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ALCOHOL. Mrs. McCord 8 th Grade Health. What is Alcohol?. A Depressant Drug that enters the bloodstream and SLOWS THE BODY DOWN. 4 TYPES OF ALCOHOL: beer, wine, wine coolers and hard liquor (distilled spirits) Alcohol is also found in some medicines mouthwashes
ALCOHOL • Mrs. McCord • 8th Grade Health
What is Alcohol? • ADepressant Drug that enters the bloodstream and SLOWS THE BODY DOWN. • 4 TYPES OF ALCOHOL: beer, wine, wine coolers and hard liquor (distilled spirits) • Alcohol is also found in some medicines mouthwashes essential oils household products – rubbing alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows down the central nervous system. Even in small doses, alcohol affects a person’s reaction time and coordination. Alcohol also interferes with a person’s ability to concentrate and make logical decisions. ALCOHOL • In large doses, alcohol can cause unconsciousness and even death.
A can of beer (12 ounces at 5% alcohol) A bottle wine cooler(12 ounces at 4% alcohol) A glass of wine (5 ounces at 12% alcohol) A shot of liquor *(1 ¼ ounces at 40% alcohol) TYPES OF ALCOHOL • These drinks all contain about the same amount of alcohol and have roughly the same effect on the body: • * A shot of liquor will have the same effect whether it is consumed straight or mixed with other ingredients in a cocktail.
PICK A POISON, ANY POISON • BEER(3-6% alcohol)is fermented from grains • WINE(3-6% alcohol) is fermented from fruits • LIQUOR(40-50% alcohol)is distilled alcohol made from grains, fruits, rice or vegetables • WINE COOLERS arealcoholic beverages made from cheapest wines and fruitjuice, often in combination with a carbonated beverage and sugar.
WHAT MAKES ALCOHOL, ALCOHOL? A chemical substance - intoxicating ingredient called: ETHYL ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) OR ETHANOL
What happens when you drink to much? YOU BECOME INTOXICATED OR DRUNK • INTOXICATION - also known as drunkenness or being drunk or inebriated
WHAT MAKES ALCOHOL, ALCOHOL? Most drinking alcohol is created through a process called fermentation. Fermentation uses the waste (or excrement) of a fungus called yeastto create the beverage that we know as alcohol
How Is Alcohol Made? • Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. • Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol.
THE SAME?? HOW?? • Which contains the most amount of alcohol? • 12 oz. can of beer at 5% alcohol • 5 oz. glass of wine at 12% alcohol • 1.5 oz. of 80-proof liquor at 40% alcohol • 12 oz. wine cooler at 4% alcohol THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!! Why? They are all different volume amounts
Legal Age = 21It is against the law for anyone under 21 to possess alcohol with the intent to consume.
FACT #1: UNDERAGE DRINKING • Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who abstained until age 21
Why do TEENSDrink?????? • Teens are more likely to start experimenting with drinking if they have: 1. peer pressure 2. have friends who are also drinking 3. like the feeling 4. reduces tension 5. to fit in 6. to look older
More reasons young people experiment with alcohol Peer Influence Availability Rebellion Boredom Curiosity Gain confidence Relaxation Having Fun Forgetting Problems Enjoyment
LAWS AND CONSEQUENCES of UNDERAGE Drinking • Possessing Alcohol under 21 is ILLEGAL • Can lead to: • Heavy Fines • Arrest • Car Impounded • Suspended License
FACT #2: UNDERAGE DRINKING • Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among adolescents. • By their senior year of high school, nearly 4 out of 5 students (80%)have consumed alcohol.
HOW DOES ALCOHOL AFFECT YOU? • When people drink alcohol - it's immediately absorbed into their bloodstream • From there it affects the, Central Nervous System (the brain and spinal cord), which controls virtually all body functions.
How does Alcohol affect the Brain? Alters your: * Perception * Emotions Confused Disoriented * Movement Poor Coordination Reaction time is slower * Vision -Blurred * Hearing - Impaired * Speech - Slurred INHIBITIONS = behaviors change YOU DO THINGS OR SAY THINGS YOUR NORMALLY WOULDN’T DO!!!!!
What are the 3 Main Body Parts???? • 1. B R A I N • 2. L I V E R • 3. K I D N E Y
FACT #3: UNDERAGE DRINKING • Underage drinking can cause alterations in the structure and function of the developing brain, which continues to mature into the mid- to late-twenties.
ALCOHOL…IT’S NOT ALL THAT. • IT’S AGAINST THE LAW TO DRINK IF YOU’RE UNDER 21. • UNDERAGE DRINKING CAN LAND YOU IN JAIL, AND IT CAN CAUSE: • Serious Health Problems • Violence and Problems with the Law • Unplanned Pregnancies and STDs • Problems at School
UNDERAGE ALCOHOL POSSESSION IN NEW YORK:In New York State, if you’re under 21 years old, it is a violation to possess alcohol with the intent to consume. • If caught: youth can be fined, required to complete an alcohol and drug education seminar, and/or required to complete community service.
N.Y. ZERO TOLERANCE LAW • All states have laws which state that minors (Under 21) are not allowed to be in possession of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle. Cars and Boats Snowmobiles ATV’s “quads” YOU DRINK, YOU DRIVE, YOU LOSE!
UNDERAGE ALCOHOL POSSESSION • For small amounts: teens can lose their license up to 6 months to 1 year. • For larger amounts of alcohol: DWI penalties apply, including possible jail terms.
New Anti-Impaired Laws: • First time offenders driving while intoxicated (.08% BAC) or more OR impaired by drugs while a child of younger than 16 yrs. old is in the vehicle – may be charged with a Class E Felony: UP TO 4 YRS. IN PRISON
THE PRICE YOU PAYFOR DWI: • Up to $15,000 in legal fees, fines and insurance increases • Loss of license • Jail time • A criminal record • Nationally, three out of 10 people will be in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetimes. • In 2006, an estimated 17,602 people died in alcohol-related traffic crashes—an average of one every 30 minutes. • Change the way you think. • Don't drink and drive.
FACT #4: UNDERAGE DRINKING • Adolescents who drink are likely to be heavy drinkers or binge drinkers (defined as 5 or more drinks in one sitting). • Heavy drinking is reported by 10% of eighth graders, 22% of tenth graders, 26% of twelfth graders and 45% of college students.
While alcohol use is illegal for individuals under age 21, DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network) estimates that in 2006 there were 76,760 alcohol-related emergency room visits among individuals aged 12 to17 and 105,675 alcohol-related emergency room visits among those aged 18 to 20.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)refers to the amount of alcohol that is present in a person’s bloodstream. BAC is commonly measured in percentages. For instance, a BAC of 0.10% means that a person has one drop of alcohol per 1,000 drops of blood in the body. WHAT IS BAC?
JUST THE FACTS cont’d: • What is BAC? Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) The MEASURED % of alcohol in a person's bloodstream. Breathalyzer******* measures alcohol amount in one’s breath *may be used by officers in the field as a form of "field sobriety test" commonly called PBT (preliminary breath test) .08% = INTOXICATED (DRUNK) .05% and less than .08% = DWAI (Driving While Ability is Impaired by alcohol) DWI – Driving While Intoxicated .08 or higher
Factors that influence BAC Gender Age Amount of Food in stomach Rate of consumption Concentration of Alcohol Body Size – Weight / Height Medicine
HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? • Drinks in one hour to reach .08 BAC: Only time can make you sober 1 hour for each drink.
On this table, “one drink” equals: 1 ¼ ounces of 80-proof liquor…or 12 ounces of beer… or 5 ounces of wine. BAC LEVEL - MALES • A BAC above 0.30% is potentially lethal! • Impairment begins with your first drink!
On this table, “one drink” equals: 1 ¼ ounces of 80-proof liquor…or 12 ounces of beer… or 5 ounces of wine. BAC LEVEL - FEMALES • A BAC above 0.30% is potentially lethal! • Impairment begins with your first drink!
FACT #4: UNDERAGE DRINKING • Where Do Young People Drink? • A majority (53.4 percent) of current alcohol users aged 12 to 20 drank at someone else’s home the last time they used alcohol, and • Another 30.3 percent drank in their own home.
Short-Term Effects Impairs Judgment Blurred Vision Slurred Speech Impairs Coordination and Balance Blackouts Impairs Behavior Bloodshot Eyes Long Term Effects Cancer of mouth and throat Cirrhosis of Liver Stomach Ulcers Cancer of Pancreas Irregular Heartbeat Kidney Failure High Blood Pressure Alcohol use can lead to:
…then you can be classified as a binge drinker. WHAT IS BINGE DRINKING? • If you are… • a male who consumes 5 or more drinks in one sitting… • a female who consumes4 or more drinks in one sitting… • or
Binge Drinking • Heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. • The consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men — or four or more drinks in a row by women.
Why do people Binge Drink?? - Liquor stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. • One of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking. • AFFECTS: • Alcohol poisoning is the most life-threatening consequence of binge drinking ! • Affects the body's involuntary reflexes — including breathing and the gag reflex . • a person can choke to death on his or her vomit .
WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? • Rapid binge drinking on a dare or at a party is extremely dangerous. • If a large quantity of alcohol is consumed too quickly, the body cannot process the alcohol fast enough. • The high level of alcohol in the bloodstream causes the body’s systems to shut down. • Binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning and death!
1. Passed Out Drunk! How vulnerable are these people?
3. RAPE / DATE RAPE • "Date rape", often referred to as “acquaintance rape”, is an assault or attempted assault usually committed by a new acquaintance involving sexual intercourse without mutual consent. • The three most commonly used drugs for date rape are: • 1. GHB, also known as gamma-hydroxybutyric acid • 2. Rohypnol or "roofies" • 3. Ketamine – animal tranquilizer • ALCOHOL still remains the drug most frequently implicated in substance-assisted sexual assault