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A Raindrops Journey in a Plant…. By: Dana Asaad Class: 8B. What is a Plant?.
A Raindrops Journey in a Plant… By: Dana Asaad Class: 8B
What is a Plant? Plants are living organisms which are part of Kingdom Plantae. Plants are usually found outside growing freely in nature. Kingdom Plantae includes organisms such as trees, grasses, vines, bushes, ferns, mosses and so on. Plants get the majority of their energy from sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis.
Plants Plants are like humans in various ways. Think about it, our transport system is the blood in our bodies. The blood conveys oxygen and food into our cells, which eliminates carbon dioxide and waste chemicals. This process is also very similar to the plants transport system as they have a number of small and thin tubes inside them. These miniature tubes transmit liquids up and down the stem and all around the whole plant.
What Happens? Now in order to survive, plants need water. But how does the plant get that water? Well a plant can receive water from natural rain, waterfalls, rivers, lakes and so on. The water left on the ground is then absorbed by the plant, using it’s tiny root hairs. The mineral salts in the water help the plant grow better. This process is called Osmosis.
Raindrop Traveling in a Plant… Now, once the raindrop has entered the root, it will extend and finally the root will come across the xylem.
Xylem Xylem is one of two types of vascular tissues located in any plant. The other type is called Phloem. Xylem is responsible for producing water and dissolving nutrients upward starting from the root. This process helps create the woody element in a stem.
Stage One In order for the raindrop to get to the xylem, it will need to take a certain destination. In order for the raindrop to get to this destination it will need to take a specific pathway. There are three pathways in total, the symplastic route, the apoplectic route and finally the transmembrane route.
Phloem Phloem is the vascular tissue in a plant which produces sugars and other metabolic products downward from the leaves.
Stage 2 In every plant stem, there is something named xylem and phloem. Both these parts make a big difference and help plants get their food. The xylems job is to make sure that the water and nutrients from the raindrop are carried up to the tubes and then to the phloem. The phloem’s job is to then carry the water and nutrients up to the rest of the plant in order to complete the process.
Stage Three The raindrop has now started the photosynthesis process. Animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide at the same time while green plants produce oxygen and food. This is all part of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means ''putting together with light”. This happens in chloroplasts which contains chlorophyll in them. Chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight and from the sunlight, green plants gather and then combine carbon dioxide and water to produce sugar and oxygen. Green plants use sugar to create starch, fats and finally proteins. There are tiny pores called Stomata. During this stage Carbon dioxide and oxygen can then enter and exit through the stomata easily.
Stomata- Basics Stomata are basically pores in a leaf. The stomata is in charge of exchanging gases so that carbon dioxide and oxygen can enter through. Most stomata look like a green circle with a yellow oval inside it.
Stage 4- Transpiration Transpiration is the evaporation process in a plant where water is absorbed out of a plants roots, up to the rest of the plant, up to the leaves and into the atmosphere. The amount of water being absorbed from the plant depends on the plants size and it’s surroundings. For instance, sun light, different temperatures, humidity, heat, intensity and wind climates all matter and make a big difference.
Transpiration There are three different types of transpiration. These are Stomatal transpiration, Lenticular transpiration and finally Cuticular transpiration.Leaf surfaces are spotted with openings called stomata's. Most stomata’s are also bordered with guard cells. Leaf transpiration happens throughout the stomata. What happens is, the opening of the pistil allows the diffusion of the carbon dioxide gas from the air for photosynthesis.
Why are Plants Important? • The oxygen we breath comes from plants so without plants, we would die • Plants are used as food for many animals such as bears and moose. • Plants are used as homes for many animals such as squirrels. If small animals like insects and squirrels don’t have shelter, then they’re population would go down which would be a limitation.
Why are Plants Important? Most importantly, if we didn’t have plants, our food chain would be ruined and many of us would die. For instance, if many of the eatable animals died because they couldn’t find any food to eat. We would also get affected and that would kill many of us because if there are no plants, and definitely no animals to eat, then we will al die from starvation.
Conclusion Hopefully you have learnt a lot from this PowerPoint and now realize how important plants really are.
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090508093735AAtmSDs • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070513172426AAmo13v • http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobookplantanat.html
Bibliography 6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylem 7) http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_xylemphloem.html 8) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_anatomy 9) http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_structure.html