An integer is a positiveor negative whole number, including 0. • …-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,3… Whole Number:Any number over 1.
Thereare “4” Integer Operations JUST LIKE IN ALLMATH!
4 IntegerOperations • Addition • Subtraction - • Multiplication x • Division ÷ +
Rules ForIntegers • When Signs are the same, add the numbers! • -5 - 1 = 5 +1 • Answer gets the sign ofthe largernumber. • 5 is the largestnumber it’s sign is a(-). • Answer is-6.
Rules ForIntegers • When Signs are the different subtract thenumbers. • -5 + 1 = 5 -1 • Answer gets the sign ofthe largernumber. • 5 is the largestnumber it’s sign is a(-). • Answer is-4.
1) 5 - 6= 2) -3 + 2= 3) 6 + 5= 4) -8 + 7= 5) 9 - 9= -1 -1 +11 -1 0 Let’sPractice Remember: If signs are the same add the numbers, if signs are different subtract the numbers. Then give the answer the sign of the largestnumber!
Rules forIntegers • WhenParenthesis( ) are involvedwe get todoodle! • This is where you need to draw some faces. (Bet you didn’t know you’d be doing Art inMath!)
Rules for Adding &Subtracting IntegersContinued • When you multiply a (+ x -) you get a(-). • When you multiply a (- x -) you get a(+). • When you multiply a (+ x +) you get a(+). 5 + (-1) =4 - 5 – (-1) =6 + 5 + (+5) =10 +
9 2 6 15 12 Let’sPractice 1) 4 –+(-5)= 2) 9 +-(-7)= 3) 6 –-(+2)= 4) 8 –+(-7)= 5) 9 ++(+3)= Remember: DRAW the faces first! If signs are the same add the numbers, if signs are different subtract the numbers. Then give the answer the sign of the largestnumber!
Rules for Multiplying Integers(x) • The product of two integers with the same signs isPOSITIVE. • The product of two integers with different signs is NEGATIVE.
-18 9 -20 12 56 Let’s Practice “Multiplication” 1) 6 x (-3)= 2) 3 x 3= 3) -4 x 5= 4) -6 x (-2)= 5) -7 x (-8)= Remember: Positive x Positive = Positive Negative x Negative = Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive =Negative
Did you knowthat the rules for multiplication and division are the same?
The rules for division are exactly the same as those formultiplication. Ifwe were to take the rules for multiplication and change the multiplication signs to division signs, we would have an accurate set of rules fordivision.
Rules for Dividing Integers(÷) • The quotient of two integers with the same signs isPOSITIVE. • The quotient of two integers with different signs is NEGATIVE.
Rules Summaryfor Division • Positive ÷ Positive =Positive • Negative ÷ Negative =Positive • Positive ÷ Negative=Negative • Negative ÷ Positive =Negative
-9 8 -3 8 -6 1) 18 ÷ (-2)= 2) -48 ÷ (-6)= 3) -27 ÷ 9= 4) 64 ÷ 8= 5) 30 ÷ (-5)= Let’s Practice“Division” Remember: Positive ÷ Positive = Positive Negative ÷ Negative = Positive Positive ÷ Negative= Negative Negative ÷ Positive =Negative