As I take a huge spoonful of cereal into the immense, dark, wet cave of my mouth, Angie throws a handful of cereal at me. I look at her with that this-means-war-and-I’m-serious look. To show my gratitude for her gift, I throw a handful of my own cereal. The next thing I know, we’ve started a war where our only deadly weapons and explosives are bowls of cereal. Fruit Loops and Crunch Berries fly l left and right while we, the two brave warriors, fight to protect our pride, our humankind, our placemats. Quote a metaphor from the passage. Quote a magic three from the passage. Quote a hyphenated modifier from the passage.
1. Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as” " Big rain drops feel like irritable fingers tapping the top of his head…and he is overcome by anxiety as he stands on the old red brick walk in the midst of the old red brick yard.” A simile is a definitely stated comparison
2. Metaphor : a comparison of two unlike things not using “like” or “as” "Do you sometimes wish you were grown up?" he asked as they crossed the bridge and looked down at its hazy reflection on the water. Riccio shook his head in astonishment. "No. Why? It's great being young. You don't stand out so much and your stomach fills up more quickly. You know what Scipio always says?" He jumped from the bridge onto the street. "Children are caterpillars and adults are butterflies. No butterfly ever remembers what it felt like being a caterpillar." The Thief Lord, Cornelia Funke, pg. 53
3. Magic Three: the repetition of three similar elements of a sentence We spent a quiet Saturday reading books, snacking on chips, and taking naps whenever we wanted to. Yipping, yapping, jumping, the dog attacked the repairman. The mom left the mall tired, confused, dazed after trying to buy clothes for her four little ones.
4. Hyphenated modifier:A new word that the writer creates by putting together a description with hyphens "Why would you say that?" Massie had one of her infamous I'm-about-to-take- great-pleasure-in-destroying- you smiles on her face. Her lips were shut, the corners of her mouth were curled up, and her eyes sparkled with a devious glint. (from Revenge of the Wannabes) I switched off the flashlight and stood in absolute monsters-gonna-get-you blackness. (from Forever Odd)
Which sentences are telling sentences and which ones are showing sentences? The puppy was a terror. The teacher wore overalls and whispered our assignments. The roller coaster was scary. She nags at me to take out the garbage and calls me “stupid” in front of my friends.
5. Specific Sensory Detail: Show, not Tell words and details which appeal to the five senses She looked exhausted. She collapsed on the couch without even removing her coat. My friend was furious. Susan slammed her locker and walked away muttering obscenities. The teacher was strange. The teacher wore overalls and whispered our assignments. The roller coaster was scary. My stomach was in my throat as we came to the last dip on the ride.
6. Repetition for effect: repeating a word, phrase, or sentence throughout a passage to create an effect I have become a stepmother. Since I remarried, I welcomed another daughter into the family and another “son” named Snickers. I could tell from the beginning that Snickers would be the challenging one. Snickers brings smiles, giggles and laughter to our evenings. Circling in one place like a mini-tornado, he does his “outside dance” to let us know he needs to go outside to do his “business.” After pawing at the door to come back in, he is ready to play. He races to find a toy and drops it at our feet. His please-play-with-me-now-or-I’ll-bother-you-all-evening puppy eyes watch our every move. Finally, I give in, reach for the toy, and begin to throw the plastic ring across the room. Sigh. I have become a stepmother
Where I’m From I’m from a white frame farmhouse with a grape arbor and huge garden, from a back porch with a long handled pump, from a cistern and a coal bin which awaited regular deliveries. I’m from a fenced in backyard to keep us safe from the 3C Highway, from a line in the driveway that could not be crossed upon the threat of a spanking, from an inbred fear of monstrous semis roaring down the road at night. I’m from cold chairs in Sunday School, Bible drills, and green hymnals, from folding bulletins and helping mom make communion bread, from lukewarm lime Kool Aid in Bible School and candlelight communion services…..
7. Appositive: a noun or pronoun which follows another noun or pronoun to identify or explain it. An appositive phrase is an appositive an its modifiers Her brother Bill called for her. We visited Boston Harbor, the site of the Boston Tea Party. George Washington, our first president, was a great military leader.