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MICRO CONTROL SYSTEMS ONLINE TRAINING FACILITY. MCS’S MAGNUM DIAGNOSTICS PACKAGE. Visit us at www.mcscontrols.com. MCS DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM. General Overview Built-in Compressor Protection Built-in Energy Efficiency Selection Built-in Proactive Control
MCS DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM General Overview Built-in Compressor Protection Built-in Energy Efficiency Selection Built-in Proactive Control Data that Allows you to Analyze Problems Touch Screen Graphics & Documentation
MCS DiagnosticsGeneral Overview • Designed to control Chillers, RTU’s Boiler’s & Pump Packages • There is complete control support for the following: • Scroll, Screw & Centrifugal Comp., including Digital Scrolls & Turbocor’s. • Electronic Expansion Valves, including dynamic capacity adjustments. • Fixed & Modulating Dampers, Pumps, Evaporator fans, Condenser fans etc • Heating, Cooling, Boilers, Cooling Tower Systems are all supported. • Multiple Pumps on Condensers, Evaporators. Boilers, etc • Trending Static & Dynamic. Static provides 1 week @ 10 minute sample time. • BMS support Bacnet IP, Modbus, Johnson N2; Bacnet MSTP & Lontalk w/adapter
MCS DiagnosticsSystem (Compressor) • Scroll Compressors both single & Tandem • Screw compressors both step & infinite capacity • Centrifugal including Turbocor • Variable speed on scroll, screw & centrifugal • EXV’s for Evaporator & Hot Gas • EXV ctl on suction or discharge superheat or Evap Level • Digital Scroll using a 15 second time slice
MCS DiagnosticsSystem (Heating & Cooling Systems) • Cooling systems with chiller barrels & remote DX coils • Heating with reverse cycle heat pumps • Heating with modulating reheat • Heating with modulating electric heat • Heating with multiple boilers
MCS DiagnosticsSystem (Frequency Drive Control) • Fixed or modulating Dampers (Outside, return) • Evaporator fan speed based on static psi in duct • Condenser fan speed based on discharge psi • Evaporativecondenser fans controlled on discharge psi • Pumps based on differential psi out minus in
MCS DiagnosticsSystem (Trending) • Magnum supports 1008 samples of all inputs & outputs • At a 10 min sample rate you have 1 week of trending data • Sample rates are user set and can be as small as 1 sec • An optional PCMI card can be installed for additional data • A 1 gig PCMI card provides years of additional data
MCS DiagnosticsSystem (BMS) • BMS allows Target Reset, Run/Stop, Demand & FLA Limit • BACnet IP, Modbus & Johnson N2 are native to Magnum. • BACnet MSTP & Lontalk require an adapter. • BACnet IP allows the BMS to ‘AUTO DISCOVER’ • It gets all Relay & Sensor names • It provides the Magnum states • It provides the last 5 alarms
MCS DiagnosticsCompressor Protection • The Compressor Protection System is designed to protect the compressor at all cost. The micro runs a complete set of diagnostic tests every second. • High Discharge & Low Suction Pressure are tested • Low Oil Pressure & Low Oil Sump are tested • High Compressor & Low Compressor Amps are tested • High Discharge Temp & High Motor Temp are tested • Low Suction Superheat & Low Discharge Superheat are tested • No Flow & Phase Loss can be set up to Lockout or auto recover
On Tandem Scrolls Loading is 1 from each refrigerant circuit thus getting each coil wet & improving part load efficiency by 12 to 15 % MCS DiagnosticsEnergy Efficiency • Condenser control is by individual step providing better discharge psi control and allow higher energy efficiency • Frequency drive control of condenser fans allows finer tuning of discharge psi, again allowing higher energy efficiency • Using EXV’s provides improved efficiency at all load requirements, and with the Diagnostic package you get pro-active EXV control. • With VFD controlled compressors you get additional savings and match the load and eliminating compressor cycling.
MCS DiagnosticsPro Active Control • On high discharge pressure or low suction pressure the controller will unload, if the ability is there, to provide as much capacity as possible without shutting down. It will generate a warning alerting the user. • On high discharge temperature the controller will unload if required or hold loading until the micro allows it to continue loading. • On LOW AMPS the controller will post the alarm. This means a mechanical device is holding the control power off. • The Magnum watches the slope of the controlling sensor and holds loading or unloading based on the rate of approach.
MCS DiagnosticsAnalysis (Part 1) 1. The next slide shows a ‘PRINT’ to file. The print to file is a spread sheet showing the current status of the Magnum. • It shows Last Time On and Off, Run Hrs, Cycles today etc for each relay • It provides sensor input values as well as min & max for today etc. • It shows current values for analog outputs • It shows all alarms with the time of occurrence • It shows current set point values With this road map you have the information to Diagnose the problem.
MCS DiagnosticsAnalysis ‘PRINT’ To File (Expanded)
MCS DiagnosticsAnalysis (Part 2) 2. The next slide shows a Graph of MCS office with digital Scroll. The graph allows the user to select any group of inputs or outputs and plot them. This may be done through the trending data or it can be done in real time. • It plots relay outputs & digital inputs at the top. • It plots sensor inputs and analog outputs on the bottom • The setup screen allows for selection of the scale and divisions of the scale • It allows up to 8 digitals & 8 analogs to be plotted at the same time With this information you can analyze the interaction of data allowing the user to Diagnose and make adjustments to the system..
MCS DiagnosticsAnalysis (Part 3) 3. The next slide shows a print out of the ‘INFO’ from an alarm. The info is a spread sheet of the last 30 seconds of all sensor information related to this circuit. It is provided second by second. • It provides suct psi, disc psi, oil diff, amps, suct tmp, disc, tmp.. • It provides motor temperature, EXV% if available With this information you can diagnose the cause of the alarm.
MCS DiagnosticsAnalysis ‘Info’ (Expanded)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen Graphics (System Overview)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen Graphics (Compressor 1)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen Graphics (Evap & Cond)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen Graphics (Pump Maunal)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen (Wiring Diagram)
MCS DiagnosticsTouch Screen (Wiring Diagram Expanded)
EndMCS DiagnosticsPackage • If you have any questions please contact MCS