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张庆宁 Zhang Qingning 聂 黎 Nie Li 北京协和医学院 2011 年 10 月 24 日 三亚

三个研究现场医疗卫生工作人员性病 艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查初步总结 A summary report on health provider ’ s STI and AIDS KAP in three sites. 张庆宁 Zhang Qingning 聂 黎 Nie Li 北京协和医学院 2011 年 10 月 24 日 三亚. 研究目的: Objective :. 了解三个项目执行地医疗卫生工作人员 的性病艾滋病知识、态度、工作经验。

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张庆宁 Zhang Qingning 聂 黎 Nie Li 北京协和医学院 2011 年 10 月 24 日 三亚

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  1. 三个研究现场医疗卫生工作人员性病艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查初步总结A summary report on health provider’s STI and AIDS KAP in three sites 张庆宁 Zhang Qingning聂 黎 Nie Li 北京协和医学院 2011年10月24日 三亚

  2. 研究目的:Objective: 了解三个项目执行地医疗卫生工作人员的性病艾滋病知识、态度、工作经验。 This study aims to understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding HIV/AIDS and STIs among primary level health-care workers in three study sites(PX,CM&QH)

  3. Target1: The targets of the study are health-care workers who provide health services related to HIV/AIDS and STIs. Specifically, these include health-care workers in relevant departments in CDCs, Skin Disease/STI Clinics (Pi Fang Suo), Maternity and Child Care Hospitals, People’s Hospitals (integrated), Village/Township Clinics, Community Clinics, and Family-plan Clinics. Relevant departments include OB/GYN, Skin Disease/STI, Infectious Disease, Urology, and Preventive Health Care

  4. Target 2: Sample size: 581。 PX:142, 24.4% CM:178,20.6% QH:261, 45.0% 90% targets in related institute and department attended survey • The participants fill out the questionnaire on the spot by themselves and return it to the interviewer.

  5. Target 3: the percentage of institute

  6. Participant characteristics 1: • 1、 Gender: Male: 13823.8% Female:44176.2% • 2、Average age:34.17 Age group: <25岁 17.5% 25~35岁 39.0% 35~45岁 26.2% >=45岁 17.3%

  7. Participant characteristics 2: • 3、Nationality: Han 79.0% Zhuang20.0% Others1.0% • 4、Education: Undergraduate : 26.7% (155/581) Technical College : 35.3% (205/581) Technical Secondary School : 36.0% (209/581) others:1.8% (11/581)

  8. Participant characteristics 3:

  9. Participant characteristics 4: 6、work time: <=10 年, 51.6% 11-20年, 29.0% >=21年, 19.5%

  10. Participant characteristics 5: 7、 54.0% people and 23.4& people maybe had any patients who have HIV/STI. 8、 In the past 30 days, 24.3% people and 14.5% people maybe had any patients who have HIV/STI. 9、 In the past 30 days, 43.0% people told any of patients about knowledge regarding HIV/STI.

  11. Participant general characteristics: • Female:76%, • Most of Han people • Most of youth and middle-age • Education: most of technical College and technical Secondary School • Most of work are clinic and nursing. • 75% people had any patients who have HIV/STI.

  12. AIDS knowledge • More than 94% People know the pathways can transmit HIV/AIDS 艾滋病毒的传播途径的答对率在94%以上 • Pathways can NOT transmit HIV/AIDS:: Except “embracing or kissing”(87.4%)and Mosquito bites (77.1%),the other is above 95% • 87.6% people know how long after transmission can the HI virus be tested

  13. Syphilis knowledge

  14. Safe sex behavior knowledge: • 86.9% peopleheard of“safe sex behavior” • BUT,only41% people know what safe sex behavior include.

  15. MC use right way Above86% It is safer to use two condoms at the same time. 71.1% Any type of lubricants can be applied to the condom. 63.3% Male condom Use knowledge:

  16. 63.7%People heard of FC

  17. Comparison of heard of FC/never heard groups:

  18. Attitudes to HIV/AIDS and STI patients: • The attitudes of health care providers towards those who come for STI treatment or for HIV/AIDS testing Good:55.9%; Not good and not bad: 32.7%;Bad 2.9% • The reason of health care providers have bad attitudes: 1、Those who have contracted STI or HIV/AIDS usually behave incorrectly : 49.9% 2、STI and HIV/AIDS are easily transmitted : 49.7%. 3、They treat every patient like this because of too much pressure :40.4%

  19. Number the HIV/AIDS prevention methods according to their importance 1、Widespread HIV blood test 2、 Screen HIV of every blood donor 3、 Widely promote single-use syringes 4、 HIV/AIDS and STI census should be conducted among high-risk group 5、Widespread moral education 6、Educate people in high-risk groups 7、Prohibition of and attack on prostitution and drug use 8、 HIV related prevention knowledge should be provided in health service organization routine work 9、Widespread HIV/AIDS health education

  20. Willingness of doing AIDS/STI prevention work 1: • Nursing HIV/AIDS patients:2.62 • Operate on HIV/AIDS patients :2.5 • Work together with HIV/AIDS patients :2.76 1=非常不愿意,2=不太愿意, 3=可以考虑, 4= YES ????

  21. Willingness of doing AIDS/STI prevention work 2: Health edcation: 1、Offer health-related education to STI/HIV patients :3.66 2、Offer health-related education to female sex workers, drug users, and other high-risk groups. :3.60 Result:从事艾滋病病人医护工作的意愿较低 基本上愿意从事健康教育工作??

  22. 33.6%的人(195人)最近一个月讲解过安全套的使用33.6%的人(195人)最近一个月讲解过安全套的使用

  23. 66.1% people did not tell any of patients about knowledge regarding condom using in the past 30 days. • Reason: 1、It was not the right place/right time to talk about it; there were too many people around. 2、I was too busy and didn’t have time. 3、It was not necessary; patient(s) knew about the information. 4、I didn’t know how to talk about it with my patient(s).

  24. Difficulties in STI/HIV prevention 1: The reason of patient: 1、Patients, or people in high-risk groups such as female sex workers and drug users, have high mobility and it is hard to follow up:31.8 % 2、Some STIs don’t have significant symptoms; the patients themselves are not paying enough attention: 24.1 % 3、Patients do not follow the treatment offered by health care providers:16.7%

  25. Difficulties in STI/HIV prevention 2: • Funding Available: 1.Funding on prevention is not enough. 21.9% 2. Not enough staff are available:14.6% • Knowledge and skills 1.Health care providers do not have sufficient knowledge and skills in related areas: 28.9% 2.Health care providers lack communication skills: 14.5%

  26. Training need: 1.Occupational protection: 56.8 % 2.Treatment knowledge on STI/HIV:56.1% 3.Behavior intervention or health-related education: 53.0% 4.Psychological support or counseling:50.4% 5.Communication skills with patients: 48.0%

  27. Summary 1: • 艾滋病知识知晓率较高,梅毒知识知晓率偏低。 Knowledge and awareness of HIV is high, but of syphilis is low. • 关于女套的知识正确率都相对较低。 Accurate Female Condom knowledge is low. • 较不重视健康教育的在预防措施中的作用。 There is not enough emphasis on health education as a part of prevention. • 基本上愿意从事健康教育工作。 Most providers are willing to participate in more health education.

  28. Summary 2: • 在常规工作中,不能开展安全性行为教育,既受客观条件的限制,比如医务人员工作环境、工作时间,也受医务人员自身知识技能的影响。During routine work, can’t provide safer sex and prevention education: time to see patients is limited, hospital environment, work demands and staff’s limited knowledge all limit their ability to do so. • 工作困难:患者自身的问题,人手、经费、工作人员知识能力不足。Work challenges: questions from patients, insufficient staff available, limited finances and resources, and lacking knowledge among providers. • 较强的培训需求。Need additional training.

  29. Acknowledgments • Hainan Provincial CDC: Hebin,He Qiya • Pingxiang CDC:Hebo,Nong Liping, Bi suzhang,Libin • Chenmai CDC:Feng Weiping • Qionghai STD Clinic: Xu Haiwei,Ling Shizhou • All the staff in Fu shan and Yongfa hospital • Yale University:Louise XU.

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