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Audra Porter James Bailey Jay Lieblong Arkansas Tech University February 16, 2013

Audra Porter James Bailey Jay Lieblong Arkansas Tech University February 16, 2013. Goals. Ecology Theory. Campus Bar Establishment.

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Audra Porter James Bailey Jay Lieblong Arkansas Tech University February 16, 2013

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  1. Audra Porter James Bailey Jay Lieblong Arkansas Tech University February 16, 2013

  2. Goals

  3. Ecology Theory

  4. Campus Bar Establishment • Allowing an on-campus bar would eliminate many of the problems we are addressing. Not only would we take the rowdy students away from disrupting the community, but we would also keep them safer in a controlled environment. An on-campus bar would help regulate their drinking compared to off-campus parties. In a controlled environment, we can eliminate alcohol as the exclusive activity by introducing food, games, and other forms of entertainment (Paschall & Saltz, 2007). • Most of the research that has been conducted will show that students drink more off-campus than on-campus and at other campus events (Voas, Johnson, Turrisi, Taylor, Honts, & Nelsen, 2008). Other campuses that have tried to implement alcohol on campus noticed an increase in the beginning of drinking, but it quickly lowered to less than non-alcoholic campuses.

  5. Campus Bar Establishment

  6. Build Community Relations

  7. University Transit • Implementing a university transit system will be beneficial to our university and the surrounding town. The system will potentially reduce number of students walking off-campus, require fewer students to have their own transportation, thus reducing the amount of traffic on and off-campus, and late night service will reduce the number of students drinking and driving. • Reducing the number of students driving under the influence is of great importance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B_rbmOrhGM • University transit could also serve to shuttle students to and from school-wide events held off-campus. Holding large university events at convention centers rather than on-campus will reduce the amount of off-campus traffic and nuisance to the surrounding community.

  8. University Transit • Some universities that have two or more geographically separate campuses require a transportation system. University transit systems are usually only for use by students, faculty, employees, and visitors with passes, and are not available used as public transportation. Examples of universities with university transit systems include East Carolina University (located in North Carolina), University of Arkansas- Fayetteville, University of Kentucky, (American Public Transportation Association, 2013). • In an arrangement between universities and U.S. public transit agencies called Unlimited Access, fare-free transit service is offered for all students (and, on some campuses, faculty and staff as well). The university pays the transit agency for all rides taken by eligible members of the campus community. • According to an evaluation by Brown, Hess, and Shoup, 2003, the results of the Unlimited Access program at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), “bus ridership for commuting to campus increased by 56 percent during the program’s first year, and solo driving fell by 20 percent. Because these startling results were achieved in a city famous for its addiction to cars, they suggest that Unlimited Access can succeed almost anywhere.”

  9. Pedestrian Freshmen • Not allowing freshmen to have vehicles on campus would, again, alleviate traffic on and off-campus. Freshmen could rely on the university transit to get them on and off-campus. An assessment could measure retention rates from freshmen to sophomore year before and after the plan was implemented. • Town businesses could still flourish by servicing our university in various capacities: • Community crafts could be sold in our bookstore • Some screen-printing/ embroidery could be done by boutiques for university clothing • Local restaurants could cater for our events

  10. Addressing campus events • Finding a new location such as the nearest hotel and convention center to host large events at will decrease the need for there to be so many people invading the town. Utilizing our shuttle service to escort students back and forth to events that involve alcohol can reduce driving under the influence. • (Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau, 2012)

  11. Service-Learning • College students around the country are participating in service-learning projects in record numbers. • “Community service-learning can be characterized as a form of experiential education in which students combine the carrying out of needed tasks in the community with intentional learning goals and with conscious reflection and critical analysis.” • The effects of the service-learning research performed by Ignatius University’s philosophy department was a positive experience but one group produced better results. • Two college student groups were formed to find out if working with the youth or working with older adults in the community had a positive lasting result or not. • Over 200 studies said that the effects of community service-learning of college students have been positive, but working with adult learners rated as more rewarding to the college students than working with the youth. This was based on a qualitative measurement of how the students felt after the experience. The reason for the difference was found to be the college students lofty expectations of making a significant contribution or change in a youths life. After the trial was over they did not feel as rewarded as they thought they would. • Another debate that arises is weather or not the working conditions should be mandatory or structured. The findings suggest that students that engage in more than 20 hours a week of service-learning achieve a greater awareness of social issues and a deeper commitment to community involvement (Seider, Rabinowicz & Gillmor, 2012)

  12. Greening the Economy Through Service-Learning • According to the research conducted by Ignatius University, environmentalism is one of the top service-learning passions of todays college student. • Robert J. Koester the director of the Center for Energy Research/Education Service (CRES) says that a major misconception is shifting technologies would suggest new skills and different business models but Koester says that much of alternative sourcing of energy, energy conservation, and delivery-system management involves nothing more than repurposing existing skill sets. • “It is an alternative expression of the current manufacturing capacity.” • Colleges and universities are institutional settings that operate like that of a community, city, or small town. • A lot of campuses have over 10,000 students and have their own infrastructure that operates much like a city. • “The students and citizens participating in a well-structured campus and community interaction can adopt the modeled values as a bridge to lifelong adult learning” (Koester, 2013). • Greening of the economy simply put is the future of the economy brought about by a shift from the use of fossil fuels to renewable-resource-based energy; a shift that can start with students and have positive effects on communities.

  13. Helping the Nation with Service Learning and Greening the Economy • Why universities are the best place to succeed in greening of the economy: • College campuses have an infrastructure like cities and towns • Most of the Universities employ from the community and in turn what changes are made to the university by students and staff is service-learning. Students are tasked with implementing new programs and working along side university staff (members of the community) to retool the Universities power supply, water consumption, waste, refurbishing the grounds with recycled or reusable waste, and countless other green economic upgrades. The knowledge that is gained by the students and staff will transform the local community as well. • College campuses have ownership, and their own policies that enable them to integrate planning and operations with education more than most corporations or communities • At its very nature of formal organization, problem identification, policy development, and integrated action, the university setting is a great platform for partnership and vision (Koester, 2013). • It is the perfect set up when over 350 university presidents and chancellors in more than 40 countries signed the Tallories Decleration.

  14. Ball State University Became a signatory to the Tallories Declaration in 1999, a ten point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching. • Today Ball State University has a Council On The Environment (COTE). This council consists of a member of each of the academic colleges of the university, student body, and the local Muncie community. Its mission is to provide “leadership for initiatives at Ball State University and community that promotes sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of ecological systems that sustain life.” • We think that a University should embody the ideals and consider modeling their service-learning projects based on the models created by Ball State University, students and Muncie community.

  15. Marketing

  16. References • American Public Transportation Association. (2013, February 09). University transit. Retrieved from http://www.apta.com/resources/links/Pages/USUniversityTransit.aspx • Andrews, P. (2013). Ramskeller. Retrieved from http://www.sc.colostate.edu/ramskeller.aspx • Brown, J., Hess, D. B., & Shoup, D. (2003). Fare-free public transit at universities: An evaluation. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23, 69-82. doi: 10.1177/0739456X03255430 • Chapman, R. J. (2007). On-campus taverns: A look at the pros and cons of operation. Informally published manuscript, Behavioral Health Counseling Department, Drexel, Philadelphia, PA, Retrieved from http://www.robertchapman.net/essays/taverns.pdf • Designing Late-Night, Substance-Free Student Events. (2006). Student Affairs Leader. 34(13). 6. • East Carolina University. (2013, January 09). Ecu transit. Retrieved from http://www.ecu.edu/cs-studentlife/transit/ • Koester, R. (2013). Higher education, adult learning, and greening of the economy.. Adult Learning, 24(1), 37-42. doi: 10.1177/1045159512467777 • McLean, C., & Harris, G. (2012, November). Cultivating tradition-based programming for a changing student population. Presentation at Southern association for college student affairs, Memphis, TN. • Middlebury College. (2013). Middlebury college catering options. Retrieved from http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/business/scheduling/caterers • Online Universities. (2013, February 09). 10 campuses with the best public transportation. Retrieved from http://www.onlineuniversities.com/rankings/10-campuses-with-the-best-public-transportation/ • Paschall, M. J., & Saltz, R. F. (2007). Relationships between college settings and student alcohol use before, during and after events: a multi-level study. Drug & Alcohol Review, 26(6), 635-644. doi:10.1080/09595230701613601 • Saltz, R. F., Welker, L. R., Paschall, M. J., Feeney, M. A., & Fabiano, P. M. National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institute for Health. (2009). Evaluating a comprehensive campus-community prevention intervention to reduce alcohol-related problems in a college population. Retrieved from website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701100/ • Schuh, J.H., Jones, S.R., Harper, S.R., and Associates (5th ed.). (2011). Student services: A handbook for the profession. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. • Seider, S., Rabinowicz, S., & Gillmor, S. (2012). Differential outcomes for american college students engaged in community service-learning involving youth and adults. Journal of Experiential Education, 35(3), 447-463. Doi 10.5193/JEE35.3.447 • Texas A&M University. (2013). Responsible tailgating. Retrieved from http://tailgating.tamu.edu/rules.html • Trinity College Cambridge. (2013). College bar. Retrieved from http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/index.php?pageid=50 • University of Arkansas- Fayetteville. (2013). Transit and parking. Retrieved from http://parking.uark.edu/ • University of California- Los Angeles. (2013). Unlimited access. Informally published manuscript, Institute of Transportation Services, University of California- Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Retrieved from http://www.its.ucla.edu/research/UA/index.cfm • University of Kentucky. (2013). Buses & shuttles. Retrieved from http://www.uky.edu/pts/buses-and-shuttles • University of North Carolina- Wilmington. (2013). Perch. Retrieved from http://www.uncw.edu/PERCH/ • Vassar College. (2002). Matthew's mug: The groove is in the heart. Vassar: The Alumnae/i Quarterly, 98(2), Retrieved from http://vq.vassar.edu/issues/2002/02/vassar-today/matthew-mug.html • Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau. (Photographer). (2012). Virginia beach convention center. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.visitvirginiabeach.com/conventioncenter/ • Voas, R. B., Johnson, M., Turrisi, R. J., Taylor, D., Honts, C., & Nelsen, L. (2008). Bringing alcohol on campus to raise money: impact on student drinking and drinking problems. Addiction, 103(6), 940-950.

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