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Improving farmers livelihoods through multi-stakeholder innovation platforms for linking smallholder farmers to research, extension and business in Central Mozambique. Dr. Nelson Mango (CIAT) Dr. Eduardo Joaquim (IIAM). Project goal.
Improving farmers livelihoods through multi-stakeholder innovation platforms for linking smallholder farmers to research, extension and business in Central Mozambique Dr. Nelson Mango (CIAT) Dr. Eduardo Joaquim (IIAM)
Project goal To improve the livelihoods of 10,000 smallholder farm families in Mozambique directly through at least a 30% increase in productivity of selected cereal, legume and high value crops and a 50% increase in incomes while sustaining the natural resource base.
Purpose To improve linkages between research, extension and NGOs in Mozambique and to build the capacity of research and extension staff in participatory approaches for working with farmer groups to improve access to technical innovations and emerging market opportunities
Project approach The project uses an Innovation Platform approach to build capacity of research and extension staff to apply participatory approaches for working with farmers.
Project Innovation Platforms (IP) sites KEY 1 Cabo Delgado 2 Gaza 3 Inhambane 4 Manica 5 Maputo-Cidade 6 Maputo 7 Nampula 8 Niassa 9 Sofala 10 Tete 11 Zambezia Zambezia province Sofala province Manica province
CIAT’s steps towards IAR4D using IP as a driver Developing and promoting production – marketing models Building capacity to champion increased productivity Understandinghow to produce
Plugged in Support Technologies: In rain fed areas conservation farming is encouraged. In riparian areas irrigation is being used. In all the areas farmers are being encouraged to apply fertilizers and organic manures.
Lessons learnt • IPs improve markets by improving institutions involved, infrastructure, market access, and information • Improves productivity if the right commodity is selected and the right socio technical landscape targeted • IPs may become crucial role player in changing policies through: • Identifying ‘problem Policies’ • Develop appropriate policies • Test and refine policies • Provide elegant opportunity for monitoring impacts, evaluation and adaptation
Domingo’s new house under construction Tracing Impact of IP in Belas Domingo’s current house
Improved welfare Tracing Impact of IP in Nhabirira Increased income
Nhabirira after IP Tracing Impact of IP in Nhabirira Nhabirira before IP
Challenges • Heterogeneity of farmers: need to target technologies to type of farmers • Limited individual and institutional capacities and skills for engaging effectively in alternative approaches to innovation development. • It takes time to establish a fully functional innovation platforms. • Climate variability • Continuous emergence of new pests and diseases. Some are resistant to chemicals in the market. • Agriculture inputs are still limited, costly in general and sometimes very difficult to be accessed by poor farmers.
The win-win situation of IPs • Farmers are better off than before • Input markets sell to farmers at a profit • Output markets get regular supply of better quality products • Farmers benefit from extension advice and technologies from NARES and progress made reflects positively on the MoA • IARCs have access to delivery mechanism for their technologies variety based, (carrier technologies) as well as NRM-based (support technologies)
Work plan for this season Developing and promoting production – marketing models Building capacity to champion increased productivity Understandinghow to produce
Project Partners • International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) • International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) • Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM) • National Directorate of Agricultural Extension (DNEA), Zambezia, Manica and Sofala Provinces • Catholic agency for overseas aid and development (CARITAS) • University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) • University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) • Catholic University of Mozambique (CUM) Funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) via the Austrian Development Agency