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ASQ Section 1401 Executive Committee Meeting September 13, 2008 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. In Attendance Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. Hector Lugo Joe Lissberger Lisandra Piper Steve Schafer Fernando Urbina Jack Vaughn Lonnie Wilson submitted by: Lisandra Piper.
ASQ Section 1401 Executive Committee MeetingSeptember 13, 20088:30 am – 12:00 pm In Attendance Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. Hector Lugo Joe Lissberger Lisandra Piper Steve Schafer Fernando Urbina Jack Vaughn Lonnie Wilson submitted by: Lisandra Piper
MINUTES • Douglas C. Montgomery – The Section will extend an invitation to Mr. Montgomery requesting he be the guest speaker at the two-day March 2010 conference. Mr. Montgomery is an expert in DOE (Design of Experiments) and received a Doctorate of Mechanics, but is currently working in Statistics. Lisandra Piper will e-mail the invitation to him. • Hilton Garden El Paso Hotel – the Wednesday September 17 meeting will be held at this hotel located at 111 W. University Ave (corner of University Ave. and Oregon St.) . Meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. • ASQ Credit Card – Hector Lugo stated that the Section credit card will be used to pay for most expenses (refreshments, supplies, hotel reservations, etc.). Check writing will rarely occur because the credit card statement is a more efficient way of tracking funds used. • Forrest Breyfogle – this author of Six Sigma books and renown speaker will be invited to speak at the March 21, 2009 one-day conference to be held at the Hilton Garden El Paso Hotel. Attendance cost will be $47.00 and will include 2 of his books, a book signing, informational binders, and a catered luncheon. We will reimburse him for his travel expenses, pay the cost for the book shipment, and reimburse the round-trip portion of his airline ticket from Austin, Tx. Mr. Breyfogle will receive 50% of the positive balance gained from conference fees, and Section 1401 will retain the remaining 50%. Joe Lissberger will contact Casa Linda Restaurant for a catering estimate. We will also conduct outreach to other ASQ members in Phoenix, Dallas, Albuquerque, and Juarez and encourage them to attend. Jack Vaughn will publicize this event in the October newsletter. Fernando Urbina will contact other 1400 Region members and emphasize that this could serve as a broad-based effort to improve their mode of business. Other possible media include a newspaper notice, television ad, and getting the word out to the El Paso Chamber of Commerce, the African-American Chamber of Commerce, and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. We are hoping for a maximum of 200 attendees.
MINUTES cont’d • March 21, 2009 Conference Fees – they are as follows: MEMBERS *Early Registration $145.00 + $129.00 (membership renewal) = $274.00 Late Registration (members) $195.00 + $129.00 (membership renewal) = $324.00 NON-MEMBERS *Early Registration $195.00 + $129.00 (membership fee) = $324.00 Late Registration $245.00 + $129.00 (membership fee) = $374.00 STUDENTS (UTEP and EPCC) *Early Registration $49.00 + $129.00 (membership fee) = $178.00 Late Registration $99.00 + $129.00 (membership fee) = $228.00 *Early Registration – fees to be paid by January 20, 2009. A savings of $50.00. All fees shall be paid by money order or check. No P.O.s will be accepted. Lonnie Wilson suggested payments also be taken using PayPal for Visa/MC at a cost of 2% for revenues. Jack Vaughn will pursue setting up a PayPal credit card account.
minutes cont’d • March 21, 2009 Conference Budget – the budget has been set at $3,000.00. Sponsor tiers will be acknowledged in the brochure and are categorized as: GOLD $2,500.00 includes 5 attendees SILVER $1,500.00 includes 2 attendees BRONZE $1,000.00 includes 1 attendee Since mailing flyers proves to be too costly, we may consider hand delivering them to the various Chambers of Commerce and corporations that may be interested. No postage is to be used. Motions to formalize plans for the coming week made by Hector Lugo and Rudy Kittlitz, Jr., and unanimous by the committee.
Minutes cont’d • Conference Committee Members Hector Lugo Chair Steve Schafer Vice Chair Lisandra Piper Secretary Hector Lugo Treasurer Fernando Urbina Publicity • Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting Schedule The next 2 meetings will be held at the Holiday Inn Airport Hotel, I-10 Exit 25, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. will notify the hotel for a reserved table in the restaurant. Buffet breakfast. Meeting 1 October 25, 2008 (Conference Committee only) Meeting 2 December 13, 2008 (Executive Committee only)
Minutes cont’d • Lonnie Wilson – Mr. Wilson, author of “How to Implement Lean”, will give a 30 min - 1hr presentation at the October 15, 2008 regular meeting (location still undetermined). The previously scheduled North Wire tour has been moved to the month of November. Mr. Wilson will briefly promote his consultant services and then speak about how the Toyota Production System can be implemented in many corporations. In his speech to the committee, he talked about how there are 10 failures to every success, and that without an excellent quality system, failure is imminent. Quality Control (QC) processes eliminate waste in order to achieve success. The concept of Lean (which means “to do more with less”) was first used in the Toyota Production System to address issues in quality control. It was designed to reap massive gains by using very basic, fundamental process guidelines. Joe Lissberger offered Mr. Wilson the position of ASQ Section 1401 Education Chair for 2008-2009. Since Mr. Wilson stated he would need to ponder a decision, the position remains open until confirmation is received.
Minutes cont’d • Monthly Newsletter – all information that needs to be published in the monthly newsletter must be received by Kim Pries no later than the last week of each month. • Programs Chair – Joe Lissberger will ask Rebecca Diaz to take over responsibilities as Programs Chair. This position remains open until confirmation is received. • Chase Bank Account Signors – the new designated signors for the account are Hector Lugo and Joe Lissberger. They will need a copy of the minutes stating they are the new signors for the bank accounts, as well as show 2 Ids to the bank representative. Miguel Vargas-Cortes will be deleted from the signature cards as he is no longer the treasurer. Motions to accept made by Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. and Jack Vaughn, and unanimous by the committee. • CRE Pimer & CD – Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. will purchase these two items and be reimbursed for the cost. Motions to accept made by Joe Lissberger and Hector Lugo, and unanimous by the board. • Quarterly Executive Committee Breakfast Meetings (Saturdays) – Joe Lissberger proposed quarterly meetings for this committee to begin December 13, 2008. • Cultures Presentation – Hector Lugo will contact a woman who specializes in culture histories to see if she might give a talk at one of our meetings. • ASQ Meeting Topics – Lonnie Wilson suggested we research the kinds of topics that would attract more interest in order to boost membership. Some areas to consider were medical service industry auditing, the Texas Tech Medical School, and the military.
Minutes cont’d • Attendance List – Lisandra Piper will verify whether she has the attendance list for the months of March, June, July, and August 2008. If so, she will e-mail them to Jack Vaughn. • Meeting Sign-In Sheets – Hector Lugo stated he can provide sign-in sheets to Jack Vaughn for accurate attendance records. • Next Regular Meeting – we hope to have a crowd of UTEP students join us to hear Lonnie Wilson speak on Lean practices. • Adjourned