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Nia Jones, CILT Cymru Bridget Smith, AdAS / DfES Ceri Griffiths, Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

Gweithdy: Defnyddio’r posteri llythrennedd triphlyg am ddim mewn ysgolion Workshop: Using the free triple literacy posters in schools. Nia Jones, CILT Cymru Bridget Smith, AdAS / DfES Ceri Griffiths, Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni. Y Posteri - Cefndir The Posters - Background.

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Nia Jones, CILT Cymru Bridget Smith, AdAS / DfES Ceri Griffiths, Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

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  1. Gweithdy: Defnyddio’r posteri llythrennedd triphlyg am ddim mewn ysgolion Workshop: Using the free triple literacy posters in schools Nia Jones, CILT Cymru Bridget Smith, AdAS / DfES Ceri Griffiths, YsgolGyfunCwmRhymni

  2. Y Posteri - CefndirThe Posters - Background Bridget Smith Arbenigwraig Pwnc ITM Subject Expert for MFL AdAS / DfES

  3. AstudiaethAchosA Case Study Ceri Griffiths Pennaeth ITM / Head of MFL Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

  4. YsgolGyfunCwmRhymni • Autumn term 2002– Heads of Welsh, French and English decided to look at similarities and differences in departmental schemes of work to aid school focus of improving literacy. • Creation of list of common terminology in the three languages. • Creation of booklet as a reference aid to KS3 pupils.

  5. Grant provided by Basic Skills Agency to publish booklet. • Posters created in school to display in various classrooms. • Focus on Triple Literacy on worksheets and Power points in MFL lessons.

  6. Examples of successful activities • Handout 1-activity to introduce adjectives including colours to year 7 • Handout 2- triple literacy starter activity

  7. Department’s thoughts • Pupils’ understanding of structures across the three languages has improved. • Pupils enjoy discovering linguistic similarities and differences. • Triple Literacy posters will be used in all MFL classrooms on a rotational basis depending on the subject being taught. • Posters will be used as a reference material.

  8. Meddyliwch – Cyd-weithiwch – rhannwch! Think – Pair – Share! Poster: Ffrangeg / French Enwau a’r fannod, Les noms et articles, Nouns and articles Camgymeriadaucyffredinyn ITM / Common errors in MFL: Defnyddio’rfannodanghywirneudefnyddio’rddaugyda’ugilydd : Using the wrong or both articles together: J’ailechien / J’aiun le chien. Camgymrydcenedl yr enw: Getting the gender wrong: J’aiunechien.

  9. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples 1. Rhowchgylch o amgylchpobbannodbendantyn y Gymraega’rSaesnegsy’nymddangosar y poster. Darganfyddwch y geiriauhynynFfrangeg ac uwcholeuwchnhw. (Sawlbannodbendantsyddyn y Gymraeg / Saesneg / Ffrangeg?) 2. Rhowchgylch o amgylchpobbannodamhendantyn y Gymraega’rSaesnegsy’nymddangosar y poster. Darganfyddwch y geiriauhynynFfrangeg ac uwcholeuwchnhw. (Sawlbannodbendantsyddyn y Gymraeg / Saesneg / Ffrangeg?)

  10. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples 1. Circle every definitearticlein Welsh and English on the poster. Find the equivalent words in French and highlight them. (How many are there in English / Welsh / French?) 2. Circle every indefinite article in Welsh and English on the poster. Find the equivalent words in French and highlight them (How many are there in English / Welsh / French?)

  11. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples 3. Sgwrs yn y Gymraeg / Discussion in English: Beth ydy’r gwahaniaeth rhwng “y, yr, the + a” + “le, la, les, un, une, des”? What’s the difference between “y, yr, the + a” + “le, la, les, un, une, des”?

  12. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples • Gêm llenwi’r bylchau / Gap-fill game. • Y gêm eiriadur / The dictionary game. • Gêm “Unigol neu Luosog?” / “Singular or Plural?” game.

  13. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples Poster: Sbaeneg / Spanish Pa iaith? ¿QuéLengua? Which Language? Ffocwsarymwybyddiaethiaith a diwylliant Focus on language + cultural awareness: Atalnodi, rhannauymadrodd, patrymauar draws ieithoedd, elfennauddiwylliannol, geiriaucytrasayyb. Punctuation, parts of speech, patterns across languages, cultural aspects, cognates etc.

  14. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples • Darganfyddwch 3 rhif / diwrnod yr wythnos / mis y flwyddyn – oespatrwm? / unrhywsylwadauynglŷn â sillafu / atalnodi? • DarganfyddwchenwpriodynSbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg. Beth ydydenwpriod? Beth syddganddynnhw’ngyffredin? • Darganfyddwchenw (cyffredin) yn y dairiaith. Beth ydychchi’neiwybod am enwaucyffredinynSbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg? • Darganfyddwchansoddairyn y dairiaith. Beth ydydansoddair? Beth ydychchi’neiwybod am ddefnyddioansoddeiriauynSbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg? • DarganfyddwchferfynSbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg. Beth ydyberf? Beth ydychchi’neiwybod am ddefnyddioberfauynSbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg?

  15. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples • Find 3 numbers / 3 days of the week / 3 months of the year - is there a pattern? / any observations about spelling / punctuation? • Find a proper noun in Spanish / Welsh / English. What’s a proper noun? What do all have in common? • Find a (common) noun in 3 languages. What do you know about nouns in Spanish / Welsh / English? • Find an adjective in Spanish / Welsh / English. What’s an adjective? What do you know about using adjectives in Spanish / Welsh / English? • Find a verb in Spanish / Welsh / English. What’s a verb? What do you know about using verbs in Spanish / Welsh / English

  16. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples • Gwaith gyda ffonigau / datblygu ynganu: (e.e. Cymraeg “y, ll, dd, ch, i etc), (Sbaeneg z, c, j, g, a, i a.y.y.b). • Gêm dditectif ieithoedd: chwiliwch am y geiriau cytras. Allwch chi baru’r holl eiriau yn Sbaeneg / y Gymraeg / Saesneg?

  17. EsiamplauGweithgareddau Activity Examples • Work on phonics (e.g. Welsh “y, ll, dd, ch, i etc), (Spanish, z, c, j, g, a i etc). • Language detectives game: look for cognates. Can you match all the Spanish / Welsh / English words being a language detective?

  18. CreuGweithgareddau Create Activities Dewiswch 1 – 2 boster a meddyliwch am gyfres o weithgareddau y gellir eu gwneud i’w ecsbloetio’n effeithiol yn y dosbarth. Choose 1 – 2 posters and think of a series of activities to effectively exploit them in the classroom.

  19. Cysylltu ac HelpContact and Help Nia Gwyn Jones nia.jones@ciltcymru.org.uk Gwefan / Website: www.ciltcymru.org.uk

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