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Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States “EANGUS 101”. Who We Are www.eangus.org. Largest enlisted reserve component association Created in 1970 by a group of senior Noncommissioned officers from Mississippi and South Dakota
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States “EANGUS 101”
Who We Arewww.eangus.org • Largest enlisted reserve component association • Created in 1970 by a group of senior Noncommissioned officers from Mississippi and South Dakota • Incorporated in Jackson, Mississippi in 1972 • Created to give a voice on Capitol Hill for enlisted National Guard issues • Represent over 414,000 enlisted National Guard men & women, and their families, and retirees • Longstanding Member of The Military Coalition (TMC)
Organizational Structure Officers and Appointees President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Executive Director Parliamentarian Sergeant At Arms Chaplain Historian Memorial Book Chairman State Presidents Area Chairmen Area Directors • COMMITTEES • Air National Guard • Army National Guard • Awards • Building Fund • By-Laws • Conference Coordinator • Continuity and Retiree Affairs • Credentials and Rules • Distinguished Guests • Emergency Relief Fund • Finance • Junior Enlisted • Legislation • Membership • Nominations • Publications • Public Relations • Resolutions • Scholarship • Strategic Planning & Oversight • Time & Place • Veterans Against Drugs • Ways and Means • “We Care For America” Foundation
Auxiliary Structure Officers and Appointees President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Sergeant At Arms Chaplain Historian Webmaster Area Directors Committees Awards Constitution Distinguished Guests Family Affairs Finance Fund Raising Legislative/Philanthropic Life Membership Membership Nominations Public Relations Resolutions Scholarship Ways and Means (Silent Auctions)
National Office Locationwww.eangus.org National Headquarters is located at 3133 Mount Vernon Ave, Alexandria Virginia 10 minutes to National Guard Bureau (NGB) 15 minutes to Capitol Hill
National Office Staff Bryan Birch Chief of Staff/ Director Member Services Cheryl Garner Accountant Randy Jennings Legislative Director Al Garver Executive Director Renae Avallone Executive Assistant Heather Stevens Administrative Assistant
http://www.themilitarycoalition.org Formed to work on compensation and benefits issues for service members, veterans, and their families Speaks with one powerful voice to lawmakers 33 member associations, representing over 5.5 million members EANGUS fully participates with the TMC
Guard Caucus House Guard and Reserve Caucus (229 members) Senate Guard Caucus (96 members) Duncan Hunter (R-CA) Tim Walz (DFL-MN) Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Pat Leahy (D-VT)
Legislative Goals Each year, EANGUS works legislative issues to benefit National Guard members. Legislative goals come from the membership. Legislative goals, point papers can be found on our web site.
Fiscal Year 2011 Legislative Accomplishments, only half the story • Post 9/11 Veterans Education Improvement Act of 2010 - Signed into law on January 4th, this legislation expands GI Bill benefits to over 84,000 members of the National Guard. This will allow, for the first time, soldiers and airmen who have served under Title 32 full GI Bill educational benefits. • National Guard & Reserve Equipment Account (NGREA) $700 million – FY-11 NDAA authorizes $700 million in NGREA to provide equipment for Title 32 and Title 10 operations. • Military Construction $1.068 Billion – ARNG facilities will receive $873 million and ANG to receive $194 million in military construction funds. While this is represents an adequate funding level, the out years are below the needs to improve and maintain over 3,000 readiness centers, of which 40% are over 50 years old. The NDAA mandates that the Secretary of the Army report back to Congress on the present condition of readiness centers and the funding required to properly maintain the Guard’s facility infrastructure. • Banned transfer of Guard & Reserve C-130s to active units – The NDAA halted Air Force attempt to take C-130s from both Guard and Reserve units across the country and place designated aircraft with an active-component unit. The Secretary of the Air Force must now submit to Congress a written agreement between all involved parties that details any plan to transfer aircraft from one component to another. • Access to the Operational Reserve - Also included in the NDAA report language is the opinion of the Committee that current legal authorities may not offer the flexibility for the effective use of the operational reserve and recommends that the Secretary of Defense review current authorities and submit legislative proposals for additional authority needed to facilitate involuntary activation of reserve component members or units to support operational requirements. • Temporarily hiring non-dual status technicians – This represents a partial victory, as the ARNG will be given the authority to hire only for two years 1,600 non-dual status technicians to make up for permanent technicians who are on Title 10 orders. This is in contrast to the President’s budget request of 2,520 non-dual status technicians.
What Your State Accomplishes through the State Association • Education scholarships and tuition waivers or reimbursements • State income tax advantages • Group life insurance • Distinctive vehicle license plates • Low cost home loans • State bonus for combat zone service • Monetary award for enlistment referrals • Free toll passes on bridges and highways • Exemption from arrest while going to/from duty • Interest free emergency loans • State retirement income for NG service • Limited exemption of property taxes • Burial rights in state cemeteries
Scholarships CSM VIRGIL R. WILLIAMS SCHOLARSHIP $2,000 each awarded to 10 winners for 2010-2011 EANGUS AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP The following persons are eligible: EANGUS Auxiliary members Unmarried, dependent sons and daughters of EANGUS Auxiliary members Spouses of EANGUS Auxiliary members The following persons are eligible: 1. EANGUS members 2. Unmarried sons and daughters of EANGUS members 3. Spouses of EANGUS members 4. Unmarried spouses and unmarried dependent sons and daughters of deceased EANGUS members who were in good standing at the time of their death.
“We Care for America” Foundation Scholarships Awards Program Veterans Against Drugs Program 501(c)(3) charitable organization Emergency grants for ANG/ARNG due to financial hardship You do not have to be an EANGUS member to receive an emergency grant
EANGUSEvents 40th Annual Conference August 14-17, 2011 Charleston, WV (register on our web site)
WEB PAGE on the Internet www.eangus.org (Site registration required) 1-800-234-EANG For the price of a couple of movie tickets…
Senior Leader Involvementwww.ngb.army.mil CMSgt Denise Jelinski-Hall Senior Enlisted Leader National Guard Bureau Life Member CSM Richard Burch Command Sergeant Major Army National Guard Life Member CCM Chris Muncy Command Chief Air National Guard Life Member
Categories of Membership Annual – member of NG and retired NG, pay your dues every year Life – payment of set fee plus additional for each year of age under age 50 (one time fee paid for life) Retired – retired NG, pay your dues every year, set fee Honorary – bestowed by EANGUS leaders Associate – not member of NG, pay your dues every year, set fee Corporate –Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Platinum Plus membership levels
I’m thinking of joining EANGUS but why should I? Pay! We consistently lobby for pay raises to reduce pay inequity Money! Hazardous duty pay was increased Money! $300 per weekend for IDT travel (with conditions) Education! New GI Bill with stipends and better benefits Affordable! Held TRICARE fees at today’s level, not 350% increase Health care! Extended 5 year VA care eligibility Retirement points! 130 points per year, up from 90 Earlier retirement! Deployment time counts for earlier retirement
Join UsToday!www.eangus.org The only association that has two things in common with YOU: - National Guard - Enlisted Shouldn’t you and all your troops be an EANGUS member today? 800-234-EANG (3264) www.eangus.org