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Strengthening Institutional Framework for the Development of the VET Occupational Standards/Qualifications & Curricula. IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia.
Strengthening Institutional Framework for the Development of the VET Occupational Standards/Qualifications & Curricula IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Sector Councils: Development of Sector Profile from Local Sources of Information Sanja Crnković-Pozaić Main project partnerAnalitičke podloge za rad This project is implemented by a SQA-led consortium Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: + 385 1 62 74 681
Topics of the Day IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia • Research Objective • Key Concepts • Methodology of the Development of Sector Profile • Examples of Results
Research objective IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia • Defining the Sector profile in order to: • Understand the market position of sector knowledge and skills • Develop sector strategies • Identify the gap between supply and demand of labour • Make the first step in the analysis of future needs for sector knowledge • Plan quotas for educationalprogrammes in the Counties
Key Concepts IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Knowledge Sector Concept IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Knowledge Serves Development IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia A – companies in which knowledge is applied and transformed into market value B – educational institutions in which knowledge is spread towards younger generations and adults C – new discoveries, innovations and products that create new knowledge
Methodology IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia For each sector (13): • Define the number of occupations generated • Establish in which occupational areas these occupationsare used • Define the concentration indicator and identify the key occupationalareas for sector knowledge • Follow longterm trends of the occupational areas • Define the financial potential of key occupational areas
Methodology (continued) IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia • Describe the sector workforce characteristics • Establish labour demand in the sector (available jobs in occupations) • Identify the gap between supply and demand • Describe the trends of enrolments in educational programs for each sector and within a time framework • Examine the link between the influx of graduates and the outflow due to retirement on county level CREATE AN IMAGE OF THE MARKET SECTOR PROFILE
Example of Results: Two Sectors Compared IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Trade Subsector • Number of companies in the sector: 20.171 (2008) • Revenue: 258 billion kuna (2008) • Share in total revenues in Croatia: RH 36,39% • Share in total employment: 22,95% Leather and Textile Sector • Number of companies: 908 • Revenue: 7,9 billion kuna (2008) • Share in total revenues in Croatia: 1,12% • Share in total employment: 3,6%
Concentration Indicator IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Longterm Employment Trends in Trade - Key Occupation Area IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Workforce in the Trade Subsector IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Educational Structure of the Employed, the Unemployed and the Inactive, 2008 IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Net Salaries, in Sector and General IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Employment Rates by Occupation IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Enrollment by Year IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Employment Replacement by Counties IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia
Conclusions on Profile IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia • There is a high occupation concentration in only one occupational area, while occupations are highly dispersed in other occupational areas • Trade has significant scope in general economy both in terms of population of working age and financial potential • There is a longterm trend of modest growth in demand for sector occupations • Labour market indicators are above-average for these occupations • The age and educational structure are not favourable and growth in demand for trade occupations might be faced with the problem of a gap in the workforce • There are regional discrepancies between the number of young persons leaving the education system and the local demand for the profiles in question
Conclusion IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia • This analysis is the first step in the labour market needs analysis by occupations and sectors • All available sources of information have been used • This analysis is not sufficient for the planning of future needs • It is necessary to put in more time and resources in order to acquire more detailed and more substantial knowledge about knowledge sectors in Croatia to achieve our goal: A FLEXIBLE AND COMPETITIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM
... IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! sanja.crnkovic@gmail.com