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integration in HLT-status and prospects

integration in HLT-status and prospects. M. Biglietti Universita’ di Napoli-Federico II G. Cataldi - INFN Lecce and the Moore group. EF Algorithms. Operate in a way close to that of the offline environment BUT

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integration in HLT-status and prospects

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  1. integration in HLT-status and prospects M. Biglietti Universita’ di Napoli-Federico II G. Cataldi - INFN Lecce and the Moore group Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  2. EF Algorithms • Operate in a way close to that of the offline environment BUT • are called and steered by the Step Controller of the steering sofware that replaces the Athena Event Loop manager • They should not operate in a general-purpose sense, but they must be seeded • Validate or reject Trigger Elements (TE) formed at the previuos stage • Region selector mechanism • use the trigger sequences • Trasformation of input TEs into a new output TEs • use the configuration signatures • collection of required TEs to be validated • may be executed N times for each event • must have a latency of 1 s • possibility of full access to event data Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  3. Requests to Moore • Should be driven from the Step Controller in paths of sequences • Should consider only relevant region-of-interest • Conversion of geometrical region(h, f)into hash identifiers by means of a Region Selector • hash identifiers are related to a DetectorElement (RPC and MDT)/offline identifiers • Requests from the MdtDigitContainer and RpcDigitContainer only the corresponding collections • Cache mechanism for multiple execution on one event Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  4. Moore flow unseeded MooAlgs • Each step is driven by an Athena top-algorithm • Transient objects are passed via TDS/StoreGate • Independent algorithms, the only coupling is through the transient objects RPC/TGC digits MooMakePhiSegments PhiSegments MooMakeRZSegments MDT digits MooMakeRoads CrudeRZSegments MooRoads MooMakeiPatTracks MooiPatTracks MooStatistics MooMakeNtuples Ntuples Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  5. Strategy for Moore Seeding RecMuonRoI (h±Dh, f±Df) RegionSelector Hash offline IDs DigitsCollection (RPCs and MDTs) TDS (ZEBRA) RPCDigitContainer MDTDigitContainer PhiSegmentContainer RZSegmentContainer MooMakePhiSegmentSeeded MooMakeRZSegmentSeeded (TDS) MooHLTAlgo decision Tracks MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  6. MuonIdentification Athena Implementation • Inputs from Moore, Calo Reco and iPat • Athena modules: • MuidInit : • gets tracks from Muon Reconstruction (Moore) and associates the truth from KINE bank • MuidStandAlone: • muon tracks are propagated to the vertex • multiple scattering parameterised as scattering planes in calorimeters • energy loss from truth and/or from Calo Reconstruction (Tile, HECLAr and EMLAr CaloCells from CaloUtils/CaloEvent packages) and/or from parametrization as function of (eta,p) • refit at vertex • MuidComb: • gets MuidTracks from previous step and ID reconstructed tracks (iPat) • Muon/ID tracks matches with a c2 cut-off • Combined fit Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  7. MuidStandAlone in the HLT framework Time performance • PIII 800 MHz 256 MB • 6.0.1 rel. - opt build • Average on 1000 events • MuidStandAlone is executed in a sequence after the Moore Algorithms from MooHLT • <SEQUENCE level= ``EF’’ input="LVL1MU" • algorithm="MooHLTAlgo/MooHLTEFAlgo/m1MuidHLTAlgo/MuidHLTEFAlgo/m1" output="mu" /> • Seeded with Moore tracks • Energy loss from parametrization • Still needed: • Calo Reco in HLT for measured energy loss • iPat in HLT for track combination Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  8. MooAlgs MooMakePhiSegments MooMakeCrudeRZSegments MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks … MooStatistics MooEvent TrigMoore MooHLTAlgs MooMakePhiSegmentsSeeded MooMakeCrudeRZSegmentsSeeded Moore/TrigMoore Structure Moore offline TrigMoore Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  9. Status of TrigMoore • Wrapper code so that MOORE can be called by the HLT steering in unseeded or seeded version IN PLACE • Seeded code IN PLACE: • MooMakePhiSegmentSeeded • MooMakeCrudeRZSegmentsSeeded Code in place since almost two weeks Accessing informations about LVL1 and using the region selector Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  10. Debugging phase • Mistery crash at end of run for all the muon chain (solved but not understood) • MapBuilder and RegionSelector (maps and compact border problems) (work around / almost solved) affecting Moore/Mufast • Crash in MuonDetDescr (work around) no reasons for crashing at that point! (is the ``not understood problem coming back’’?) • Time performances in seeded version. Region selector crash in optimized mode. How long it will take? Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  11. Fully wrapped version • Given the status today we only can consider performances in fully wrapped mode. • This is not very different from running offline. Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  12. First results using Moore in HLT • A first test has been performed using: • lxplus036 – Pentium III 800 MHz 256 MB • opt build • New EDM • Average on 500 events MooSummary MooMakePhiSegments MooMakeCrudeRZSegments MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks MooAlgs The Athena Chrono service has been used Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  13. TrigMoore – First time-performance test PT (t -1) Moore • t-1 Average execution time per event calculated for the 500 events sample. • The 1st event has not been included in the calculation since in this event several services are initialized (magnetic field map,… ). MuId standalone Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  14. Single m performances Efficiency vs pT • Moore PT resolution rather uniform ~ 3% from 6 to 100 GeV • Moore/MuonID performances shown • here are obtained with • Release 6.0.3 • A private improved version of MuonIdentification • Tracking in the magnetic • fields • Bug fixes • Moore with the full material description • MooAlgs-00-00-41 • MooEvent-00-00-42 • Single muons - data set (datasets 0031xx) – 9000 events per file With Inert Material Parameterization And recent improvements in MuonID PT /GeV Rather good agreement with Physics TDR results Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  15. 1/Pt Resolution vs Pt Rather good agreement with Physics TDR results Pt /GeV Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

  16. Conclusions • Lot’s of problems in this phase for the seeded version. We (and not only Moore group) are working very hard to get things ready. • 3 scenarios regarding Moore: Bugs solved Bugs unsolved Bugs unsolved Fully wrapped version unseeded Attempts for an internal seeding Fully wrapped version seeded Ntuple production “You may say I'm a dreamer, but…” J. Lennon Gabriella Cataldi INFN Lecce

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