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How and in what areas UNCTAD can support DTIS Action Matrix implementation?

UNCTAD. How and in what areas UNCTAD can support DTIS Action Matrix implementation?. Masoumeh Sahami EIF Regional Asian Workshop 21 – 23 June 2010; Kathmandu, Nepal. UNCTAD’s Main Goals.

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How and in what areas UNCTAD can support DTIS Action Matrix implementation?

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  1. UNCTAD How and in what areas UNCTAD can support DTIS Action Matrix implementation? Masoumeh Sahami EIF Regional Asian Workshop 21 – 23 June 2010; Kathmandu, Nepal

  2. UNCTAD’s Main Goals • To promote economic development and poverty reduction in developing countries, and particularly, the LDCs; • To contribute to the progressive and beneficial integration in the global economy, … Particularly through … National policies and international support measures complemented with capacity building technical assistance which build productive capacities.

  3. UNCTAD Research & Policy Analysis LDC Report, Africa Report Capacity Building Technical Assistance Inter-governmental Service Consensus building

  4. Trade Related Technical Assistance Objectives Enhance the endogenous capacity of beneficiary countries to set and implement their own development strategies, as well as to emphasize the development of their human, institutional, productive and export capacities ;

  5. UNCTAD’s TRTA Main forms of delivery • Policy and advisory services • Training courses, seminars, workshops • Computer-based technical Products • Supply of trade and investment-related data The Focus: • Capacity building for policy ownership – LDC policy analysis & research dissemination • International trade in goods and services and commodities; • Investment and Enterprise Development; • Trade Logistics and Technology

  6. Capacity building for policy ownership Poverty is severe and all-pervasive in most LDCs, LDC Report 2002 Trade liberalization alone is insufficient - What is needed is an inclusive form of growth that requires not simply exports expansion but also an economy-wide expansion of income earning opportunities.LDC Report 2004 the basic cause of persistent mass poverty in the LDCs is widespread unemployment, underemployment and low labour productivity – LDC Report 2006 to escape the current trap of poverty, underdevelopment and marginalization, need to narrow the LDCs' technology gap with the rest of the world and increase the knowledge intensity of their economies.LDC Report 2007 to build economic resilience, need to improve agricultural productivity and diversify 6 to create non-agricultural employment opportunities.LDC Report 2008

  7. International trade in goods, services and commodities • Help formulate policies; • Develop human, institutional, regulatory capacities and know-how to negotiate, • produce, trade and compete locally and globally. Specifically: • Trade Analysis Capacities & Information Systems • Capacity Building on Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy • Competition Policy and Consumer Protection • Trade, Environment and Development

  8. Investment and Enterprise Development UNCTAD's objective is to assist all developing countries in designing and implementing active policies to boost productive capacities and international competitiveness. Particular attention is given to LDCs. • Investment policies and investment promotions • International Investment Agreements • Investment Policy Reviews • Investment Facilitation • Capacity building in FDI statistics • i-portals plus including investment guides 2) Enterprise Development • EMPRETEC programme:promotes entrepreneurial skills and helps promising entrepreneurs in putting their ideas into action and fostering businesses. • E-tourism: Currently benefits 5 LDCs: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Mauritania

  9. Trade Logistics and Technology ASYCUDA • In 2009: almost 90 operational projects The ASYCUDA programme remains the largest technical cooperation programme within UNCTAD, encompassing over 80 countries and 4 regional projects Trade logistics: • Training on transport and trade facilitation • To improve the performance of transport operators and auxiliary services • To set up the necessary institutional and operational environment for the introduction of multimodal transport • Advance Cargo Information System (ACIS) • To increase transparency and efficiency in the transport sector by providing operational information to stakeholders • Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) • To facilitate trade by speeding up the clearance process through the use of information technology and the reduction and simplification of customs documentation and procedures

  10. Trade Logistics and Technology Trainings: • Training Trainers: TrainForTrade Programme Local ownership of training activities, generation of local knowledge, human and institution building • Trainings programmes - The Virtual Institute Target: Academics & Policy Makers - The Training Course on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda – Policy makers Science and Technology To enhance the scientific and technological capabilities of developing countries and to facilitate their access to new technologies • Network of Centres of Excellence – a website platform • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) review Beneficiaries of the TrainForTrade Programme: • Benin • Djibouti • Lao’s PDR • Madagascar • Maldives • Mauritania • Senegal • Sierra Leone • Sudan • Chad • …

  11. From Actions Matrix to Projects Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Identify relevant Partners: UNCTAD, ITC,UNIDO, WB… Submit request for assistance Submit request Tier 2 project development Funding: EIF TF; Other Implementation Old IF UNCTAD TRTASs - ASYCUDA: Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Gunea, Lao, Maldives, Senegal, sierra Leone, Sudan, Chad, Yemen, Zambia • TrainForTrade: Benin, Djibouti, Lao, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Chad • Commodities: Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Lao, Sao tomé, Tanzania • Trade Facilitation: Zambia, Tanzania, Sao Tomé, Maldives, Malawi, Madagascar, Guinea, Lesotho, Lao, Gambia, Ethiopa, Burkina Faso, Benin • Investment: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopa, Gambia, Guinea, Lao, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Yemen • Commercial Diplomay & trade negotiations : Sudan, Chad, Zambia, Uganda, Guinea, Djibouti, Central African Republic • Tourism : Chad, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Nepal, Uganda, Mauritania, Maldives, Madagascar, Lao, Guinea, Gambia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Central African Republic TRTAs: Priorities

  12. ExampleConcrete application of TrainForTrade in the EIF • Tier 1: “Capacity Building Programme for EIF NIUs » • Tier 2: capacity development in the field of sustainable tourism: • Benin (Being implemented) • Mali (request from EIF NIU) • Djibouti (request from Tourism Authorities and EIF NIU)

  13. Examples within the IF • Benin: • Objective: promotion of sustainable and community-based tourism for development • Request from the Ministry of Trade • UNCTAD prepared a proposal which was funded by IF Window II • The project included 3 components: • Interagency study on sustainable tourism • Coordination activities with 35 sustainable tourism stakeholders from the selected communities of Abomey, Ganvié, Ouidah organized in March 2009 • Training to be organized in September 2009 • Lao PDR: • Objective: development of trade-related training capacities of Lao PDR and Cambodia • Requested by Ministry of Trade and Industry • Specifically mentioned in the Action Matrix and funded by the Government of France • Over 300 trade operators trained and 17 trainers able to deliver UNCTAD courses in local language

  14. Thank you for your attention ! For further information contact: EIF Coordinator, UNCTAD Masoumeh.Sahami@UNCTAD.org Tel: 0041-22-917 5537

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