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A proposal to increase school crisis preparedness through interagency coordination, detailed mapping, and response planning in Forsyth County. Contact Lester Burns or Patrick Merrill for more information.
Security Update Board of Education September 10, 2013
Current Projects • Aiphones for elementary schools • Connect 5 Lockdown Notification system • Crisis Pre-stage Mapping Project • Security IP Camera Upgrades • Software • Hardware • Campus Radio Audit • System-wide IP Phone Project • Evaluation of the need for supplemental security • additional SROs at larger high schools • Security Officers for exterior of buildings • Security Officers or SROs for elementary schools
Pre-planning for Critical School Incidents:AnInteragency Mapping Proposal Presented by NC State Highway Patrol MapForsyth City-County Geographic Information Office and the WS/FC Schools Security Department
Proposal Contact Information Lester Burns Master Trooper North Carolina State Highway Patrol (C)336-655-3617 Patrick Merrill Assistant Chief, Lankford Company Police Security Manager and Gang Investigator, WS/FC Schools (C)336-462-1206
Purposes of the Pre-staging Maps 1) This pre-staging map proposal is an attempt to increase awareness, preparedness, and the ability of the various first responder agencies of Forsyth County to co-ordinate their efforts quickly during a school crisis. 2) It is also an attempt to help principals and other school officials become more familiar with their responsibilities once a school crisis begins. 3) It is also an attempt to provide law enforcement entry teams with better maps of school interiors in case active shooter response team (Rolling T) or emergency response team (Dynamic) entries are required. 4) Creation of these co-ordinated response plans is also intended to mitigate liability exposure during post-event reviews of multi-agency responses.
What the Pre-staging Maps Are NOT • These maps are not set in stone; they merely provide a starting point or framework within which a school crisis response can be planned. • These maps are designed to be flexible: if a given situation arises that is not covered or changes the “playing field”, incident commanders are free to change rally points, staging points, parent pick-up points, command post locations, etc. • These maps are not meant to define or limit the incident commander in any way. The decision as to which agency will take lead will still be decided at the scene with reference to ICS and NIMS guidelines. • Staging area vs. command posts: decisions on where command posts will be placed will still be up to the incident commanders at the scene. Areas noted as staging areas are only indicated as a guide for the initial steps of a crisis response. • These maps will not be created without input from the various first responders of Forsyth County.
The Pre-stage Map • These maps, as proposed, are designed to be useful to principals as well as first responders. Since principals are rarely familiar with ICS/NIMS concepts, the maps are designed for use even without this training. • Accordingly, the 5 step ICS Model has been simplified. This map model is similar to the 3 step Threat Assessment Levels proposed by the NCAVC (The FBI’s National Center of the Analysis of Violent Crime)in their suggestions for dealing with bomb threats: “Low Level of Threat: a threat which poses a minimal risk to the victim and public safety” “Medium Level of Threat: a threat which could be carried out, although it may not appear entirely realistic” “High Level of Threat: a threat that appears to pose an imminent and serious danger to the safety of others” 3) The maps show pre-staging ideas for three levels of incident, color coded for their increasing severity: YELLOW – low level threat ORANGE – medium level threat RED – high level threat
PRE-STAGE CRISIS MAP ASSESSMENT LEVELS AND COLOR CODES • Low Threat Level (Non-criminal Incident) - YELLOW • EX: fire drill evacuation areas • EX: real fire during inclement weather • EX: Knox box, hydrant, and gas line locations • Medium Threat Level (Contained Incident) - ORANGE • EX: gun on campus (not displayed) • EX: bomb threat (with 1200’ fire department min. bomb staging) • EX: large gang fight • High Threat Level (Critical Incident) – RED • EX: school shooting • EX: hostage situation • EX: severe hazmat (with 300’ Guide 111 min. evacuation)
Project Steps • Introduction of the project concept to all Forsyth County first responder agencies for evaluation and improvement. • Implementation for all 86 WS/FCS Public School properties via planning meeting with principal and SRO. • Implementation for all 30 Private Schools in Forsyth County. • Implementation for all 5 Colleges in Forsyth County. • Implementation for the major hospitals in Forsyth Co. • Implementation for public large gathering areas.
Process of Distribution and Program Progress • Because these maps are in PDF format, they can be distributed directly to all interested agencies once completed. • Password protection may be considered to prevent these pre-staging maps from being released to the public. • We have competed Crisis Pre-stage Maps for 27% of our schools
The Connect 5 Lockdown Notice • What if principals could call just one number to automatically notify all the necessary contacts in Administration and Law Enforcement? • In this new process, schools calls their Assistant Superintendent’s office: one call sets the notification process in motion • You simply advise your Assistant Superintendent’s administrative assistant that your school is in lockdown. • At that point, you can focus on school-related, on-campus concerns.
The Connect 5 Lockdown Notice • The Assistant Superintendent’s administrative assistant will then send out a Connect 5 call to all principals, maintenance, transportation, child nutrition, law enforcement…any support group we need to contact. • Info will be sent out via, email, text and phone call. • Once law enforcement arrives they will help close off access onto the campus and move into the support mode. • After schools go off lockdown, call Assistant Super’s administrative assistant again. A Connect 5 call will go out to the same group informing everyone the campus is operating as normal.
Aiphone Pilot Project Schools • Piney Grove ES • Rural Hall ES • Griffith ES • Clemmons ES • Southwest ES • Sedge Garden ES • Whitaker ES • Caleb’s Creek ES • Kimmell Farm ES • Ibraham ES • Middle Fork ES • Smith Farm ES
Aiphone Pilot Project Schools Average cost to install Aiphone in each school: $2,000 per door
Aiphone Time Expenditure per Day Piney Grove ES 44 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 44 min. Rural Hall ES 41 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 41 min. Griffith ES No data available Clemmons MS 39 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 39 min. Southwest ES 39 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 39 min. Sedge Garden ES 37 visitors X 1minute per visitor = 37 min. Whitaker ES 167 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 190 min. Caleb’s Creek ES 54 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 54 min. Kimmell Farm ES 42 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 42 min. Ibraham ES 49 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 49 min. Middle Fork ES 18 visitors X 1 minute per visitor = 18 min. Smith Farm ES No data available AVERAGE TIME PER DAY AT AIPHONE SCHOOL = 55 min.
Types of Camera Systems Analog systems Older 1980s technology resolution limited remote access limited Internet Protocol systems Much higher image quality Modern technology Remote access is much easier Via desktop Via laptop, tablet Via smart phone Hybrid systems These systems use older analog cameras as the eyes and newer servers and software as the brain and user interface
Types of Camera Systems Analog systems 10 elementary schools 30 middle schools 12 high schools Internet Protocol systems 0 elementary schools 2 middle schools 5 high schools Hybrid systems Maintenance
IP Camera Equipped Schools: 11% complete Maintenance Facility (Pilot Project) Walkertown HS (New construction) Flat Rock MS (New construction) Northwest MS (Re-model) Education Building (Re-model) Administrative Building (Re-model) North Forsyth HS (Federal COPS Grant) Parkland HS (Federal COPS Grant) Atkins HS (Federal COPS Grant) Southeast MS (Federal COPS Grant)
Estimated Cost per School for Hybrid Conversion 8 camera school (some elementary schools) $9,000 16 camera school (some middle schools) $12,500 32 camera school (most middle schools) $18,000 64 camera school (some middle schools) $29,000
Estimated Cost per School for Full IP System Install 8 camera school (some elementary schools) $20,000 16 camera school (some middle schools) $30,000 32 camera school (most middle schools) $44,000 64 camera school (some middle schools) $75,000