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Leading Change in Policing Conference 2012 Organised Crime – current and future challenges. Jon Murphy, Chief Constable, Merseyside Police Mick Creedon, Chief Constable, Derbyshire Constabulary.
Leading Change in Policing Conference 2012Organised Crime – current and future challenges Jon Murphy, Chief Constable, Merseyside Police Mick Creedon, Chief Constable, Derbyshire Constabulary
“Your job is nothing more, and nothing less, than to cut crime. And I will do everything I can to help you do so”
"Regrettably, in recent times, some criminals are learning that the reach of criminal justice does not always extend that far and in many ways does not include them and will often be restricted by artificial and self-imposed police boundaries. They have learnt that if they become sufficiently organised and sophisticated - and by definition they often are - then our reach is no greater than our ambition, and our ambition has been less than it should have been in recent years.“ Sir Paul Stephenson - 2010
“But it is worth pausing to consider and note the scale of that threat. We estimate that organised crime is costing this country between £20 and £40bn a year in social and economic costs – it means that it is costing almost as much as paying the interest on our current debt” Nick Herbert – Police Minister - 2011
Terrorism Serious & organised crime Civil contingencies Public Order Cyber crime Capacity Capability Consistency Connectivity Contribution The Strategic Policing Requirement – Chief Constables and Police and Crime Commissioners duty to ‘have regard to…’
….so many gaps exist in our knowledge of organised criminal enterprises and markets Without detailed, sophisticated analysis of this tier of criminality forces cannot target effectively those who pose the greatest risk ….a lack of investment by the majority of forces in mapping criminal enterprises Greatest issue concerning effectiveness is the ability to act on intelligence through the lack of operational capability… …..we recommend that forces should be tasked to map criminal groups against a definition to be agreed, and that they are assessed in 2007/08 against progress towards this goal
Other Issues Impacting on Effectiveness – 2005 Police Standards Unit report • Ineffective sharing of intelligence between agencies • Lack of compatibility of IT systems • Lack of standardised tasking at regional level • Lack of clear management and governance over the process • Lack of effective performance monitoring • Lack of forum to share best practice
Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1 Band A Band B Band C
Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1 Band A Band B Band C
What progress have we made since 2005? • Regional Intelligence Units • RARTs • ROCUs • CTIU • CTU • HMIC Inspection • Enhanced knowledge of risk - OCGM • Greater operational coverage - IOM • Clearer direction?? • Better partnership working??
Intelligence Operational Teams Asset Recovery Partnerships Fraud Roads Policing Covert OPSY Review Technical surveillance GAIN eCrime Protected Persons ANPR Forensics ACPO Capability review work
ROCU Review – main findings • Clarity on HMG’s ambition • Sustainable funding • Effective Tasking and Coordination • Effective processes - OCGM/IOM • Effective partnership – shared intelligence, risk and ownership • The necessary capacity and capabilities!! • Leadership and Governance
Our key challenges? • Paying for this……… • Realising the ambition • Effective partnership and shared intelligence, risk and responsibility • Tasking and coordination of resources • Assessing success – what is good performance management? • Management, oversight, governance and scrutiny