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DTIS. DTIS Instructional Outline. Fast Track 3000/DTIS General Introduction Prerequisites for DTIS system Identifying viable IP addresses Addressing Fast Track/Defining site Accessing Fast Track with PC software Creating reports DTIS display templates Troubleshooting—Common issues

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  1. DTIS

  2. DTIS Instructional Outline • Fast Track 3000/DTIS General Introduction • Prerequisites for DTIS system • Identifying viable IP addresses • Addressing Fast Track/Defining site • Accessing Fast Track with PC software • Creating reports • DTIS display templates • Troubleshooting—Common issues • Questions

  3. DTIS Introduction What is it? What equipment is involved?

  4. What is DTIS • New type remote display, not new timer • Uses a computer screen • Is an extended desktop

  5. DTIS • Up to 8 different areas of lane information • Can have cars in lane total times • Information displayed to client specifications • Shows even time, average, % goal

  6. Sample display

  7. DTIS is an extended desktop • This means two monitors show the entire desk top • The left example image will be seen on the back office computer • The right image will be seen on the display in the restaurant • But they are really all on the same desktop, you can move the cursor from one screen to another

  8. DTIS • Linked to the timer via a computer network only • Do NOT want Mirror function • Two options for computer • Resident desktop computer usage (can cause issues with multiple users with no admin rights) • Additional Laptop (netbook) added to network that is dedicated to timer display and is on all the time • Uses VGA cable converter from desktop computer or VGA cabling from Netbook option

  9. DTIS requirements for installation

  10. Must have network established at store Computer where the software is to be installed and DTIs is to be controlled must have working connection to network Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE)

  11. FT 2000/3000 must have an E3 board Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE)

  12. Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE) • .NET version 2 or higher • To check version, go into control panel • Select Add/Remove programs • Look for the version of .NET • Can be downloaded from internet but NOT advised to leave to install tech as many clients have system locked down so cannot download.

  13. Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE) • Must have USB 2.0 • Go to Control Panel • System • Hardware • Device manager • USB

  14. Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE) • Service pack 2 or above • Phase originally told us version 2 but now are saying version 3 • My computer • Properties

  15. Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE) • Service pack 2 or above • My computer • Properties • Control Panel • Add/Remove • Look for Windows Service Pack version

  16. Install prerequisite Exercise • On your own computer, determine: • .NET version • Service Pack Version • USB version • Outline the steps of how to do this

  17. Prerequisites to be established before technician install (AE) • Client must check with their IT department/consultant as to free TCP/IP • Our techs cannot determine the IP address for the client • Port Forwarding/pinhole needs to be handled by client. Phase does not configure routers nor should we.

  18. Hardware requirements • Fast Track 2000/3000 with E3 board • Flat screen monitor • USB to VGA adapter (proprietary from Phase) for connection to back office computer unless has second video port • Netbook if they are NOT using back office computer • VGA cabling if using Netbook connection although many laptops don’t have the vga connectors • Additional CAT 5 cabling to go from computer to Timer or from computer to router, router to Timer

  19. DTIS architecture with back office computer

  20. USB to VGA converter • Attached to back of office computer to USB port (usually in back, unless no available USB ports on back, then may be in front) • Cause of several issues with system • Loss of recognition of second monitor • Information packets getting “stuck” • Settings on converter incorrect • Some versions of the drivers have issues

  21. USB to VGA adapter (varied)

  22. DTIS architecture with netbook

  23. Software requirements • DTIS software (preferably 2.4, 2.0 does not self reconnect—can be downloaded if client has internet capabilities and no firewall) • Fast Track PC software (version 2.25 or above) • USB to VGA Driver software if using USB To VGA converter (will be for back office computer use) (this is proprietary from PHASE!) • Install USB to VGA Adapter Driver BEFORE CONNECTING ADAPTER • Has to be enabled for licensing • All screensavers and power saver setting must be turned off!

  24. Identifying IP addresses and addressing Timer

  25. Checking network base address • The free address must be provided by the client’s IT consultant • The IP address should start with a 10, 172 or 192. • Look at resident computer IP for general address, subnet mask and gateway

  26. Checking the IP address • Go to Start menu • Select Run • Type in cmd • Then once the black command screen appears, then type in ipconfig, hit enter • The information will appear all together

  27. Checking IP address

  28. IP Addresses • After ipconfig, it will show you the specific address of the computer, the subnet mask and the default gateway. • All devices on this network have the first same 3 sections of the address, (in this case 10.144.199) • it is the last set (last octet) that is unique to each device • The subnet mask and default gateway are all the same on the network

  29. Given an IP address, to see if it is “free” (Ping address) • Start menu • Run • Type in cmd • After the black command screen appears, type ping XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (whatever number was given to you), if there is a response, it is NOT available, it is being used by another device. If no response, it is “free” • Sidenote, if a device that is connected to the network is off at the time you ping the address, it may come up as free—adding to the risk factor

  30. Pinging an IP address…not free

  31. Pinging an IP address…free, no response

  32. Networking can be dangerous • When addressing IP addresses, it is crucial to make sure that nothing on the network has the same address (ping it!), if some device has the same IP address as another, BOTH will not work and it is very difficult to locate them once you have given out the incorrect IP address. • BELIEVE IT BECAUSE WE (DTOC) DISABLED A CLIENT’S POS SYSTEM THIS WAY!!

  33. Training exercise • Go to your PC and get your IP address • Ping this address and find out if it is free or not: • How do you know? • Ping this address and find out if it is free or not: • How do you know?

  34. Addressing the timer

  35. Once an IP address has been identified, address the timer • This can be done a few ways • Go to all programs • Fast Track software • Fast Track Software suite • E3 utility • Search---it should locate the Fast Track timer • configure • You will need to change the default IP Address, gateway, subnet mask

  36. Configure E 3 card on timer with IP address

  37. Once an IP address has been identified, address the timer • This can also be done via the PC software • Config • E3 • It will find the connected E3 card • Configure • Input address • Ok

  38. Configuring via PC software

  39. PC Software—defining timer site • Open PC software • Select Site • Select Add Site • Configure site by inputting IP address, Name, Protocol TCP/IP, Port 4660 • Apply • Select Ok

  40. Define the site

  41. Once defined, then connect to confirm connectivity • Select connect, • Highlight the site name, connect • It should come up connected with the SN and other affiliated information

  42. Connect to the site once defined to confirm connectivity

  43. Using PC software to access 3000 timer

  44. Using PC Software • Once connected to site can use PC software two ways • Unit parameters (faster but must upload changes) • Remote control (slow to input, actually linked in real time to the timer, no need to upload)

  45. Using Unit Parameters • Get from the computer • Enter changes • Uploaded to the timer • Can set almost all settings (except time and date) • It works much faster than remote control for inputting multiple fields like each day store hours

  46. Unit Parameters • Connect to unit • Select Get from unit • Select parameters

  47. Unit Parameters connect

  48. Get from Unit

  49. Unit Parameters

  50. Select tabs for parameters

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