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Before You Begin Penance Lessons. Set up a Prayer Space in your home where you will conduct your lessons. Include on your Prayer Table: Color cloth for the Liturgical Season Dec. 2 – 24, 2012…PURPLE for the Season of Advent Dec. 25 – Jan 6, 2013…WHITE for the Season of Christmas
Before You Begin Penance Lessons Set up a Prayer Space in your home where you will conduct your lessons. Include on your Prayer Table: • Color cloth for the Liturgical Season • Dec. 2 – 24, 2012…PURPLE for the Season of Advent • Dec. 25 – Jan 6, 2013…WHITE for the Season of Christmas • Jan. 7 – Feb. 12, 2013…GREEN for Ordinary Time • Feb. 13 – Mar. 23, 2013…PURPLE for the Season of Lent • Candle (with matches or a lighter) • Cross or Crucifix • Bible • Any other item or image that has religious significance for your family.
First Penance Ch. 1: We are Followers of Jesus OPENING PRAYER: Light the candle in your prayer space and open your Bible to the Gospel of John, chapter 15, verse 17 (John 15:17). Pray the “Sign of the Cross” and together read aloud the Scripture verse. Then pray the “Glory Be” (found on your Prayer Handout).
We Gather READ: Story about Dan and Grandma Lynn. (Pg. 8) DISCUSS: What are some ways Grandma Lynn showed Dan that she loved him? Talk about rules and laws. RESPOND: List rules that each member of your family follows each day. Write down what Dan’s response to his grandmother might be. REFLECT: Why laws are important: in the household, school, community, and country.
We Share God’s Word EXPLAIN: God gave us laws because he loves us and wants to protect us. These laws are called “The Commandments.” READ: Read the “Narrator” paragraphs on page 9. From your Bible, read aloud Matthew 22:23 – 39. DISCUSS: Jesus’ Greatest Commandment encompasses all the commandments. We follow all God’s Commandments when we follow the Great Commandment by showing love for God, ourselves and others.
We Believe & Celebrate EXPLAIN: God gave laws to his people called the Ten Commandments. READ: Read aloud the paragraphs on page 12 & 13. RESPOND: Read aloud the “Ten Commandments” on page 79. RESPOND: Revisit the “Great Commandment”. On pg. 79, “Ten Commandment” list, write if each Commandment shows love for God, ourselves or others. DISCUSS: Discuss ways your family can rest on Sundays and enjoy time together?
We Believe & Celebrate EXPLAIN: God wants us to follow his laws and has given us two gifts to help us. READ & RESPOND: Read page 14 and 15 aloud. Underline the terms “free will” and “conscience.” DISCUSS: Discuss ways your child experiences free will and conscience. Share a personal experience with your child. READ & RESPOND: Read aloud the “Making Choices” box on page 15. Then underline the sentence “God is always ready to forgive us if we are sorry.”
We Respond & Pray DISCUSS: Ask your child to recall an instance in which he or she showed love for God, self or others. Suggest he or she write about or draw this instance on the next page. What ways can and do your family show respect for one another and for your neighbors? RESPOND: Plan a way to live out one of the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment this week. PRAY: Begin with the Sign of the Cross. Choose a leader, then pray together on page 18 (song optional).
Chapter 1 REVIEW Complete the “Sharing Faith with My Family” activities on pages 81 – 82.