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“Why a New Message – The Next Announcement”. IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_62-1230E
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_62-1230E 45-7 Now Listen. This Angel come down from heaven. See, the other seven angels of the seven churches was earthly messengers, but this Angel... All the message is finished. The seventh angel winds up the whole thing. And this Angel comes, not to the earth; He isn't a man from the earth as the messengers to the church ages; that's finished.
But this Angel brings THE NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT. And a angel means a messenger. And He comes down from heaven clothed in that Pillar of Light, cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. IT WAS CHRIST, with one foot on land and one on the sea, and swore that time will be no more.
46-1 Where are we at, sirs? What's all of this about? I'm asking you. The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... This said, to the angel of the church of Laodicea; to the angel of the church of Ephesus, messengers of the earth (See?), men, messengers, prophets, and so forth to the church. But this One didn't come from the earth; He come down from heaven, because the mystery's all finished. And when the mystery's finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and seven thunders throwedtheir voices out.
What if it is something to let us know how to enter in to the rapturing faith. Is it? Will we run and leap over walls? Is there something fixing to happen, and these old marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren, what time is it? Where are we at?"
“A Thunder” “What is a Thunder”
THE.FIRST.SEAL_63-0318 126-3 {61} …It's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He takes the Book of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book sealed with Seals, breaks them and shows them (look) at the end of the age now, after the intercessory is over; the church ages has done finished up. He come in the first age, the Ephesian Age, revealed, sent the messenger. Notice what happened as we go along.
Here's the plan of it: The first thing happens, THERE IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE HEAVENS FIRST. What happened? A Seal is opened. What is that? A mystery is unfolded. See? And when a mystery unfolds, then a trumpet sounds. It declares a war. Or a plague falls, and a church age opened. See? What is the war part?
The angel of the Church catches the mystery of God, not fully yet revealed, but when he does, he catches this mystery of God, and then he goes forth to the people (after the mystery has been given to him), goes forth to the people. What does he do out there? He begins to proclaim that message, and what does it start? A war, a spiritual war.
126-5 {65} And then God takes His messenger with the elect of that age, and lays them away asleep, and then He drops a plague upon them who rejected it: a temporary judgment. And then, after that is over, then he goes on, and they denominate, and bring in denominations, and start off with that man's work like of--of Wesley and all the rest of them, and then it gets all in a scrapple again; and then another mystery comes forth. Then what happens? Another messenger arrives on earth for a church age. See?
Then when he arrives, the trumpet sounds. He declares war. See? And then what happens? Finally then he's caught away. And then when he's laid away, then plague falls destroys them. Spiritual death hits the church and she's gone, that group. Then He goes on to another one.
Oh, it's a great plan until it comes to that last angel. Now, he has no certain mystery, but he gathers up all that's been lost in them other ages, all the truths that wasn't truly revealed yet (See?), as the revelation come. Then he reveals those things in his day. If you want to read it, there it is: A Revelations 10:1 to--1 to about 4.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_63-0318 127-3 {68} Takes the Book of Seals and breaks them and shows the seventh angel, for this alone, the mysteries of God, is the ministry of the seventh angel. Now, we just come through the church ages with even history and prove that. See? It is the angel's message of the seventh church. All right, reveals all the mysteries that's been in the past, all the things in the past: Revelations 10:1-7. That's to be.
127-6 {72} And at the end of the Pentecostal age we are supposed to receive, according to the Word, as God help me tonight to show you through here, that we are to receive a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing of the Church.
128-2 {75} And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it. There's something we've got to step farther; we--we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. We've got to have enough faith to be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth, and we'll find that after a while, the Lord willing, find where it's written.
“The New Ministry” – “After the Ages” Malachi 4 Ministry – 1956-1963 BEING.LED.OF.THE.HOLY.SPIRIT_56-0219 E-45 …"Are you afraid now you making this, concerning this new ministry that you're entering, do you think that's going to be... You say greater?" Yes. "How do you know?" God said so. Oh, I haven't got one bit of doubt, my heart's just leaping and jumping to get to it.
REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1_60-1231 193 …lead me on, Lord, to continue to do as I am led to do. Help me, God, because I seek sincerely to know Your will, that I might do it to bring (as You showed me many years ago when I left this church) the Bread of Life to the peoples of the world. And I saw that great mountain of Bread, and white-robed saints coming from all over the earth to eat this Bread of Life. O God, let me... O God, let me never, never fail to feed the people on the Bread of Life.
LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS_63-1229E 42 And everyone knows that, for, as certain as the First was identified, so has the Second been identified. And if you'll think real closely, you who are spiritual. As the Bible said, "Here is to him that has wisdom." The Third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.
THE.EVENING.MESSENGER_63-0116 80 Now, as Luther's age faded out, then Wesley come in. And when Wesley's sanctification faded out, Pentecostal age come in. See? Its always the messenger opens up the new message at the end of the old. It's each age that that's been done. We know that to be the truth.
WHY.IT.HAD.TO.BE.SHEPHERD_64-1221 148 …Israel, did not receive the prophet-shepherd's Word, all of Israel didn't receive It. Now, notice, they was complaining. "Oh," when he was performing the miracles, "he was a great fellow," but when it come to his Message, "that was different." All great signs follows a new message coming.
THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_65-1125 193 The pilgrim fathers were very thankful for their new-found way of life, being separated from the old English denominations and creed. They could marry to the new, anointed Word for their age; that's right, the new, anointed Word of their age, for their day.
194 So can we be thankful, as pilgrims, like Abraham, separated ourself from the things of the world, all of our associates. Abraham was a pilgrim. God has separated us from all the dead religions. I'm speaking across the nation now, all the dead creeds. And to what? Separated us, and opened to us a new land, a new Message for this day.
195 Pentecost dried up and died, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of them. It's no more than a bunch of churches pulled together. Good people in there, yet, has got to be come out.
GOD'S.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_65-1128M 175 So don't bring your denomination over in the new Message. This is the Word now. That's what denominated, the stalk; it carried It, that's right; but It come over into here, then the stalk died. It was a carrier, the denomination, but the Word goes right on. Yeah, the Word goes right on.
The Lord gave me a word today and told me to apply it to the Third Testament believers. It is below."Thus Saith the Lord, to the men of the Third Testament, the Heavenly City. Break up your earthly thoughts and sow not to the flesh."
I came home after working and sat down to look at my thoughts for Thursday evenings discussion at The Third Testament Assembly. I put into the search, "Break up" to see if the Lord had dealt with others in this manner. Below is a word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet. "For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns." (Jer. 4:3)
Here is the prophet Hosea, " Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12)
We see ourselves continually in the scriptures of the Testaments. They are witness of what God is doing within his believers around the world. God breaks up our flesh unit and destroys it with the brightness of his coming. When we are broken it makes a way for the move of the Holy Ghost to rapture us into His Kingdom of the Spoken Word. We can’t display what God is doing in our earth until the vessel is broken. This truth is displayed throughout the scripture. Listed below are a few things concerning “You” that you can think about and find enjoyment.
GENESIS speaks of a “Broken Fellowship” but God uses it for the greater understanding of his redemption plan. EXODUS speaks of “Broken Laws and Commandments” but God uses it to prove to man his mystery of salvation and grace. NUMBERS depicts a “Broken Covenant” but God uses it to establish a more excellent covenant in Jesus Christ. The PSALMS are the outpouring of a “Broken and Contrite Heart” of a King but God uses them to reveal his unconditional love for his elect.
KINGS tells us of a “Broken Prophet” in Elijah but God uses the Spirit of this prophet time and time again to show his love. JUDGES speaks of “Broken Pitchers” in the hands of three hundred men but God uses this to show us victory over the overwhelming enemy. In MATTHEW we read of “Broken Loaves” in the hands of Jesus, yet God uses it to reveal that broken things can feed the multitudes. MARK tells us of a “Broken Roof” while Jesus was ministering but God uses it to show that he can be approached no matter what the obstacle.
LUKE writes of a “Broken Alabaster Box” but God uses it to show that he accepts and baths himself in our brokenness. JOHN writes of a “Broken Hearted Family” as Lazarus lay dead but God uses the situation to prove his resurrection and life. We read of a “Broken Net” after fishing all night but God uses the happening to reveal his change of dispensations from the night of the church ages to the Day of Revelation 10. We must stop fishing from the wrong side of the veil in order to catch the rainbow trout.
In the book of ACTS we see a “Broken Ship” but God uses the pieces to save Paul and all within the ship from certain death. And what about the statement of Jesus to the disciples at the last supper, “This is my body which is broken”? God using the situation to help us understand that our life is in eating the flesh and blood of the Word. Breaking up the fallow flesh is for a purpose and each instance holds a blessing that far outweighs the pain. In newness of Life the breaking is soon forgotten.
‘breaking up the fallow ground’.... Oneness True Union Perfect Love requires us and enables us to break up the fallow ground - the hard places, the difficult places, the places that have previously yielded no good fruit- the places maybe where seed was placed but where thorns and thistles have restricted the life of the seed. The hard places in our relationships – the places where we have avoided, because of it being ‘too hard’ – places where we have put defenses around ourselves that inhibit progress and good health. How blessed we are to know this Love - so that 'together we make it' ~Sister Elizabeth Parson~