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201 3 年 6 月 June 2013

“十二五”大气污染防治工作面临的 形势任务及对策措施 Status, task and control measures of Air Pollution Prevention and Treatment during the 12 th 5-year plan. 201 3 年 6 月 June 2013. Disclaimer:

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201 3 年 6 月 June 2013

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  1. “十二五”大气污染防治工作面临的形势任务及对策措施Status, task and control measures of Air Pollution Prevention and Treatment during the 12th 5-year plan 2013年6月 June 2013 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

  2. 目 录 Content 一、背景 Background 二、大气污染防治工作取得的重要进展 Important progress achieved on air pollution prevention and treatment 三、“十二五”大气污染防治面临的形势与挑战 Status and challenge faced by air pollution prevention and treatment 四、“十二五”大气污染防治重点任务 Key task of Air pollution prevention and treatment during 12th 5-year plan

  3. 一、背景 Background

  4. 环境的短板效应 environment cask effect 2011年,我国国民生产总值为7.3万亿美元,仅占世界的10.48%,然而却消耗了世界60%的水泥、49%的钢铁和20.3%的能源,CO2排放量占全球的25%。能耗强度仍是世界水平的2.3倍,大约为美国的3倍,日本的5倍。 In 2011, China’s GDP is USD7.3 trillion, only accounting for 10.48% globally, while China consumed 60% concrete, 49% steel and 20.3% energy of the world. Energy consumption of China is 2.3 times of the average of the world, 3 times of US, and 5 times of Japan. 粗放型经济增长方式不仅使经济发展质量难以提高,大气环境不堪重负。 The extensive economy growth not only affect enhancement of the economy development quality, but also has brought a n overwhelmed burden to air environment. The left chart is about the coal consumption of major countries (million tons).

  5. “十二五”节能减排 Energy saving and emission reduction during 12th 5-year plan “十二五”将SO2、NOx减排指标再次确定为约束性指标,充分体现了国家环境保护的政治意志,赋予了污染减排艰巨的历史使命,也使得我国的污染减排工作具有了更加丰富的内涵。 Emission index of SO2, Nox is confirmed as constraint index during 12th 5-year plan, which indicate s the willingness of the government on environment protection, endows us a historical mission of pollutant emission reduction, and enriches pollutant emission reduction of China.

  6. 国家环境保护“十二五”规划The 12th 5-year Planning of Environment Protection 国务院关于印发国家环境保护“十二五”规划的通知(国发〔2011〕42号 ) The 12th 5-Year Plan on Environment Protection issued by State Council ( [2011] No. 42 )

  7. 二、大气污染防治工作取得的重要进展 Important progress achieved on air pollution prevention and treatment

  8. (一)严格环境准入,加快推进经济发展方式转变(一)严格环境准入,加快推进经济发展方式转变 Rigid environment admittance, accelerating conversion of economy development mode • 颁布实施502项国家环保标准、72项地方环保标准,20多项污染防治技术政策,提高环境准入门槛。 • Issuing 502 national environment protection standard, 72 local standard, over 20 technology and policy, enhancing environment admittance • 严格执行建设项目环评审批和“三同时”验收制度 • Strictly implementing environmental impact assessment approval and three simultaneous principal of commission • 开展重点行业环保核查。Environment examination in key sectors • 严格开展上市环保核查和后督查。 Strictly implementing environment examination and post monitoring for companies to be listed on the market • 开展强制性清洁生产审核。Implementing mandatory clean production verification • 开展环境保护和污染减排政策措施落实情况监督检查。 • Monitoring and examining implementation of policies and control measures of environmental protection and pollutant emission reduction.

  9. (二)主要污染物减排取得显著成效 Emission reduction of major pollutants has achieved remarkable results “十一五”期间,在全国经济总量增加69.9%,能源消耗总量增加10.3亿吨标煤/年的情况下,全国SO2排放量下降14.29%。 During the 11th 5-year plan, under the condition that national gross economy increased 69.9% and that energy consumption increased 1.03 billion tons of standard coal per year, national emission of SO2 decreased 14.29% . 图 “十一五”二氧化硫排放量变化趋势 SO2 emission trend during 11th 5-year

  10. (三)城市大气环境综合整治不断深化 • Integrated treatment of urban air environment being deepened steadily • 搬迁改造重污染企业; reallocating enterprises of heavy pollution • 发展热电联产和集中供热,淘汰燃煤小锅炉; developing heat and power cogeneration and phasing out coal-consuming boiler • 京津冀、长三角、珠三角启动了加油站油气回收治理工作; Strengthening gas recovery and treatment at gas stations in Beijing-tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze delta and the Pearl river Delta. • 实施了机动车污染物排放国Ⅲ标准,部分城市推行了国Ⅳ标准; Implementing national standard III for motor vehicles, national standard IV being implemented in some cities • 城市大气环境质量有所改善。Urban air quality being improved to some extent 图 2005-2010环保重点城市大气环境质量变化趋势 2005-2010 Air quality trend in key cities (blue:SO2, Pink:NO2, yellow: PM)

  11. (四)创新工作思路,积极探索大气污染防治新机制。(四)创新工作思路,积极探索大气污染防治新机制。 Innovating thoughts, and actively explore new mechanism of air pollution prevention and treatment • 积极探索区域大气污染联防联控新机制。 • Actively explore regional mechanism of air treatment • 修订发布《环境空气质量标准》,将PM2.5(细颗粒物)纳入空气质量常规监测指标。 • Revise and issue National Ambient Air Quailty Standard, incorporating PM2.5 into regular monitoring index • 健全环境经济政策,出台脱硫优惠电价,开展脱硝电价试点。 • Developing sound environment and economic policy, issuing favorable electricity price for desulfurization, and implementing pilot for denitration.

  12. Column represents environment investment, line represents its proportion to GDP The horizon line include: the 7th 5-year, the 8th 5-year, the 9th 5-year, the 10th 5-year, 2006-2008, 2009, 2010, and the 12th 5-year

  13. 三、“十二五”污染防治面临的 形势与挑战 Status and challenges of Pollution prevention and treatment during the 12th 5-year plan

  14. “十二五”经济社会发展约束性指标Constraint index of social and economic development during 12th 5-year • 《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年(2011~2015年)规划纲要》提出: It is proposed in the 12th 5-Year Plan of National Economy and Social Development Plan: • 到2015年,全国二氧化硫和化学需氧量排放总量比2010年减少8%。 Gross emission of SO2 and COD will decrease 8% in 2015 compared with 2010 • 到2015年,全国氨氮和氮氧化物排放总量分别比2010年减少10%。 Gross emission of ammonia and nitrogen, and nitrogen dioxide will decrease 10% by 2015 compared with 2010

  15. “十一五”污染减排效果体现Pollution emission reduction Result of the 11th 5-year • 扭转了能源消耗强度和污染物排放总量大幅上升的势头。 • It changed the momentum of quick increasing of energy consumption intensity and pollutant gross emission • 2006年主要污染物排放量“不降反升”。 • Major pollutant increased in 2006 instead of decreasing • 2007年污染物排放首次出现拐点。 • Turning point for pollutant appeared for the first time in 2007. • 2010年提前完成“十一五”减排指标。 • Emission index of the 11th 5-year plan was achieved in advance in 2010 • “十一五”期间,全国单位GDP能耗累计下降19.1%,二氧化硫和化学需氧量排放量分别减少14.29%和12.45%。 • Energy consumption per GDP decreased 19.1%; SO2 and COD respectively decreased 14.29%and 12.45% during 11th 5-year plan.

  16. 第一,主要污染物减排面临巨大压力。 First, major pollutant emission are faced with great pressure • 中国钢铁产量世界第一(7.3亿吨),约占全球产量的49%。 • China ranks No.1 on steel production in the world (730 million tons), accounting for 49% of the global production • 中国水泥产量世界第一(20.7亿吨),占全球产量60%。 • China ranks no.1 on concrete production (2.07 billion tons), accounting 60% of the global production • 中国煤炭消费量世界第一(34.8亿吨),占全球一半。 • China ranks no.1 on coal consumption(3.48 billion tons), accounting 50% of the global consumption • 中国纺织品产量世界第一,每年供世界人民每人 4 件衣物。 • China ranks No.1 on textile production, providing 4 pieces of clothes for all the people in the world each year. • 汽车产量位居世界第一。Motor vehicle production ranks No.1 in the world. • 平板玻璃产量4.4亿重量箱是全球产量的一半。China produces 440 million plate glass and weight boxes accounts for half of the global production • 铝消费量1724万吨,占全球的1/3。Aluminum consumption of China is 17.24 million tons, accounting for one third of the global consumption. • 石油消费4.7亿吨,55.2%依靠进口。China consumes 470 million petroleum, 55.2% depending on import.

  17. 我国能源结构不合理 China’s unreasonable energy consumption structure

  18. “十一五”我国汽车保有量及污染物排放量 China’s motor vehicle inventory and pollutant emission during 11th 5-year

  19. 四分之一的城市空气污染严重 Serious air pollution in one fourth cities in China 2010年重点城市空气质量级别比例 113个环境保护重点城市空气质量有所提高,空气质量达到一级标准的城市占0.9%,达到二级标准的占72.6%,达到三级标准的占25.6%,劣于三级标准的占0.9%。 Air quality in 113 cities got improved to some extent, cities with air quality over grade one account for 0.9%, cities over grade two account for 72.6%, cities over grade III account for 25.6%, cities worse than grade III account for 0.9% 新的环境空气质量标准实施后,城市环境空气质量的评价结果将会大幅“恶化”,各级环境保护部门将面临更大压力。 After the new Ambient Air Quality Standard comes into force, assessment result of urban air quality will worsen, and environmental protection agency will be faced with greater pressure.

  20. 第三,深层次环境问题不断涌现。 Deep-rooted problems will emerge continuously • 长三角、珠三角、京津冀等地区城市大气灰霾和光化学烟雾污染日渐突出,灰霾天数占到全年总天数的30-50%。 • Urban atmospheric haze and photochemical smog are becoming increasingly serious in Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Hazy days account for 30-50% of the whole year.

  21. 中国城市灰霾天数 Hazy days of China cities

  22. 四、“十二五”污染防治重点任务 Key task of air pollution prevention and treatment during 12th 5-year plan

  23. 重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治 Key task: focusing on prevention and treatment of PM, comprehensively push forward air pollution prevention and treatment • 分步实施新的环境空气质量标准:2012年,京津冀、长三角、珠三角等重点区域以及直辖市、省会城市率先开展;2013年,在113个环保重点城市和国家环保模范城市;2015年起,所有地级及以上城市;2016年1月1日起,在全国范围。 • Implementing new Ambient Air Quality Standard step by step: implementation in BTH region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and provincial capital cities in 2012; 113 key cities and national demonstration cities in 2013; all cities of and over prefecture-level cities since 2015; the whole country since 1 Jan 2016. • 全面落实《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》:完善区域大气污染联防联控机制,重点在“三区十群”建立“五个统一”的区域联防联控机制。 • Implementing the 12th 5-year Plan of Air Pollution Prevention and Treatment in Key Regions: improving regional air management and collaboration, focusing on “three region and ten groups” and “five unification” • 实施城市空气质量达标管理:空气质量超标城市人民政府应当制定限期达标规划,采取更加严格的污染治理措施,按期实现达标。 • Implementing urban air management on target control: cities that fails to meet air quality standard should be request to develop plans to meet targets before a definite date and to take stricter measure of pollution treatment.

  24. 重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治 Key task: focusing on prevention and treatment of PM, comprehensively push forward air pollution prevention and treatment • 大力推进多污染物协同防治:开展煤炭消费总量控制试点;大气污染严重的城市,新建项目实行区域内“倍量替代”;重点行业和地区污染物特别排放限值;加大大气污染防治资金投入。 • Promote synergy prevention and treatment of multi-pollutant: implementing pilot gross coal consumption control, “times reduction of alternative pollutant” for new facilities, emission limit in key sectors and regions, increasing investment on air pollution prevention and treatment • 深化机动车污染防治:完善以“环保标志”为核心的在用车监管体系和以“生产一致性检查”为核心的新车监管体系;加速“黄标车”淘汰进程。 • Deepening motor vehicle pollution: improve monitoring system focusing on “environment protection label” for inventory vehicle and monitoring system of “production consistence examination” for new vehicles • 做好极端不利气象条件下大气污染应急处置工作。 • Ensure emergency measures under extremely unfavorable meteorological conditions

  25. 谢谢! Thank you!

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