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Baby Boomer Insights

Baby Boomer Insights. Claire Quinn - Group Director, Category Advisory Services, Shopper Insights i nfo.shoppermarketing@coca-cola.com. BOOMERS. Born 1946-1964. Age in 2012 48-66. Seeking Sustainability in Money, Health and Mobility What We’re Learning.

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Baby Boomer Insights

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  1. Baby Boomer Insights Claire Quinn - Group Director, Category Advisory Services, Shopper Insights info.shoppermarketing@coca-cola.com

  2. BOOMERS Born 1946-1964 Agein2012 48-66 SeekingSustainabilityinMoney,HealthandMobility What We’reLearning Agree “IdoeverythingI cantopromoteandmaintainmy personalhealthandwellness.”– 2011Health & WellnessMONITOR- TFC Boomersare as engaged as everand embracing agelessness withways to maintain their youthfulness Self-Reliance Satisfaction Growingand EvolvingBoomerscrave tech solutions thathelpthem stay youngand connected What We Know “BabyBoomersarelookingforwaysto remainengagedin theircommunity. Longgonearethedayswhenbingowas theultimateactivityforretiredpeople.” - Suzanne Kunkel, director ofthe Scripps Gerontology Center, ChicagoTribune.com Boomerscontinue to forge newtosolutions thatenablethemtolive theirlivesas theychoose. However,economic constraintsare challenging many to provideforthemselves, adultchildrenandtheir ownparents. ToyotaVenza:Focusesitscommunicationon showing the activelifeofBoomers whilepokingfunatyounger generationswhotendtostereotypethem “I wouldliketoseefeatures,functionsandsolutions specificallydesignedforpeopleinmyagerange.”– BoomerMale m Age whenthe average Americanplansto retire.Upfro 63 in2002and60 in1995 – GallupSurvey April 2012 Many, especially younger Boomers,are stressed dealingwith debtandjob GrowingandEvolving “I’mplanningto workaslongasI can.I’mstill concernedabouttheeconomyanddon’tfeel compelledto retireanytimesoon.”– BoomerFemale (all-timelow)Believetheywillhaveenoughmoneyto live comfortablyin retirement– GallupPoll IncreaseineducationexpensesforBoomers andtheir families.Alsoupsubstantially:mortgagedebt,utilities, insurancepremiums,healthcareandsupportforadult children. – AARP.org,September 2012 Discretionary spendingdrops, leavingBoomers withaless materialistic futurethan imagined worriesfroma prolonged recession, complicating their retirement picture Caution Have allowedadult childrento moveback homerent free Have provided financial supportto adultchildren Have assisted agingparents AmeripriseFinancialSurvey, May 2012 INTERNALUSE

  3. BOOMERS Born 1946-1964 Agein2012 48-66 SeekingSustainabilityinMoney,HealthandMobility Leisure Time Offers Opportunityfor More Fun and to De-stress 1/3ofBoomers aresingle andoftenacaregiver withlittlefreetime Onaverage,spend28%moreinanygivenyearthan otherhouseholds- NielsenHomescanPanel 2012 Spendingdominates119of123 CPGcategories, accountingforoverhalfthetotal CPG BucketList Martial Arts:Earning blackbeltsfor thoseager 45+ Wantthe originality,freshnessand transformativeexperiencesabrandcandeliver Womenare schedulingplaytime Travelislessofa prioritywith trips andexpenditures onthedecline YoungerBoomerstookan18%paycut between 2007-10;OlderBoomerswere rehiredat24%less pay.-NYTimes 2012 Boomersgetayouthfulboost fromenergyshotsand marketingisleveragingAARP - Iconoculture2012 My Living Legacy:Older Boomersare eagerto documenttheirlifestoriesforfuturegenerations BillyCrystal’s (65)bookonaging WHATITMEANSTOCOCA-COLA Facilitate their enduring youthful mindset and desire for unique fun experiences Offerhealthy on-the-gooptionsfortheir bodiesand lifestyles Associate brands withaway to escape from daily worries, evenonlyfor afew minutes Offerproductsand services that reinforcetheir identity andrelevance Address themany different life stagesthatthis age cohortincludes Remember:Familyisessentialto Boomers, • Which ofour productscan deliverbenefits that improve the mind, body andahigherqualityof li • Howcanwepinpointthetechnologybestsuited t Boomersto createengagement & personalized relationships? • Isour Boomermessagingfocused ontheir needs, interests and passions, notsolely on their age? • Whatopportunityis thereto help Boomersfindthe work/life balance they seek andneed? • Whatclose to home orathome escapes canwe deliveror facilitate with familyof all ages? • Do our offerings showanunderstandingof multi- generationalHHsandthe increased numberof influencerson purchases big and small? fe? o “Boomersdon’t believe in closure. They don’t believe in limitsor that ageshould bea limiting factoronlife’s possibilities. Rather,they believelife isaset of endless opportunitiesnomatter what yourage.” includingkids,grandkids,spouses,friends, parents – all people stillpullingonthemandtheir choices – GenerationAgeless, J. WalkerSmithandAnnClurman INTERNALUSE

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