (Highscope) • Aggregate and analyze aggregated child-level assessment data at least three times per year and use that data in combination with other program data to determine grantees progress toward meeting its goals, to inform parents and community of results, and to direct continuous improvement related to curriculum, instruction, professional development,, program design and other program decisions (DRDP PS and DRDP IT).
How Does Preschool Programs Support School Readiness cont. • Early learning coaching available to staff across program options and settings. • An individualized Wellness Plan that promotes healthy development for every child (5 step process). • A parent partnership process that promotes an understanding of their child's progress, provides support, and encourages learning and leadership ( Home Visits and Child Development Progress ). • Ongoing communication with local schools to exchange information about children and programs and to align services for early learning, health, and family engagement.(Visiting Elementary School or Inviting Kindergarten Teachers to our sites) • A learning community among staff to promote innovation, continuous improvement, and integrated services across education, family services, and health. (Workshops and In-services)
What does Schools want children to know? What Developmental Skills should children know before entering kindergarten? • Know how to use the restroom and wash their hands. • Know how to play independently. • Know how to put on their jacket. • Know how to pour liquid in a cup. • Know how to use large and small motor skills. *We do all of these things and more!
What does Schools want children to know? What Social Skills should children know before entering kindergarten? • Know how to cooperate with other children • Express anger in words, rather than actions • Know to wait their turn • Separate from parents without difficulty. • Know how to share toys • Express wants and needs. • Know how to stand in a line • Be able to sit and listen to a story *We do all of these things and more!
What does Schools want children to know? What Academic Skill should children know before entering kindergarten? • Recognize some numbers 1-10 • Recognize a few letters • Recognize a few basic shapes • Recognize most basic colors • Recognize their name • Follow a least two step directions • Listen and respond orally • Hold a pencil correctly • Write their name • Count in correct sequence to 10 • Express interest in books • Tell about pictures and and/or book stories/pictorial drawings • Sort by color, shape, size • Display beginning interest in measuring • Understand small/large, big/little, more/less, short/long • Write some letters or scribbles • Know some concepts about print. *We do all of these things and more!
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? Accuscreens Documents the Cognitive development Gross and fine motor Development Language Development Social Development Speech Screens Documents articulation Labeling items Any concerns about speech ASQ’s Documents communication Gross and fine motor Problem solving Personal- Social
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? DRDP PS Documents the Self and Social Development (SSD) Language and Literacy Development (LLD) English Language Development (ELD) Cognitive Development (COG) Mathematical Development (MATH) Physical Development (PD) Health (HLTH) The other components are: • Desired Results Parent Survey. The Parent Survey is designed to assist programs in gathering information from families about (1) the family members’ satisfaction with their child’s program and how it supports the child’s learning and development; and (2) family members’ perceptions of their progress toward reaching the two Desired Results identified for families. • Portfolios- Work samples, pictures, proof that children are meeting goals.
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) Documents that the environment is conducive to learning and the use of: space and furnishings Personal care routines Language-Reasoning Activities- fine motor , art, music, blocks sand/water Interactions Program Structure Parent and Staff
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? • Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) • Documents classroom quality in each Dimension: • Positive Climate • Negative Climate • Teacher Sensitivity • Regard for student Perspectives • Behavior Management • Productivity • Instructional Learning Formats • Concept Development • Quality of Feedback • Language Modeling
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework Describes the foundation of the Head start Approach to School Readiness. It aligns with and builds from the five domains: Physical Development and Health Social and Emotional Development Approaches to Learning Language and Literacy Cognition and General Knowledge
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? • California Preschool Learning Foundations • Documents and describe competencies, knowledge and skills in the following Domains: • Social and Emotional Development • Language and Literacy • English Language Development • Mathematics • Visual and Performing Arts • Physical Development • Health
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? Key Experiences Include: Creative Representation Language and Literacy Initiative and social Relations Movement Music Classification Seriation Number Space Time
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? • The 5 step process • Describes how we: • Gather information about children through the use of child history profile, medical history profile, home visits/Center Conference and parent input. • On-Going Observation • Goal Writing which includes (kindergarten) School Readiness Goals and Child’s Individual Goals • Planning and Implementation of Activities • Updating Goals a minimum of 4 times a year
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? Home to School Activities The purpose of Home to School Activities is to provide ideas for home activities that allow the family to reinforce the learning taking place at school, and to support the child in reaching their individual goals.
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? • Lesson Plans • Documents planned activities that will be utilized to individualize for children which include:: • Arrival/Greeting • Planning and recall • Work Time • Large Group Time • Small Group Time • Outdoor Time
What does Head Start utilize to ensure that we are preparing children for school? Daily Routines with activities throughout the day Helps us ensure that we are including all of the essential functions necessary for children to have time to work on appropriate activities which include: Planning Time Work Time Transition Time Recall Time Large Group Time Small Group Time Outdoor Time
Summary We utilize all of these assessments to gather information about children and then organize and interpret that information to help children progress toward their goals and ultimately gaining the skills they need for kindergarten. Research suggests that providing high-quality early education experiences for young learners can support positive outcomes for children, including higher achievement test scores and even higher graduation rates. All young children can learn if they are given proper material, encouragement and support. We are preparing children to enter kindergarten with all of the tools they need to succeed! Continue doing what we do because it works! Mission Statement “To improve the well-being of children, empower families, and strengthen communities” Vision Statement • Our children will excel in whatever setting they go to next • Our families quality of life is measurably better after participating in our programs • Our efforts increases the quantity and quality of sustainable resources and services countywide