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YES You Can! Strategies for engaging learners in content-area classes. Welcome Find a place to sit; Open and start your computer; Pick up one of the keys and download the Yes You Can! file onto your computer;
YES You Can! Strategies for engaging learners in content-area classes Welcome Find a place to sit; Open and start your computer; Pick up one of the keys and download the Yes You Can! file onto your computer; Introduce yourself to someone in the room you don’t know Scan the room- what are some teaching strategies you thing are in use?
YES You Can!Strategies for engaging learners in content-area classes Pamela Flood Syntiro February 2, 2011
None of us is as smart as all of us! David & Roger Johnson
Silence Starter Hand Up Finish Your Sentence Stop Talking, Stop Doing Eyes on the Facilitator Signal Teammates Signal Other Teams Actively Listen
Steve & Sybil Wolin Marian Diamond H. Stephen Glenn Jane Nelson Leslie Hart Diane Loomans Karen Kolberg Laughing Classroom Robert Sylwester Renata & Geoffrey Caine David & Roger Johnson Pat Wolfe Eric Jensen Spencer Kagan Brain Research Humor & Resiliency Cooperative Learning William Glasser Susan Kovalik Basic Needs Horham Maslow Thematic Integrated Instruction James A. Beane Curriculum Design David M. Kiersey Isabel Briggs Myers Personality Types Problem Based Learning Celebratory Learning Wendy Mobilia Education by Design Bernice McCarthy4-MAT Universal Design CAST Learning Styles Tony Gregoric Differentiated Instruction Gayle Gregory Multiple Intelligences Diane Heacox Judy Wood Environmental Influences Technology Carolyn Chapman Kathleen Butler Howard Gardner Carol Ann Tomlinson Links Rita & Ken Dunn Thomas Armstrong Daniel Goleman David Lazear
Note Taking During this Session~ • Open up your Yes You Can File • In this file you have the teacher powerpoint • Student Powerpoint • All of the handouts ********************************************************** • For this workshop – please open you student powerpoint file. • You will use this file to fill in the blanks – a way to keep students connected – allow for Opportunities to Respond…
Outcomes! Success for today will look, sound, and feel like… • Experiencing and ________ about engaging cooperative learning structures; • Understanding of ________ strategies to promote personal and share learning and responsibility; • New ways to utilize ________ learning strategies to promote deep learning in content dense subject areas; • Fun ________ and a new strategy to use tomorrow!
Agenda • Welcome • Goals • Working Teams • Exploring Research: • Learning/ Meeting Styles and Needs • Brain-Based Learning • Cooperative Learning Strategies • Research into Practice • Strategies to engage Learners in Content-dense material • Closing
Goals (more Specifically tied to Lesson) • Personal Connections to _Styles of Learning; • Exploring the __Mind Brain Learning Principles; • ___Conditions of Learning; • Learn how ________structures can support the principles and conditions of learning. • Deeper understanding of the ________that support learning by attending to the emotional, physical needs, styles and preferences of learners.
Mix-Freeze-Group Step 1 - Mix-move around room slowly, like cold water molecules (take at least 10 steps) Step 2 - Freeze- When the music stops – stop where you are and listen for the question Step 3 - Groupby the # in the answer
Mix-Freeze-Group • Question: How many feet does a biped have? • Starting with the person’s head that is closest to the ceiling -Introduce yourselves… Then… • Share what is written on your strip of paper – what is your level of understanding (fist to 5) • When the music starts move again…
Mix-Freeze-Group • Question: How many syllables does anatomy have? • Starting with the person’s head that is closest to the ceiling -Introduce yourselves… Then… • Share what is written on your strip of paper – what is your level of understanding (fist to 5) • When the music starts move again…
Mix-Freeze-Group • This is your base team for the rest of this session. • Collect your belongings and find a learning place for your team. • Wait until all team members are present before you sit down.
TEAM Structures A B C D A’s and B’s are Shoulder Partners C’s and D’s are Shoulder Partners A’s and C’s are face Partners B’s and D’sare face Partners
Roles for Table Mates A B C D A – Facilitator B – Recorder C – Time Keeper D –Runner
The Three major types of LearnersHow we take in information • Visual Learners-generally think in terms of________and prefer to see things ____ ____ in a handout, text or on the overhead. They find maps, graphs, charts, and other visual learning tools to be extremely effective. They remember things best by seeing something written. • Auditory Learners - learn best by ________. They typically like to learn through lectures, ________ and reading aloud. They remember best through hearing or saying items aloud. • Kinesthetic Learners - learn best through touching, feeling, and ________that which they are trying to learn. They remember best by _____ or________manipulating the information. • Retrieved from http://712educators.about.com/od/learningstyles/a/learning_styles.htm
FouR Corners - learning Styles • Sensing people pay close attention to data provided by their senses -- immediate experience, literal facts, and close realities. Action Is What Drives Them • Intuitive people need to find associations and connections among things and are interested in theories and imagined possibilities. Meaning Is What Drives Them • Thinking people prefer logic and orderly, analytic, and objective thinking. Structure Is What Drives Them • Feeling People prefer subjective thinking connected with human values and harmony. Caring Is What Drives Them http://psychology.about.com/od/educationalpsychology/ss/jung-styles.htm Carl Jung
Directions 4 Corners • Select one style that represents you • Move to the poster with that style’s name • Identify a recorder, facilitator, time keeper, and reporter • Round robin share responses to the 4 questions (2 minutes per question) • Recorder write responses; Facilitator make sure everyone has a chance to share; time keeper watch time, and reporter share findings with large group at end.
There are also… • Introverts enjoy generating energy and ideas from internal sources, such as ________ personal reflection and theoretical exploration. • Extroverts enjoy ________ others how to solve a problem, ________ /group work and problem-based learning. • Perceivers prefer to keep their options open, they like ________, and the opportunity to ________new information. • Judgers prefer order and _______, which is why they tend to plan out activities and ________very carefully. • For more information visit http://psychology.about.com/od/educationalpsychology/ss/jung-styles.htm
Developing Working Conditions • One minute write on what you need to do your best work. • Round Robin Share (members restate what they heard for clarification) • As a team identify at least one working condition for your base team. • Use thumps up/Thumbs Sideways/ Thumbs down for agreement. • Write working condition(s) on a table tent.
Mind Brain Learning Principles • The brain is a________adaptive system. • The brain is a ________brain. • The search for ________ is innate. • The search for meaning occurs through ________. • Emotions are ________to patterning. • Every brain ________perceives and creates parts and wholes. • Learning involves both focused ________ and peripheral attention. • Learning always involves conscious and ________processes. • We have at least two ways of ________memory. • Learning is ________ • Complex learning is________by challenge and inhibited by threat. • Every brain is ________ organized. (Caine and Caine 1997)
Placemat write • (Runner Get Placemat) • Put placemat in the center of the group; • Individually Review the 12 Mind/Brain Learning Principles • Each member of your team select one principle (have each member select a different principle) • On your placemat have each person write the principle at the top of his/her corner. • Then take one minute and write down implications for teaching and instruction. • Rotate the placemat to the right until your original writing comes back to you. • Round Robin Share one Ah-Ha or idea for your principle (30 seconds each)
Conditions of Learning Based on the 12 Mind/Brain Learning Principles • Orchestrated immersion–Creating learning environments that fully ________students in an educational experience • Relaxed alertness–Trying to________fear in learners, while maintaining a highly challenging environment • Active processing–Allowing the learner to consolidate and internalize information by ________processing it (Caine and Caine 1997) Retrieved from http://brainconnection.positscience.com/topics/?main=fa/brain-based3#A1
Think – Time - Shoulder Pair - Write • 1 minute - think about a time when you were actively engaged in learning, which conditions of learning were present, and write down 3 words to describe your experience. • 3 minutes (each) - Pair up with your shoulder partner, share the conditions of learning that were present and your 3 words: describe what they look, sound, and feel like in action. • 1 Minute Quick Write -Identify one Ah- Ha for use in your class on . Record on your reflection log.
Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale) After 2 weeks we tend to remember… Nature of Involvement Verbal Receiving Passive Visual Receiving Receiving/ Participating Active Doing 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see Reading Hearing Words Looking at Pictures Watching a Movie 50% of what we hear & see Looking at an Exhibit Watching a Demonstration Seeing it Done on Location Participating in a Discussion 70% of what we say Giving a Talk Doing a Dramatic Presentation 90% of what we say & do Stimulating the Real Experience Doing the Real Thing Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd Ed.) Holt, Reinhardt and Wilson (1969)
scientists find Boredom makes the mind switch off not just wander…
Research Into Practice • This section will take us briefly into an A&P Class; • The class is just beginning a new unit. • I am using a few slides from Holes Anatomy to model how you can use slides from your series to create note taking tools. • We will use some of the same structures we just experienced with a content twist. • Let’s Play!
Anatomy and Physiology ________– study of structure ________ – study of function _______ is always related to______ 1-3
Levels of Organization 1-5 Holes
Guess This Organ… • Albert Einstein’s weighed (2.71 lbs), significantly less then the human average. • is about 2% of your total body weight but uses 20% of your body's energy • Generates more electrical impulses in one day than by all the telephones in the world. • Acts as a control center by receiving, interpreting, and directing sensory information throughout the body. • Has over100 billion neurons, the same number of stars in our galaxy. • In an adult weighs approximately 3 lbs. • The left side has 186 million more neurons than the right. • Retrieved from http://www.brainhealthandpuzzles.com/fun_facts_about_the_brain.html
Placemat Brainstorm 1. On Your Placemat write the words in red on the top of your section… • What do you know about the Brain? (A) • What do you want to know? (B) • What are some specific questions about the brain? (C) • What would you like to be able to do to show what you’ve learned about the brain? (D) 2. Write responses for 30 seconds and rotate. 3. Report out… (teacher can use to guide instruction)
Brain in 3-D http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/3d/ • In your Shoulder Pairs – Review this website (5 minutes) • Create 2 Questions to ask you face partners (2 minutes) • Each face partner asks their first question (show the partner where to find the answer) (2 minutes) • Ask 2nd Question and repeat (2 minutes) • If you can’t access website use handout – • Handout retrieved from http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/brain.html
Brain • Functions • interprets ________ • determines perception • _____ memory • reasoning • makes ________ • coordinates ________ movements • regulates ______activities • determines personality • Major Parts • cerebrum • two cerebellar hemispheres • diencephalon • brain stem • cerebellum 11-16 Holes
Parts of the Brain • Cerebrum • Frontal • Parietal • Temporal • Occipital • Brainstem • Cerebellum
Diencephalon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diencephalon
Let’s Look at the Cerebrum • The cerebrum is divided into___sides the ____ and the _____hemispheres. • The cerebrum consists of four lobes: _____ Lobe, _____ Lobe, _____Lobe, and the _____ Lobe. • The_____matter of the cerebrum is all located on the most peripheral edges of it, with the white matter underneath. • The gray matter is called the ________ It contains ___of all neurons in nervous system.
Functions of Cerebrum • interpretation • initiating _____movements • ______memory • ______ memory • reasoning • center for intelligence and ________ 11-21
Mix Freeze Rotate Around – when music stops pair up and complete diagram.
Brainstorm Strategies to Use in your Content Area (4 corners) • Just Like Me! • I teach Middle School (move together) • I teach High School (move together) • I teach Middle School (move together) • I teach Math or Science (move together) • I teach Language or Social Studies (move together) • Break into role alike Groups • On your Chart – Brainstorm Ideas about what you can use in your classroomand write them down.
CelebrationOne Word Whip Using one word share out what you are taking with you tonight.
Thanks for attending This Session! Pamela Flood Syntiro