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First People in Louisiana: Native Cultures, Explorations, and Settlers

This chapter explores the rich history of Native American cultures in Louisiana, the expeditions of early European explorers, and the establishment of French settlements. Learn about the diverse cultures, natural resources, and interactions between different groups in this fascinating period of Louisiana's past.

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First People in Louisiana: Native Cultures, Explorations, and Settlers

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  1. Louisiana Studies Chapter 3 First People in Louisiana

  2. Lesson 1 Vocabulary Ceremony: a formal act or event that honors a people’s belief Adapt: change the way you live Environment: the air, water, soil, and living things around us Culture: the way of life, or the beliefs, ideas, and language, of a group of people

  3. American Indians in Louisiana • Caddo • Tunica • Natchez

  4. American Indians in Louisiana • Atakapa • Muskogean • Chitimacha

  5. Culture Includes…… • Stories • Arts • Food

  6. The Natchez Indians • Lived along the Mississippi River • Culture began 1,300 years ago • Recorded history in stories and songs • The central town of Natchez is called the Great Village • They hunted animals • They gathered wild plants • Held green corn ceremony every year • The Natchez Indian did not believe in the one and only true God. They made Idols and worshiped man. (Exodus 2:20)

  7. Lesson Review Pg. 43 • What are three details that describe how Louisiana Indians used their natural resources. • What were three Indian groups that lived in Louisiana? 5. In what ways do you think that community life in Louisiana today is different than in 1500?

  8. Lesson 2 Vocabulary Expedition: a journey taken for a purpose Trade: to exchange things with someone Colony: settlement ruled by a distant country

  9. Early Explorers • De Soto was the first European to explore what is now the Southeastern United States. • Christopher Columbus sailed west from Spain in 1492 • Columbus was looking for Asia but instead he landed on an island near North America. • Columbus had reached a continent that he did not know existed • Other explores sailed after Columbus because they thought that their was gold in America.

  10. Search For Gold Alonso Alvarez Pineda: explored the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (became the first European to see the coast of Louisiana). Hernando De Soto: purpose was to find gold and silver

  11. French Exploration Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet: paddle canoes down the Mississippi River from the north. They led the way for other explorers. Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle: led an expedition from the north in 1681. His goal was to make money through trade.

  12. Lesson Review Pg. 47 • Write a sentence about De Soto using the word expedition. • Why did DeSoto explore Louisiana? • Who was the first European to see Louisiana’s coast? • Why did La Salle travel down the Mississippi River? • How many years after De Soto reached the Mississippi River did La Salle reach the Gulf of Mexico?

  13. Lesson 3 Vocabulary Barter: to trade one item for another Slavery: system under which people have no freedom Ally: a person on nation that helps another group reach its goal

  14. Lesson Review Pg. 53 • Write a short paragraph about the French settlers using ally and barter. • Why did the French build settlements in the Louisiana colony? • Describe two groups of settlers in the Louisiana colony. • When was Natchitoches built? • Why do you think the French built settlements near rivers?

  15. Using a Grid Map

  16. Chapter 3 Review and Test Prep Visual Summary • De Soto Goals: find gold and silver • De Soto Achievements: first explorer to reach the Mississippi • La Salle Goals: make money through fur trade, start a French colony • La Salle Achievements: claimed land around the Mississippi River for France. Facts and Main Ideas • trees, animals, water, soil • Alvarez Pineda • He claimed the land around the Mississippi River for France, so that France could start colonies and benefit from the fur trade there.

  17. Chapter 3 Review and Test Prep • The Choctaw moved to Louisiana because they were allies with the French against the Natchez. Vocabulary • Slavery • culture • expedition Apply the Skills • C • b

  18. Chapter 3 Review and Test Prep Critical Thinking 14. The French and the Natchez both wanted to live and work in Louisiana. The Natchez had lived in Louisiana for a long time, but the French were newcomers. The Natchez knew more about the land and its features. The French had more advanced machines and weapons. 15. De Soto went hoping to find gold. He did not find any, and died during the journey.

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