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Solar Eclipse. Eclipse of the Sun. 日蝕. ( 日食 ). P.6 1 st Term General Studies Syllabus. Produced by : Thomas CHAI Yan Piau. Revolutions of the Earth & the Moon. Cause of a Solar Eclipse. When the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth ,
Solar Eclipse Eclipse of the Sun 日蝕 (日食) P.6 1st Term General Studies Syllabus Produced by:Thomas CHAI Yan Piau
Cause of a Solar Eclipse When the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, and they form a straight line or nearly a straight line, the Moonblocks the sunlightshining onto the Earth.
3 Types of Solar Eclipses 1) Partial Eclipse: only part of the Sun is covered by the Moon. 2) Total Eclipse: the Earth is at the nearest position to the Moon, the Sun will be totally covered by the Moon.
Total Eclipse: Partial Eclipse: Total Eclipse Formation of Total & Partial Eclipses
http://webevents.broadcast.com/exploratorium/solareclipse/ Total Eclipse --- 11th August, 1999
3 Types of Solar Eclipses 1) Partial Eclipse: only part of the Sun is covered by the Moon. 2) Total Eclipse: the Earth is at the nearest position to the Moon, the Sun will be totally covered by the Moon. 3) Annular Eclipse: the Earth is at the farthest position to the Moon, onlythe central part of the Sun is coveredby the Moon, to form a bright ring.
Annular Eclipse: Partial Eclipse: Formation of Annular & Partial Eclipses
Total Eclipse: Partial Eclipse: Total Eclipse Formation of Total & Partial Eclipses
Dates of the Solar Eclipses from 1995 to 1999 When will be the nextSolar Eclipse?
哪些是觀看日蝕的正確方法? 1. 用塗黑了的膠片看太陽 2. 用望遠鏡投影法看太陽的投影 3. 用望遠鏡直接觀看太陽 4. 戴上太陽眼鏡觀看太陽 6. 利用墨水看太陽 5. 用肉眼直視太陽 7. 用望遠鏡投影法看太陽的投影 8. 隔著曝了光的底片看太陽
Web-sites on Solar Eclipses http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/sci_tech/specials/eclipse_99/ http://ftp.seds.org/pub/images/eclipse/.html/00Index-1.html http://www.seds.org/images/ http://www.solar-eclipse.org/ http://webevents.broadcast.com/exploratorium/solareclipse/ http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/eclipse/990811/rp.html http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/TSE1999/TSE1999.html http://www.mreclipse.com/SEgallery/SEcomp.html
有關日蝕的中文網頁 http://www.plvs.ntct.edu.tw/Science/sky/eclipse.htm http://www.ttvs.cy.edu.tw/d503/22/sun.htm