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Wine & Environment, salient caracters and first results the French experience. Jean-Baptiste Traversac, French National Agronomy Research Institute (INRA SAD-APT Paris). Wine and sustainability. expertise on Vine & Wine biotechnics ~ coordination of 25 programs
Wine & Environment, salient caracters and first resultsthe French experience Jean-Baptiste Traversac, French National Agronomy Research Institute (INRA SAD-APT Paris) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Wine and sustainability expertise on Vine & Wine biotechnics ~ coordination of 25 programs - Vine & EnvironementC. Compagnone - Integrated Pest ManagementA. Pugin, G. Sentenac, & al - Virus Insect Vectors E. Boudon-Padieu, X.Daire - Soil Research G. Trouche works on economics • Industrial organisation • Wine market regulation(self-governance & public policyin the AOC) • Local networks organisation • diverse reports for: • the strategic planning of the research networks for the vineyard of the north-est of France (CRECEP/RVVS) • a european project (FORESCENE) • first results of a work on the environmental policy in thefrench vineyard JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
An expertise for a european project FORESCENE : making scenario for the sustainable development of rural areain agriculture • Focal issue and area of expertiseA biotechnic and Economic expertise • Long terms sustainability goal and targetsThe Renewal of local Agro-Food Systems Network’s • Key scenarios elements for a sustainable developementProspective Vines and Wines – Scenarios for Research and actors • Key possible instruments and measuresA suggestion JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Environnemental impacts • The pest disease management probleminterogations about the viability of the pest dependant crop systems & healths consequences • Viticulture use 50 % of the total weigth of pesticide for 3 % of the crop area(25OOO tons/year) data colected by the French agricultural departement & the industry union of pesticide producers JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Dispersion of pest applications Lucas P & al., INRA 2004 JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Consequences • Health impact : for the producers, numerous studies about relation between use of pesticide (generaly wihtout care) and some severe deseases (e.g. on the children fertility, cancer rate, etc….) • Water quality : difficulty to respect the directive EEC 80-778 & the directive cadre on water (2000/60/EC) The problems are very localised due to the limited wine area JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
RUM (m) 100 m. Scale - * 10 years -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 0.9 mm.an-1 -0.08 -0.1 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.18 -0.2 -0.22 -0.24 -0.26 -0.28 1.2 mm.an-1 -0.3 0.9 mm.an-1 2.2 mm.an-1 1.4 mm.an-1 chemin 1 mm.an-1 drain 1.2 mm.an-1 Brenot et al., 2004 Quantification and spatialisation of erosionphenomenon on the burgundy coast Root Unearthing Method = RUM 133 000 ceps mesurés JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
erosion/transit/sedimentation key questions on the ability to preserve the soil patrimony Montainside dynamic JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Environmental impact factor’s of the wine industry • Farms sustainability index (IDEA): direct survey(IDEA) structural (AC) & financial survey (RICA)(IDERICA) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Biodiversity: can we conclude with a structural index? Score on the biodiversity of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Biodiversity in viticultural farms: a specific entry • Random sexual reproduction→ exclusively by wood except for specific program creation of new variety is stoped (resistant variety or new table grappe variety) low inter ~ 0, but high intra and studies show that - genetic varity in grape is in regression - association with neighbours species could be rich of insect • Quality signal based on variety → 8 major varieties (~ 45% french wineyard ) • Huge diversity in collection and in different vineyards in almost all EU JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Pest management: pertinence of a financial index ? Score on the use of pesticide of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Soil protection Score on the soil protection of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Water use Score on the use of water of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Social implication Score on the social implication of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Collective work Score on the job creation of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Subsidies sensibility Score on the use of subsidies of wine farms JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Girardin P. & al., INRA 2004
Sustainable development of agriculture: a place for a specific farm census IDERICA pertinent index • edaphic & social index: significativity in question • economics index: a view of financial performances • need of a european agricultural survey in four parts • structure (ES): land, workers, crop, cattle, machine,…, • activity (EA): with more informations in backward and lateral activities • financial results (RICA): with a more detailed and reliable information • sustainable developement index (EDD): with edaphic and social index • (periodicity of 3 years) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Goals and issues of Sust. Dev. debates & perspectives • Discussion about the most efficient method to reduce pest treatmentpollutionpublic prescription vs private certification certification and labelling efficiency state efficiency of control of the producers or/and volontary approach JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Would you willing to pay a premium for a Colorado wine, If it was grown and labeled using sustainable agriculturaland environmentally friendly techniques? Maria L. Loureiro (2001) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
results on the hedonic prices of SD labels show that it is complicated to associate a SD label to GI (AOC) • D. Boughedra, 2004 • Giraud, 2005 ; Halawany, Giraud, 2007 • Soler & al., 2007 efficiency of certification and labelling ~ 0 JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Evolution of the work intensity in the french vineyards JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Dispersion of pest applications: a political choice % product dispersed % product on target rampes & buses vs soufflerie JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 Lucas P & al., INRA 2004
Network of innovators and the grass management in Monthelie JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 C. Compagnone, 2007
Network of innovators and the use of spray machine in Monthelie Law presssure spraying High pressure spraying JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007 C. Compagnone, 2007
Is the number of participant matter in the effectiveness of environment prescription ? JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Main composants of the model n : number of participant (constant in a short term) i’ : level of environmental performance (voluntary approch requires i < i’) I : overall level of pollution (I is a function of several parameters) (α is the proportion of non participants) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
α is the switching cost from i’ to i a is the ease of adopting the integrated approach JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
we integrateα the extremum is: JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
To minimise Ithe second order condition has to be positive JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
An application for i’=1 (worst score) and a=1 (high inertia to change) • REM: • for each n, there is 2 sub-optimal solutions • i = 0,5 is the optimal solution to optimise I JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Overall environmental performance as a function of required level of pollution per participant and the total number of enterprise (i’=1, a=1) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Policy implication • How to determine the level of resistance to change a? • The solution for certain value of i are twice(if there is a cost of negociation C, the administration will preferthe smalest number) • An interest group can select a level of i in relation with it’s own interrest(what could be the good reaction to the constitution of such groups?) JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007
Thank you for your attention JB Traversac, Cal-Med Meeting - Sonoma, oct 2007