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MARKETING PROJECT 2013. ARGANIX LUXURY LATHER for pets. Arganix Luxury Lather. Product Conception. Contains Argan Oil Provides moisture and soothes dry pet skin & coat Softer, manageable fur First shampoo of its kind for pets. Domestic Marketing Strategy. Competitive Forces.

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  2. Arganix Luxury Lather Product Conception • Contains Argan Oil • Provides moisture and soothes dry pet skin & coat • Softer, manageable fur • First shampoo of its kind for pets

  3. Domestic Marketing Strategy Competitive Forces Economic Forces • Competitive advantage • Contains argan oil • Is currently the only pet product with argan oil as key ingredient • Paul Mitchell Pets & Pet Head • They are both popular US brands for luxury pet shampoos • These brands do not have argan oil as ingredients • Increase in pet shampoo sales • $30-$500 spent yearly on pets

  4. Domestic Marketing Strategy Political Forces Legal & Regulatory Forces • The U.S and Morocco are top trading • Free trade partner • Cosmetic vs. Conception • Market is NOT tightly regulated • FDA guidelines - Prohibits adulterated/ misbranded cosmetics

  5. Domestic Marketing Strategy Technological Forces Socio-cultural Forces • Advertising • Promotion • Sampling • Facebook • Role of Appearance in our culture • Brand Loyalty • Impact of “public eye”

  6. International Marketing Strategy Competitive Forces Economic Forces • Jessy’s Animal World • 52% of market share • Distributes to targeted businesses • Increase in disposable income • Growing population of domestic animals • Increase in the number of hypermarkets in the country

  7. International Marketing Strategy Political Forces Legal & Regulatory Forces • The U.S and Morocco are top trading • Free trade partner • Cosmetic vs. Conception • Argan tree is native to Morocco • Plan to Increase exports But… • Trees are now endangered

  8. International Marketing Strategy Technological Forces Socio-cultural Forces • Facebook • Promoting • Coupons • Samples • Role of Women in Argan industry - Bright future • Pet Owners in Morocco - Wealthy - Protection

  9. Research Survey Business Research Survey (sample) 1.) Are pet products popular in your store? Yes No 22) Would you use argan oil on your pet? Yes No 23) Do you use argan oil on your hair? Yes No 24) On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like using argan oil? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (circle one) 25) Would you use it as often on your pet? Yes No Sample Research Survey (sample) 1) Are you a male or female? • Male • Female 2) What is your age? • 18-35 years old • 35-50 years old • 50-65 years old • 65+ years old 3) What is your current marital status? • Single • Married 4) What is your yearly income (on average)? • 0-$20,000 • $20,000-$30,000 • $30,00-$45,000 • $45,000-$60,000 • $60,000+

  10. S.W.O.T Analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • Contains argan oil • Not tightly regulated • Skepticism

  11. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Expand our product line to conditioners, and fur care & maintenace • Growth to other countries • Build a distinctive brand • Few, because of lack of competitiors with same key ingredient

  12. Marketing Strategies Product Pricing • Arganix Luxury Lather for Pets • Argan oil based pet shampoo • Two sizes • 8oz. & 10 oz. • Recyclable packaging • Critical Component • Price Range: $10.00-$15.00 • Morocco = Lower price

  13. Marketing Strategies (cont) Distribution Promotion • Concentrated Strategy Morocco = Business Market U.S = Consumer Market • Importance of Technology • Facebook • Coupons • Samples

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