2. 2 Group performance
3. 3 Divisional EBIT
4. 4 EBIT growth
5. 5 Orica’s approach – value drivers
6. 6 Gross margin growth
7. 7 Productivity
8. 8 Net profit after tax
9. Divisional performance
10. 10 Orica Mining Services
11. 11 Orica Mining ServicesSales $3,111M; EBIT $575M; Average Net Assets $2,246M; RONA 26%
12. 12 Orica Mining Services by geography
13. 13 Acquired ex Dyno business performance The 26.1M for Dyno does not match profit report number of 26.5M
Fix formattingThe 26.1M for Dyno does not match profit report number of 26.5M
Fix formatting
14. 14 Acquired ex Dyno business - integration costs Brand write off $8.9M included in asset write offs
Other is stranded costs of $3M
Brand write off $8.9M included in asset write offs
Other is stranded costs of $3M
15. 15 Minova
16. 16 MinovaSales $332M; EBIT $62M; Net Assets $906M; Pro forma RONA 10.1%
17. 17 Chemical Services
18. 18 Chemical ServicesSales $425M; EBIT $69M; Average Net Assets $394M; RONA 17%
19. 19 Chemnet
20. 20 ChemnetSales $928M; EBIT $59M; Average Net Assets $346M; RONA 17%
21. 21 Orica Consumer Products
22. 22 Orica Consumer ProductsSales $826M; EBIT $102M; Average Net Assets $233M; RONA 44%
23. 23 Corporate centre and other support services
24. 24 Capital management - highlights
25. 25 Cashflow
26. 26 Net debt and gearing Pro forma Minova gearing
Change color of yellow barsPro forma Minova gearing
Change color of yellow bars
27. 27 Cash Conversion1
28. 28 Rolling TWC to Sales %
29. 29 Capital expenditure
30. 30 Capital management - 2008 2008 Focus – cash generation
Restoring gearing to our target range
Credit Rating – committed to BBB+
Underwritten DRP
31. 31 Capital Management - Portfolio Have been active over a number of years in reshaping portfolio
We view the shape and composition of Orica as a continual “work in progress”
33. 33 EBIT contribution by business platform1
34. 34 Gross sales by geography
35. 35 Net interest expense
36. 36 Impact of Excel – gearing (A$M)
37. 37 Step-Up Preference Securities (SPS) SPS treated as 100% equity for financial reporting purposes
SPS distributions are treated as dividends and NOT interest
EPS calculation adjusted for SPS distributions on an after tax basis
Rating agencies treat SPS as 50% equity / 50% debt
Income tax benefit on distributions is now credited directly to shareholders equity (previously it was credited to income tax expense). This policy applies to the 2007 financial year and subsequent years.
38. 38 Impact of SPS – gearing (A$M)
39. 39 Impact of SPS – interest cover (A$M)
40. 40 Debt maturity – long term debt
41. 41 Foreign currency - snapshot