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DC Poetry

DC Poetry. Mason S huckhart. Mount Vernon Acrostic Poem. Mountain top Terrific Very large Excellent Reduced in size Nice house Outstanding Not in use. Monticello Couplet Poem. Monticello, old home to Thomas Jefferson, is a wonderful place To tear it down would be an awful disgrace.

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DC Poetry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DC Poetry Mason Shuckhart

  2. Mount Vernon Acrostic Poem Mountain top Terrific Very large Excellent Reduced in size Nice house Outstanding Not in use

  3. Monticello Couplet Poem Monticello, old home to Thomas Jefferson, is a wonderful place To tear it down would be an awful disgrace

  4. Ford’s Theatre Limerick Poem That night the audience was filled with great fear For John Wilkes Booth the murderer was near But Booth didn’t care And to his misfortune his boot got caught in a snare Then the audience’s expression turned into a leer

  5. Williamsburg/GettysburgDiamonte Williamsburg Small, very old town Teaching, becoming older, thriving Houses, businesses, big, Little Round top Mesmerizing, educating, fascinating Very flat, a little plain Gettysburg

  6. National Cathedral Couplet Poem The National Cathedral is great in size To own it would be a prize

  7. Arlington Cemetery Concrete Poem eighty- two hundred So sad to think that

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