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EU’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) : Approach and lessons learned European Union Delegation in Mauritius DEVCO C2 – Climate Change, Environment, Natural Resources and Water GCCA website : www.gcca.eu. What is the GCCA?.
EU’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) : Approach and lessons learned European Union Delegation in Mauritius DEVCO C2 – Climate Change, Environment, Natural Resources and Water GCCA website : www.gcca.eu
What is the GCCA? • The Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) is an initiative of the European Commission launched in 2007 • Its objective is to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation on climate change between the EU and developing countries most vulnerable to climate change, in particular LDCs and SIDS • 2 pillars: • Enhanced dialogue with developing countries on climate change • Increased technical and financial support for climate change in targetted developing countries • A GCCA Support Facility (GSF)
Pillar 1 : Enhanced dialogue with developing countries on climate change Promote convergence of visions on a post-2012 climate change regime between the EU and partner countries Regional conferences, policy dialogues and joint declarations Asia, May 2010 Africa, Oct 2010 Pacific, March 2011 (e.g. specific dialogue on climate finance and aid effectiveness) Caribbean, March 2011 10 regional workshops on mainstreaming climate change in national development planning & budgeting National policy dialogue (see pillar 2)
Pillar 2 : Increased support for climate change • € 200 million (2008-2011) financing 25 country projects plus 7 regional programmes • € 60+ million in pipeline (2012-2013) expected to cover some 7 additional country projects • Support to approaches to integrate climate change into development planning and budgeting (40% of projects) • Implementation of adaptation & mitigation interventions with focus on CC integration in poverty reduction efforts, adaptation, REDD, CDM, DRR, NAPAs or CC plans … • Budget support as preferred modality at concept stage and effectively used in 30 % of the projects
GCCA Support Facility (GSF) Support Facility operational since January 2010 : • Facilitate the dialogue process • Support national/regional capacity building and technical assistance for developing countries to improve knowledge base as to enhance CC resilience • Support the identification of GCCA interventions in targetted countries and particular sectors • Assist in organising GCCA international dialogue events and technical workshops involving target country officials and stakeholders. • Manage communications and assist in organising GCCA side-events
Pillar 2 - Increased support for climate change : Where do we work? Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, CARIFORUM with CCCCC Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Nepal,Mekong River Mainstreaming workshops Mozambique, Mali, Tanzania, Senegal, Rwanda, Ethiopie, Gambia, Benin, Uganda, Sierra Leone, DRC, Seychelles, Mauritius, COMESA, ECOWAS/CILLS, ClimDev Africa Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, University of South Pacific, South Pacific Community Mainstreaming workshops Mainstreaming programmes In red: Budget Support Programmes New projects(2013)
In practice : Mainstreaming and joint programming in Mozambique • « Mainstreaming of climate change into policies and strategies and to adapt to climate change impacts » • Institutional capacity and technical expertise (e.g. coordination, sector strategies, monitoring) • Awareness and training • Field operations and pilot work • Joint financing with DK (€ 31.5 million in total) and EC (€ 15 million) and IE (€ 5 million) under the GCCA • Joint programming with DK • Project approach
In practice : Mainstreaming and budget support in Bhutan • « Climate change adaptation in the renewable natural resources (RNR) sector » • Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the RNR sector, e.g. integration in the five-year plan • Climate change adaptation considered/approached as multi-sectoral theme, e.g. Institutional framework • Budget support EUR 3.6 million under the GCCA • General and specific conditions on mainstreaming (e.g. action plan, framework, planning, monitoring) • Specific conditions on outcomes (reduced vulnerability and emissions)
In practice : Sector mainstreaming and budget support in Samoa • « Supporting Climate Change Adaptation for the Samoan Water Sector » • Integration of adaptation in the Water for Life Sector Plan and programme cycle • Rehabilitation/reconstruct of drainage infrastructure • Asset Management system and implementation of maintenance plan for drainage infrastructure • Budget support EUR 3 million under the GCCA • General conditions on integration of climate change in sector policies and implementation • Specific conditions on drainage infrastructures and maintenance
In practice : Mainstreaming and budget support in Mauritius « Global Climate Change for Mauritius » Support consistency between the economic reform programme and sustainable development taking in account the “Maurice Ile Durable” initiative Donors’ complementarity and coordination with AFD Environment aid programme Budget support EUR 2.8 million under the GCCA General condition on implementation of the economic reform programme Specific conditions related to the approval of legal provisions (bills) related to energy efficiency Technical Assistance EUR 0.2 million T.A under the GCCA Energy efficiency, sustainable building & construction
Case study : Mainstreaming and budget support in Seychelles (1) • « Seychelles Climate Change Support Programme » • Implementation of the priority areas of the National Climate Change Strategy • Mainstreaming of Climate Change in national development policies, strategies and action plans • Creation of a new institutional and legal energy sector framework promoting RE, EE and technology transfer and enabling for CDM • Budget support EUR 2 million under the GCCA • General conditions on implementation of national strategies in climate change, energy, environment • Performance indicators on mainstreaming (approved policies, strategies..), steering and monitoring mechanisms, and legal provisions (bills and acts)
Seychelles (2) : Results achieved All conditions and performance indicators fulfilled in 2010 & 2011: EUR 1.3 million disbursed in 2 tranches Adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy in Dec. 2009 ; operational steering & monitoring mechanism since Oct. 2010 Priority CC actions budgeted and implemented, supporting disaster management, meteo services and coastal erosion protection projects, energy reforms, and sensitization Adoption of the National Energy Policy in Sept. 2010, and approval of the Energy Bill in Nov.2011 Adoption of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SSDS) in Dec. 2011, with CC as a major chapter In 2012: Vetting of the Energyact; setting up operational SSDS steering & monitoring; approval of revised acts (town and country planning; environment protection)
Regional programmes supporting SIDS: • «Increasing Climate Resilience in the Pacific Islands» • Mainstreaming of climate change in nine country policies, planning processes and budgets • Planning and implementation of CC tailor made actions in nine countries (coastal, water, tourism ... • Strengthening regional capacity and coordination • Project approach EUR 11.4 million under the GCCA • «Preserving progress towards MDGs in the Carribbean» • Enhance regional climate prediction models • Improve climate monitoring, data retrieval and tools for disaster risk management • Adaptation pilots and assistance for vulnerability assessment, and access to carbon financing • Project approach EUR 8million under the GCCA
Lessons learned: aid effectiveness, mainstreaming and budget support Ownership : supportingdeveloping countries’ agendas National development or sector strategies National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) Alignement : using country systems Promoting climate change integration into national development planning and budgeting (country programmes, training with ministries of finance) Budget support for climate change Harmonisation : coordination within EU and with partners Joint financing (e.g. GCCA with IE, CY, CZ, SE) Joint programming (e.g. GCCA with DK, GE, UN) => Paving the way for scaled up climate change response through dialogue, capacity building and actions
Way forward : further integrate climate change into EC development aid • Keep applying lessons learned on climate change and aid effectiveness, mainstreaming and budget support, and take in account capacity constraints in LCDs - SIDS • Linking climate change and development in the next EC programming cycle (2014 onwards) • Climate change as focal area / cross-cutting issue • Regional and National Indicative Programmes => Climate compatible development (i.e. energy and energy efficiency, green and inclusive economic development, increased resilience) • How to make this happen? • Country demand / plaidoyers • Guidelines, training programmes for EC staff and beneficiary countries
Thank you for your attention European Union Delegation in Mauritius DEVCO C2 – Climate Change, Environment, Natural Resources and Water GCCA website : www.gcca.eu