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Algae for Wastewater Treatment

Algae for Wastewater Treatment. Jeffrey Yau. Background. As production of corn biofuel increases, more fertilizer run-off will contaminate country’s streams and rivers (Cimitile, 09). http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Runoff_of_soil_&_fertilizer.jpg. “Dead Zones”.

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Algae for Wastewater Treatment

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  1. Algae for Wastewater Treatment Jeffrey Yau

  2. Background • As production of corn biofuel increases, more fertilizer run-off will contaminate country’s streams and rivers (Cimitile, 09) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Runoff_of_soil_&_fertilizer.jpg

  3. “Dead Zones” Image of U.S. Coast Line (Mississippi River Delta) • Fertilizer run-off releases large amounts of pollutants into water systems, such as nitrates (Biello, 08) http://infranetlab.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/08_08_14_dead_zones_aerials.jpg • Teal color represents hypoxia

  4. Select Hypoxia Chart of Mississippi River Delta http://www.bu.edu/sjmag/scimag2008/images/dead%20zone.jpg

  5. Knowledge Base http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/kits/pollution/media/pol03d_700.jpg http://www.swcd.co.trumbull.oh.us/water%20pollution/water_11.jpg • As more meat is being consumed, animal waste in mid-west farms accumulate rapidly, posing as a direct threat to the environment.

  6. http://www.uwsp.edu/geO/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/earth_system/nitrogen_cycle_EPA.jpghttp://www.uwsp.edu/geO/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/earth_system/nitrogen_cycle_EPA.jpg Nitrogen Cycle

  7. Denitrification • Occurs in waterlogged soils and in natural waters deficient in oxygen • Involves reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas and nitrous oxide (Madigan; et al., 97) http://generalhorticulture.tamu.edu/lectsupl/Nutrient/p79f1.gif

  8. Optimization of the biological treatment of hypersaline wastewater from Dunaliella salina cartenogenesis • Enhanced Dunaliella salina’s ability to treat hypersaline wastewater. • Outcome: supplementation of phosphate, ammonium, potassium, and magnesium increased organic matter removal. (Santos; et al, 01) http://www.zoniereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/450px-river_algae_sichuan.jpg

  9. Polar Cyanobacteria versus Green Algae • Purpose: To find potential cyanobacteria to be used in outdoor waste-water treatment systems • Primary comparison between Phormidium sp. (E18) and Chlorococcalean assemblage. (Tang; et al, 97) http://www.algae.wur.nl/NR/rdonlyres/6A0DA826-6CE3-435B-A7CB-5FAB5C1289CE/79631/Copyofalgensysteemgroot.jpg

  10. Model Organism: Dunaliella salina • A red microalgae • Red tint due to presence of bacterioruberin • A halophilic organism (Santos; et al, 01) https://www.biomedia.cellbiology.ubc.ca/cellbiol/media/images/lrg625/1155132279_L_Grassmere-(Dunaliella_salina)-8178_2-2-Apr_19-06.jpg

  11. Wastewater Treatment: Bacteria • One example of conventional wastewater treatment process http://www.epcor.ca/SiteCollectionImages/Water/images/water%20treatment%20plants/okotoks_wwtp_process.jpg

  12. Wastewater Treatment: Algae System http://images.vertmarkets.com/crlive/files/images/3464d9ad-4446-4dc7-87c1-4f6b520abb0c/oldcastle-precast-schematic.jpg

  13. Project Description • Dunaliella salina can be obtained from biological vendor. (Carolina) • Ion supplementation and wastewater can be obtained in lab. http://www.nefco.org/files/images/_MG_8389.preview.jpg

  14. Bibliography • Biello, David. “Fertilizer Runoff Overwhelms Streams and Rivers – Creating Vast ‘Dead Zones’”. Scientific American. March 14, 2008. • Biello, David. “Future of ‘Clean Coal’ Power Tied to (Uncertain) Success of Carbon Capture and Storage.” Scientific American. March 14, 2007. • “Carbon Dioxide Snatched from the Air.” Science Daily. April 21, 2009. • Cimitile, Matthew. “Corn Ethanol Will Not Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Scientific American. April 20, 2009. • “Genome Sequencing Reveals Key to Viable Ethanol Production.” Science Daily. March 5, 2007. • Hammouda, O; et al. “Microalgae and Wastewater Treatment.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Vol. 31, Pgs. 205- 210., August 1995. • Hoffmann, James P. “Wastewater Treatment with Suspended and Nonsuspended Algae.” Journal of Phycology. Vol. 34, Pgs. 757-763. 1998. • Howell, Katie. “NASA Aims for Future Fuel from Algae-Filled Bags of Sewage.” Scientific American. May 12, 2009. • Lefebvre, Olivier; Moletta, Rene. “Treatment of organic pollution in industrial saline wastewater: A literature review.” Water Research. Vol. 40, Pgs. 3671-3682., 2006. • McGlashen, Andrew. “Sewage Plants May be Creating ‘Super’ Bacteria.” Scientific American. April 16, 2009. • “Nitrogen Fixation in the Western English Channel.” Science Daily. January 19, 2009. • Rai, L.C.; Tyagi, B.; Rai, P.K.; Mallick, N. “Interactive effects of UV-B and heavy metals (Cu and Pb) on nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism of a N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum. Environmental and Experimental Botany. Vol. 39, Pgs. 221-231., 1998. • Santos, Carla A.; et al. “Optimization of the biological treatment of hypersaline wastewater from Dunaliella salina carotenogenesis.” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. Vol. 76, Pgs. 1147-1153., September 13, 2001. • Tang, Evonne P.Y.; et al. “Polar cyanobacteria versus green algae for tertiary waste water treatment in cool climates.” Journal of Applied Phycology. Vol. 9, Pgs. 371-381., August 1997. • “Tiny Super-Plant Can Clean Up Animal Waste and be used for Ethanol Production.” Science Daily. April 13, 2009. • Zhu, Yue-Hui; Jiang, Jian-Guo. “Continuous cultivation of Dunaliella salina in photobioreactor for the production of β- carotene.” Eur Food Res Technol. Vol. 227, Pgs. 953-959., 2008.

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