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ENTSO-E’s Network Development Plans and Network Codes: How a strong European grid supports security of supply, affordable electricity prices through market integration, and sustainability through integration of renewable energy KONSTANTIN STASCHUS Secretary-General ENTSO-E.
ENTSO-E’s Network Development Plans and Network Codes: How a strong European grid supports security of supply, affordable electricity prices through market integration, and sustainability through integration of renewable energy KONSTANTIN STASCHUSSecretary-GeneralENTSO-E Energy Paths in Region and Using of Renewable Sources Conference 19 October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
Introduction: TSOs’ and ENTSO-E’s significant role for European energy and climate change objectives Key activities set out in Regulation 714/2009 (on cross-border electricity trade, part of the 3rd IEM Package) • Deliver network codes binding to all network users (through ‘Comitology’) • Deliver network plans European / regional view of system needs (“TYNDP”) • Deliver crucial aspects of market integration (“market coupling”) • R&D Plan Recent important work products: • First 2 Network Codes on Requirements for Generators,Capacity Allocation and Congestion Mgt delivered for ACER Opinion – prerequisite for future system with more RES • TYNDP 2012 incl. major improvements in methods, data 41TSOs from 34countries; 530 million people; 910 GW gen.; 300 000 km transm.
From a few largeplants Thousands of small units 2020 Current and future challenges: a fast changing energy mix 2010 2000 Huge flows all over Europe Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 3
Share of total RES in net gen. capac. 1/2020, scen. EU2020 More fluctuating RES, more distributed gen., more pan-European markets, planning + operational coordination eHIGHWAY 2050 study: strong con-sortium, 3 years 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gases; higher reduction for electricity 2030 visions – 2014 TYNDP 2012 320 GW RES 538 GW peak load 3300 TWh demand >50% <45% 2020 – TYNDP 2012 536 GW RES 567 GW peak load 3600 TWh demand Change is at the core of transmission planning However scale and speed of change in recent years is unprecedented Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 4
Context & framework for infrastructure investment: Target model and Network Codes • European directives and regulations define key principles and goals of the EU Energy System • A Target Model for the IEM has been defined and now needs implementation • ENTSO-E Network Codes are a fundamental tool to achieve a single European market • Market Network Codes will translate the target model into rules for implementation Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 5
Context & framework for infrastructure investment: NWE Market Coupling… Status - Currentdayahead market coupling On-going process… 2013 – NWE Day-ahead market coupling One common matching An integrated NWE market for 2300TWh Further Market Integration will deliver a Single European Market not only for Day-Ahead but also for Intraday, Forwards and Balancing Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 6
… towards a pan-European day-ahead market 2300 TWh 3200 TWh Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 7
TYNDP 2012: A stronger grid to answer major challenges, jointly planned by all TSOs within ENTSO-E Europe-wide 52 300 km: Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 8
2020 Europe - 100 bottlenecks in the transmission system RES is triggering 80% of assets growth Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 9
By end 2016 2017 and beyond 2020 Europe – 17% increase in infrastructure Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 10
One key driver for joint transmission planning: European market studies • 5% of generating costs saved by new interconnection • Direct connection for 125 GW RES • - 170 Mt/y CO2 emissions savings • 52.300 km additional transmission lines Thousands of possible situations and overall social economic welfare assessed via market studies Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 11
Summary Summary Energy paths conference Belgrade 19 Oct. 2012 | Konstantin Staschus | Page 12
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