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Workforce Planning-as the name suggests is getting the right number of people with the right set of skills to get the right work at the right time to ensure achieving of the goals and vision of an organization. It plays a crucial role in long and short term objectives of an organization. T&A Solutions is one of the trusted Manpower Consultancy in Mumbai and can be relied for the best talent. This ppt highlights various reasons as to why planning of workforce is so important in an organization. It further discusses the few important steps of Workforce planning to ensure proper functioning of an organization.
Workforce Planning W H Y I S I T I M P O R T A N T ?
W O R K F O R C E - P L A N N I NG is getting the right number of people with the right set of skills to get the right work at the right time to ensure achieving of the goals and vision of an organization. It plays a crucial role in long and short term objectives of an organization.
Workforce planning is an indispensable topic of Human Resource Management. It is hugely related to the analysis done on the part of knowing and understanding what exactly an organization needs; in terms of its size, experience, type, knowledge and skills of its employees or workforce to achieve that desired results. . T&A Solutions which Iknow of is one of the trusted recruitment consultants in Mumbai and can be relied for the best talent.
W H Y I S I T I M P O R T A N T ? It is hugely related to the analysis done on the part of knowing and understanding what exactly an organization needs; in terms of its size, experience, type, knowledge and skills of its employees or workforce to achieve that desired results. The next slide discusses its importance...
E A S Y R U N N I N G O F B U S I N E S S 0 1 • The right amount of people • The right skills • Employee development-trainning T A L E N T R E P L A C E M E N T 0 2 rapidly identifying positions that needs to be catered at the nick of time so that productivity doesn’t suffer. P O A C H I N G At time of stress when the company needs someone to handle any respective roles. You might feel your competitors have better talents in stock; you can try having him/her in your league. 0 3
B R I D G I N G G A P Try forecasting and understanding the gap between talent needs and availability. If you are into management or into HR see that the gap is filled. You can consult a manpower consultant to help you find the desired talent. 0 4 I N T E R N A L G R O O M I N G Identifying your workforce’s talent is essential. You can train your employees to diversified roles and channelize them into new assignment when required. 0 5 ,
STEPS OF W O RK FO RC E PLANNING The next slide discusses some steps which will help ensure proper workforce planning. Check on to see how it works...
G E T T I N G S TA R T E D 0 1 Identifying existing data, understanding talent gap, segmenting the workforce against strategic priorities R E V I E W I N G C U R R E N T W O R K F O R C E Studying the current work-profiles of the employees and if there is a requirement to add more to it, do it! One can consult Best Job Consultants in Chandigarh. 0 2
RISK A S S E S S M E N T 0 3 Here one need to assess the activities, situations, process and anything that might cause harm to anyone especially to people and then taking steps to mitigate the same. (for instance, health and safety of the workforce) T R A N S I T I O N W O R K F O R C E 0 4 P R O F I L E Demand and supply factors for the transition from current to future workforce.
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