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A Plea for Online Learning at the K – 12 Level. Wendy M. Main Northcentral University EL7010-11. ACPS Board Beliefs We believe that an outstanding school system... Respects the dignity and worth of every individual.
A Plea for Online Learning at the K – 12 Level Wendy M. Main Northcentral University EL7010-11
ACPS Board Beliefs We believe that an outstanding school system... • Respects the dignity and worth of every individual. • Provides programs and service based on needs, characteristics, interests, and capabilities of each student. • Offers a challenging, ethically diverse, multi-cultural curriculum. • Provides equal opportunity and encouragement for every student. • Values diversity. http://boe.allconet.org/spage.php?PageID=78 Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System?
Current Statistics (as of 1/19/2012) • 175 students enrolled in alternative education programs • Includes Eckhart Alternative School, District Court House Day and Evening Programs, Evening High School, YMCA Program, Community Based Programs, KIDS Program, and Home and Hospital (long-term emotional displacement) • Approximately 100 students participating in the edOptions online curriculum at $450.00 per pupil • Outside of standard classes in four content areas, curriculum is not standardized and often presented by an uncertified instructor Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System?
We believe that an outstanding school system... • Provides programs and service based on needs, characteristics, interests, and capabilities of each student. • Provides equal opportunity and encouragement for every student. http://boe.allconet.org/spage.php?PageID=78; Morris (2002)
Online Learning is • Financially sound • Available • Motivating and Engaging • Convenient for learners and educators in the sense of anytime, anywhere, and anyplace • A critical aspect for the development of responsible digital citizens • Grounded and supported by timeless learning theories Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System?
Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System? Constructivism Theorists • Student centered, self- directed learning experiences emphasized • Collaborative and social tasks results in meaningful learning • Problem-based, authentic instructional activities optimize student engagement, ownership, and co-construction of knowledge Chai, Woo, & Wang, 2010; Grabe & Grabe, 2007; Herrington, Reeves, Oliver, & Woo, 2004; Jonassen, 1999 Situated Learning Theorists • Learning requires authentic, real-life settings • Active student participation in realistic, collaborative activities result in viable solutions to real problems • Virtual simulations align with the situated learning theory and the use of multimedia, online learning applications Lave & Wenger, 1991
Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System? Behaviorist Theorists • Learning occurs in response to reinforcement • Learning requires motivation • Learning requires feedback • This perspective most successfully used when task knowledge is limited Sherry, 1998; Wild, 1996 Cognitive Learning Theorist • Learning results when memory is strengthened and thought processes are activated • Problem solving tasks promote learning • Learning is the result of information transformation from sensory input to long-term memory • This perspective most successfully used when task knowledge is moderate Mayer, 2002; Sherry, 1998; Wild, 1996
Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System? Theory of MultipleIntelligences • Individuals learn differently and more effectively via their prominent intellectual domain or channel • Learning occurs when information is presented in a variety of modalities Gardner, 1983 Dual-coding Learning Theorists • Learning occurs when information is presented to individuals via multiple inputs (namely visually and verbally) resulting in two memory codes and leading to higher retention and increased learning Grabe & Grabe, 2007
The use of online, virtual instruction is based and supported by several sound learning theories. • More importantly, the advantages of using current, virtual multimedia strategies in online instruction are simple – • increased student achievement • Increased learner engagement with classmates, materials, and activities.
Let’s Pilot Foundations of Technology (FOT) ACPS Tech 871 • 35 students are enrolled in Tech 871 in alternative education programs • Instructors are in-place to facilitate the implementation of an online FOT course • Development team will provide technical, instructional, and on-site support • Funding for development team has been secured through the ACPS Professional Development Office • A team, represented by all stakeholders, is in place and working in the course delivery and development • The online FOT course is based on State Curriculum standards as well as the National Model for Standards-Based Programs curriculum Why Online Learning for Evening High School and Alternative Education Programs in the ACPS System?
The virtual Foundations of Technology course has been developed using a variety of web 2.0 applications to encourage student engagement, communication, collaboration, interaction, and production of original educational content as well as the mastery of curriculum standards. • In addition, FOT learners must use critical thinking and problem-solving skills, show research and information fluency capabilities, and apply digital citizenship competencies. Chai, Woo, & Wang, 2010; Schilling, 2009 The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871
The platform used to host the online FOT course is a digital, electronic portfolio- based virtual space known as a wiki. • Wikispaces • encourage student communication through asynchronous and synchronous applications, • encourage self-reflection and peer critique, • encourage student collaboration in editing, storing, and publishing content to show mastery of course objectives and achievement and growth over time, and • encourage safe digital interaction and community building in an educationally sound environment. Basken, 2008 ; Bolliger& Shepherd, 2011; Grabe & Grabe, 2007; Wang, 2009 The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871e-portolioswww.wikispaces.com
ACPS FOT v871 – wiki Home Page http://ehsvirtualfoundationsoftechnology.wikispaces.com/
The virtual FOT course was designed with the use of a variety of authentic, multi-media, internet based activities that • increase the instructor’s ability to address many different learning styles, build cohesiveness within a diverse group of learners, and encourage meaningful collaboration and communication • optimize student engagement, critical thinking and problem solving skillsfor intentional, meaningful learning • support and clarify content, encourage student involvement in complex social issues, expose learners to realistic experiences, meet individual learning styles and needs, and provide motivating activities for learner engagement Chai, Woo, & Wang, 2010; Grabe & Grabe, 2007; Herrington, Reeves, & Oliver, 2006; Herrington, Reeves, Oliver, & Woo, 2004; Schilling, 2009 The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871
The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871Internet, Multimedia, Authentic Activitieswww.glogster.com • Glogster is an interactive drag-and-drop interface program, used to create glogs (or online posters). • Glogsterallows the user to incorporate many media elements including text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data and offers several different ways to publish content for peer-to-peer collaboration and lesson objective mastery. http://www.glogster.com/psychoticchocolatebar/foundations-of-technology/g-6m1s3dkgs4ffvu62ob1ena0
The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871Internet, Multimedia Activitieswww.voki.com • A voki is a virtual, video based interface that allows students to create a talking , digital avatar version of a oneself or a historical person. • A vokimotivates students to participate, improves comprehension, introduces technology into course content, and can be utilized as an effectivelanguagetool. • http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=5166844&height=400&width=300
Internet safety education and knowledge is an imperative tool for all students to become competent and responsible digital citizens both inside and outside the classroom setting. In an effort to provide the safest virtual experience possible and protect student’s rights, the virtual FOT course will • Require all participants to sign the ACPS Acceptable Use Policy, • Provide guidance and supervision via the course facilitator, • Whenever possible, use educationally-sound web 2.0 applications designed specifically for students and classrooms, and • Provide education and collaborative guidelines for internet safety and acceptable netiquette during instructional tasks Miller, Thompson, & Frantz, 2009; Worthen, 2007 The Virtual FOT CourseACPS Tech v871Safety Guidelines