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Allison Caddies – Reference Technician Nicole Doyle – Reference Librarian

Allison Caddies – Reference Technician Nicole Doyle – Reference Librarian Trish Johns-Wilson – Reference Librarian Helen Labine – Reference Librarian Nathalie Zhou – Reference Librarian. 1 st Floor Features. Circulation Desk. Hours: Monday to Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – Midnight

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Allison Caddies – Reference Technician Nicole Doyle – Reference Librarian

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Allison Caddies – Reference Technician Nicole Doyle – Reference Librarian Trish Johns-Wilson – Reference Librarian Helen Labine – Reference Librarian Nathalie Zhou – Reference Librarian

  2. 1st Floor Features Circulation Desk Hours: Monday to Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – Midnight Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

  3. 1st Floor Features Reference Desk • Research assistance • available at the • Reference Desk • Program-related • instruction on • finding and using • information

  4. 1st Floor Features • Computers available to search collection • Reference collection • (in-house use only) • Training classrooms • Printer & • photocopier • Some soft seating • Washrooms • Bell payphone • Daily Newspapers

  5. 2nd & 3rd Floor Features • More computers, • study space & • study carrels • More soft seating • Printer & photocopier on each floor Study Hall

  6. 2nd & 3rd Floor Features • Circulating books in the stacks • Majority of journals, magazines and newspapers available electronically Book Stacks

  7. 2nd & 3rd Floor Features Study Options • Group study rooms • (booked through • the library website) • Quiet study area – • 3rd floor. This area • also houses some • special collections

  8. 2nd Floor Also Features The Dixon-Alger Reading Room (Fireplace Room)

  9. $

  10. www.durhamcollege.ca/library

  11. Life Skills Intercultural Communication Life skills

  12. Goal Setting (getting started) Life Skills (Success) Overreaching term – too broad in scope – think of other terms as well Who Am I? Terms used: self-esteem, self-actualization How Do I Use This? Collectively (with others) Terms used: communication, active listening, interpersonal relations How Do I Use This? Personally (for myself) Terms used: emotional intelligence, influence, persuasion Critical Thinking Education/School Terms used: study skills, note taking, cognitive styles, college students, college student orientation, reading (higher education) Career Terms used: vocational guidance, vocational qualifications, employability, career development, career education, school-to-work transition

  13. Career / Stress / Stress Management/ Personality Test Sites http://www.mindtools.com/stress/Brn/BurnoutSelfTest.htm http://www.personalityquiz.net/ http://www.learnmyself.com/ http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm http://similarminds.com/ http://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/ http://career-tests.info/ http://selftest.stresscenter.com http://stress-management.net/stress-test.htm http://www.epigee.org/stress_quiz.html

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