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BCCH presentation ING Financial Education program Hungary 2012 Renáta Pásztor Dániel Lackó

BCCH presentation ING Financial Education program Hungary 2012 Renáta Pásztor Dániel Lackó. June 5, 2012. Contents. Introduction Why financial education? Project phases Analysis on the topic Conclusions. Why this topic?.

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BCCH presentation ING Financial Education program Hungary 2012 Renáta Pásztor Dániel Lackó

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  1. BCCH presentationING Financial Education program Hungary 2012 Renáta Pásztor Dániel Lackó June 5, 2012

  2. Contents • Introduction • Why financial education? • Project phases • Analysis on the topic • Conclusions

  3. Why this topic? • Local initiation, a topic equally challenging for all team members (from different areas) • CSR– social utility • Fits into ING Business Principles (open&clear, responsible, integrity, respect): We are socially and environmentally „RESPONSIBLE” (we will do no harm and seek positive change through our products, people and activities) • CSR has captured a lot of attention over the past decade for two reasons: - society’s eagerness to criticize banks’ behavior is stronger than ever and is continuing to escalate - CSR is more relevant than ever in the context of economic crisis, it can help to build (and rebuild) trust in business

  4. Financial education of the youth • According to MNB research„the most important problem is that the majority of society has not taken part in any financial or economic training.Due to lack of appropriate basic knowledge, people have difficulty in learning about new concepts. They are not able to pass on sufficient financial knowledge to the next generation.” • Source: MNB paper: The Hungarian central bank’s role in developing financial literacy • According to recent surveys the judgment of bank sector by the people is negative: • 37 % of Hungarian people would not like any banking relation if possible • 22 % of people having an express spitefulness against banks • Lack of self-caring approach • Financial culture cannot be learnt, spread of financial culture shall be started in young ages Source: GFK research (2011) „To increase our corporate responsibility in a sustainable manner by empowering kids with tools and information to grow to financially sound adults and to learn the importance of choosing financial independence.”

  5. Why this topic? • Financial education for school children • Our reasons for the topic selection: • According to the ING Corporate Responsibility Report to further develop financial education initiatives is a significant goal and ambition on a global level • The financial topic suits ING Bank’s profile - this is our profession • ING is a commercial bank in Hungary, no compliance issue in marketing • Lack of financial awareness in the society (one of the factors leading to economic crisis) • It has a long term impact – educating future generations is really sustainable • Staff involvement – a tool for motivation,team work (team building) • Effective program: results with small investment

  6. Analysis phase Research Geographical coverage Competitors / Peers School interviews Targeted age group Topics and presentation method Timing Conclusions We decided to target the age group 13-15 Geographically: 6 classes in Budapest will be in scope. We were going to hold courses ourselves. Each course contains 5 lessons between March and June 2012. The topics were the basic financials. We concentrate on providing practical, useful knowledge. Interactive presentations with short videos, pictures and with competition for the students. It turned out from the interviews with school managers that although the economic education is aimed to be a part of the National Curriculum since 2007 but real progress can not be experienced. Analysis & Conclusions

  7. Project timing

  8. Project implementation The project in numbers • 20 colleagues involved (10%representation of the Bank’s staff): 5 in the project team, 5 „teacher” groups – 3 members per team: 2 presenters per topic + 1 co-trainer (substitute) • 5 topics (money, savings, accounts, cards, credits) • 6 classes, 170 school children • Topics and presentation • http://prezi.com/q4vw7e4dskpi/penz-bankrendszer/ • http://prezi.com/rdmeoqwhhn25/bankszamla/ • http://prezi.com/jszlrhtknkk5/bankkartya/ • http://prezi.com/5xgnk8mmotxk/megtakaritas/ • http://prezi.com/fwjnjwma9hww/hitel/

  9. Experiences • The teachers and children welcomed the initiation very much • Interactivity, asking questions needed continuously • Pictures, videos very welcome • Simple explanation needed with examples and tactile tools (e.g. cards, forms, banknotes) • No technical terms used • The different complexity of topics is hard to follow (nature of the topic determines it) • They liked the idea of the competition and presents • We have received continuation requests – FE part of the national curriculum

  10. Q&A – Thank you for your attention

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