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Theodore Roosevelt The trust buster Devin G. ryan Hoyt period 1 10-1-13

Theodore Roosevelt The trust buster Devin G. ryan Hoyt period 1 10-1-13. Theodore Roosevelt. Born October 27 th , 1858 At eighteen he attended Harvard for 4 years After leaving Harvard, he studied Germany and then went straight into politics

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Theodore Roosevelt The trust buster Devin G. ryan Hoyt period 1 10-1-13

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  1. Theodore RooseveltThe trust busterDevin G.ryan Hoytperiod 110-1-13

  2. Theodore Roosevelt • Born October 27th, 1858 • At eighteen he attended Harvard for 4 years • After leaving Harvard, he studied Germany and then went straight into politics • After president Harrisons election in 1889, he appointed Roosevelt as a member of the civil service commission, of which he later became the 26th presidentof he United States.

  3. Roosevelt & Railroads • Roosevelt believed that the Government should use it’s resources to achieve economic and social justice • The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) had notified the administration about abuses within the industry • A large population of people supported efforts to regulate the railroads because people ad businesses were depending on them

  4. More on Railroads • Conservative senators who opposed the legislation, acting on behalf of the railroad industry, tried to use judicial review to make the ICC essentially powerless • The Elkins Act of 1903 was the Administration's first effort at the regulation of railroad rates; it proved ineffective in practice. • Aware of the strategic need for a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific, Roosevelt ensured the construction of the Panama Canal.

  5. Trust-Busting • Roosevelt eventually was known as a trust-buster by forcing the dissolution of a great railroad combination in the Northwest • Other antitrust suits under the Sherman Act followed • President Roosevelt did not just focus on conservationism during his presidency. • He attacked the trusts guilty of monopolies and set up the necessary reforms that resulted in businesses into accepting government regulation.

  6. Political Cartoons

  7. Video: • http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=218564

  8. Bibliography • "Theodore Roosevelt - Biographical." Nobelprize.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2013. • "Theodore Roosevelt | The White House." The White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2013. • www.millercenter.org/president/roosevelt/essays/biography/4

  9. Focus Question • What did Roosevelt do to lose the people’s trust?

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